
Dear Teachers and Parents,

This June, during Financial Literacy Month, we have some to share.

In 2015, a free online financial education course named FutureSmart was introduced to middle school students, specifically targeting this group at a time in their lives when financial habits take hold and grow.

Fast forward to today, FutureSmart, available in English and Spanish, has reached over 13,000 schools across all 50 states. More than two million students have completed the course, with almost half coming from low-to-moderate income families.

But we aren't stopping there. We promise to reach four million more students by the end of 2025.

Why? Because this moment calls for brave action. Never before have money management and investment decisions been so easy to conduct at any time or place through the use of a smartphone. It is time to offer students more critical financial literacy education to encourage them to make good financial decisions on a daily basis as they make their way through a complex world.

From weighing opportunity costs to delaying instant satisfaction for long-term financial gain, FutureSmart educates our youth using hands-on simulations (模拟) to introduce concepts like daily financial decisions and the rewards of long-term planning. Teaching young learners how to build solid financial foundations is an important step in building financially healthy communities.

Although our work is far from complete, we know that FutureSmart works. And it works exceptionally well.

In the largest study of its kind, supported by the MassMutual Foundation and EVERFI, the University of Massachusetts Donahue Institute (UMDI) recently concluded that 90% of students saw a statistically significant and educationally meaningful increase in knowledge after taking the FutureSmart course.

What's more, these results were consistent across all student demographics including race, age, gender, school year, and socioeconomic status.

We have a long way to go to reach every single middle school student, but we welcome the challenge. Together, our teams have started a movement to provide equal access to financial education, and we invite others to join us.

Visit getfuturesmart.com to learn more and see how you can bring FutureSmart to the young people in your life.


Head of MassMutual US          President and Co-Founder of EVERFI

(1) The course FutureSmart _______. A. is offered in two different languages B. requires skillful smartphone operation C. has been bought by a large number of schools D. targets students from low-to-moderate income families
(2) How does FutureSmart introduce financial concepts? A. By establishing financially healthy communities. B. By managing opportunities and rewards. C. By simulating real-life situations. D. By delaying financial gain.
(3) After taking the course, the students should be able to ______. A. improve their academic performance B. accept financial challenges at any time C. understand people from various backgrounds D. build a stable financial foundation for the future
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Trip 1 Black Bear Count

There have been fires in this area in the last few years and the Office of the National Park is not sure how many black bears are still living. Some bears have been seen since the fires, and the Office has asked for young people to help count them. The entire trip will last three hours.

Bookings necessary.

Cost: 15£ for adult, 10£ for child           When: March 14, April8

Trip 2 Garland Valley

Bring your drink and lunch for this walk in a beautiful area of the Blue Mountains. Garland Valley is close to the town of Garland but is part of the National Park. Many wild animals live in this area, including many rare birds. This is a great walk for bird-lovers. The trip lasts four hours.

Bookings necessary.

Cost: Free                             When: May 8, September15

Trip 3 Flashlight Adventure

Put on your warm clothes, bring a flashlight and a pair of glasses, and come for a night walk along the Dungog Valley in the National Park. A guide will lead the tour. Many of the animals you will see on this trip can only be seen at night. The guide will tell you about the lives of the animals you see. Numbers are strictly limited on night trips, so be sure to book early. This walk lasts two and a half hours.

Cost:12£ for child, 15£ for adult                       When: May 15, July 22

Equipment to be needed:

·Please bring enough water and food for all walks.

·Wear good walking shoes-no high heels.

·Wear a hat for day walks.

·Dress warmly for night walks.

·Children must be with an adult.

·Make sure your flashlight works well and bring extra batteries for night walks.

·Follow all instructions from guides during the walks. The mountains are a dangerous place.


·Bookings for the above trips can be made by telephone (893-4847) or on the Internet at www. blue — mountaintour. com.

(1) On which trip can you have fun at night? A. Trip 2. B. Trip 3. C. Trip 1. D. Trip 1 & 3.
(2) Where are these trips? A. In a large valley. B. In a park in the mountains. C. In a special kind of zoo. D. In three different countries.
(3) How much will Mr. Smith pay if he joins a trip with his son and wife during summer vacation? A. 39£. B. 40£. C. Free. D. 42£.
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Isaac Newton's book, the Principia, transformed human understanding of the forces of nature, providing a mathematical basis for the movement of planets, moons, and comets(彗星), as well as objects on Earth. Recently, a new survey has more than doubled the known number of first editions of the book, including the first ones found in Asia. Nearly 200 first editions of Principia were newly identified in the survey, bringing the total known number to 386. The volumes cover 27 countries on five continents, including Africa and Australia.

Until now, the size of the Principia's first edition had been thought to be small-around 250-based on a 1953 survey that put the number of copies at 189. That figure partly reflects a long-held idea that the book, formally titled the Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, was virtually incomprehensible outside of a small circle of expert mathematicians. But the new survey suggests that the great volume, at 500 pages and written in Latin, may have been popular in many parts of the world.

Behind the pages of the Principia, in which Newton laid out his three laws of motion, is an interesting history that involves the astronomer Edmond Halley and ether great figures. Most famous today for the comet that bears his name, Halley sought Newton's input on the shape of planetary orbits, a question that Halley and his colleagues had been puzzling over. Excited by Newton's answer—an ellipse(椭圆), and even more so by a paper he later sent to show his calculations, Halley pushed Newton to write the Principia, then funded its publication and was key to promoting it.

Such a precious book of knowledge carries enormous value. "In a sense, the Principia combined all the work that was done for the previous hundred years," says Mordechai Feingold, a science historian at the California Institute of Technology. "It took Newton to put together the ideas, that Kepler, Galileo, Descartes and other scientists had put forth insofar as heavenly bodies(天体) are concerned, to realize that Earth is a planet like any other planet and there's a mutual(相互的) attraction between all those heavenly bodies. "

(1) What does the new survey say about first editions of the Principia? A. They were written in different languages. B. They failed to be seen in Africa. C. They included 586 copies altogether. D. They reached a wide audience.
(2) How was the Principia traditionally regarded? A. It was not very easy to understand. B. The number of its pages totaled 600. C. It was not written by Isaac Newton. D. The title of the book was inaccurate.
(3) What interested Halley most according to paragraph 3? A. Three laws of motion. B. The comet named after him. C. Newton's answer to the shape of planetary orbits. D. Newton's intention to write and publish the Principia.
(4) Which of the following can best describe Newton's work according to Feingold? A. Arguable. B. Inclusive. C. Meaningless. D. Independent.
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A Japanese company has created a "smart" mask that aims to improve communication for people wearing face coverings to prevent the spread of COVTD-19.

The use of face masks has become normal in parts of the world still struggling to reduce the spread of the coronavirus. However, it can affect the quality of communication between wearers.

The wearable electronic device is designed to help improve speech communication in such conditions. The Japanese company Donut Robotics calls its invention the "e-mask". The device is meant to fit over other kinds of face masks commonly worn by the public.

Made of soft plastic material, it contains a built-in microphone and has holes in the front to let air in. When turned on, the mask uses Bluetooth technology to connect to a mobile device. An app then helps users perform several actions, including turning speech into text, completing telephone calls and making the user's voice louder. The device can also translate a person's voice from Japanese into eight other languages.

Taisuke, the head of Donut Robotics, told the Reuters, "We worked hard for years to develop a robot and we have used that technology to create a product that responds to how the coronavirus has reshaped society." He noted that the company raised $265,000 in just the first 37 minutes to develop the smart mask through a campaign on the Japanese crowdfunding service Fundinno. "It would usually take three or four months to get that kind of money," Taisuke said.

The company produced a working model of the mask within a month by using software developed for its other robot products. The mask design was similar to one created years ago by one of the company's engineers that mapped facial muscles to interpret speech

Taisuke said the company plans to sell its first 5,000 e-masks starting in September, at about $40 per mask, in an effort to enter a global market that newly appeared.

(1) What's the purpose of the new "smart" mask? A. To help protect people from being struck by COVID-19. B. To help COVID-19 patients communicate with the doctors. C. To make it convenient to communicate with face masks on. D. To translate human thoughts or facial expressions into words.
(2) How does the e-mask perform its function? A. By connecting to an app on a mobile device. B. By using Bluetooth to make the user's voice clear. C. By turning the wearer's dialect into standard language. D. By being fitted into plastic face masks that people wear.
(3) How did Taisuke probably feel about the company's fundraising result? A. Somewhat relieved. B. Greatly encouraged. C. Slightly confused. D. Terribly disappointed.
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