
Many animals and plants are endangered in the world today. These endangered species are threatened with becoming extinct, meaning they will no longer exist on Earth. Examples include the Cuban Macaw and the Sri Lankan Legume Tree. Illegal hunting, and collecting of the Macaw bird for pets, led to its extinction. While the main reason the native Sri Lankan Legume Tree went extinct was due to habitat loss from development in the 20thcentury. The main cause for animals and plants disappearing is often a damage to the food chain due to hunting, habitat loss or even the introduction of invasive species.

Every living thing from one-celled animals to a blue whale needs to eat. Nature is connected and controlled by many fragile food chains. A food chain describes who eats whom in a habitat. When one of the links in a food chain is no longer present -for example, a species goes extinct-the food chain breaks and sometimes this can cause other animals to disappear and the whole system can become imbalanced or even collapsed.

Humans can have disastrous effects on food chains. When people first explored the world, they took animal and plant species from their home countries to the places they explored and settled in. They did not realise the consequences of introducing invasive species. By doing so, they were damaging the natural food chains of the areas they explored.

Nowadays there are strict rules controlling the movement of animals and plants between countries. But some parts of the world are still experiencing problems with invasive species introduced hundreds of years ago.

With rising awareness of how we affect the natural environment, hopefully we can lean to protect these food chains and help them to thrive. Otherwise the continued loss of species will eventually mean our own extinction.

(1) Which is the main reason for Cuban Macaw's extinction? A. Habitat loss. B. Illegal hunting. C. Invasive species. D. Food chain damage.
(2) What do we know about a food chain in paragraph 2? A. It only affects one-celled animals. B. It is always broken by invasive species. C. It decides the balance of the whole system. D. It breaks after nearly ten species disappear.
(3) How do humans seriously affect food chains? A. By exploring new places. B. By hunting endangered animals. C. By introducing invasive species. D. By polluting natural environment.
(4) Which is the most suitable title for the text? A. Danage of Invasive Species B. Effect of Illegal Hunting on a Habitat C. Disappearance of Endangered Species D. The Link between Food Chains and Extinction
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Humanitarian(人道主义的)groups and lawmakers have criticized Italian authorities for preventing migrants who were not considered to be "vulnerable(脆弱的)"from disembarking(登陆)from rescue ships in Sicily on Sunday.

Charities and politicians blamed the selection process as illegal and regarded the actions of the Italian government as inhumane, reported the Associated Press news service, or AP. Italy's new government is reportedly targeting foreign-flagged rescue ships in a new procedure that is part of a regulation brought about by Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi.

Italy allowed a rescue ship carrying 179 refugees and migrants to enter a port in Sicily on Sunday and then later begin disembarking children and sick or "vulnerable" people, but 35 men on board were blocked from getting off the ship, reported the Reuters news agency. Later, agencies reported that 144 people had been allowed to disembark the Humanity 1 rescue ship, which sailed under a German flag. In the afternoon, 357 people were allowed off the Geo Barents ship operated by Doctors Without Borders, which sails under a Norwegian flag, but 215 people remained blocked on board.

Authorities continued to refuse safe harbor for hundreds of migrants onboard two other ships in nearby waters, said the AP. Humanity 1's captain refused to leave the port of Catania "until all survivors rescued from great suffering at sea have been disembarked", said SOS Humanity, the German-run charity that operates the ship. The charity strongly criticized Piantedosi's decision to only allow vulnerable people to disembark and on Monday said it would launch legal action against the Italian government, claiming Italy's actions violate European law and the Geneva Refugee Convention.

The BBC noted that Italy is one of the main entry points into Europe, and, according to the United Nations, 85, 000 migrants have arrived there on small, overcrowded boats since the start of the year. Italy's new prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, has promised to take action to stop those making the hazardous journeys across the Mediterranean.

Nongovernmental organizations say coastal nations are responsible by the law of the sea to rescue people who are suffering and that they are responsible to provide a safe port as soon as possible.

Till Rummenhohl, head of operations at SOS Humanity, said people were being "held hostage(人质)"onboard the Humanity 1 vessel. "We had health authorities onboard who decided who's weak enough, who is basically in urgent medical case and who's not, " Rummenhohl told DW News. "The people are not really sure what's happening to them. They have an uncertain future. They are afraid of being pushed back from Italy, into international waters or even to Libya. That's their greatest fear," he said.

(1) Why were 35 of the 179 refugees not allowed to leave the ship to enter Italy in the beginning? A. They were not weak people. B. They had no certifications. C. The ship was in good condition. D. The ship sailed under a German flag.
(2) Which can replace the underlined word "hazardous" in paragraph 5? A. Comfortable. B. Thrilling. C. Long. D. Dangerous.
(3) What is Rummenhohl's point of view according to the last paragraph? A. Italy's actions agreed with European law and the Geneva Refugee Convention. B. Illegal migrants should be pushed back into international waters. C. Coastal countries should save people who are suffering at sea. D. Illegal migrants were supposed to be held hostage onboard.
(4) Which can serve as the best title for the news report? A. Italy provides safe shelters for refugees B. Italy prevents migrants from leaving ships C. Humanityl's captain refuses to leave the port of Catania D. Many migrants arrive in Italy on small, overcrowded boats
阅读理解 常考题 困难

A 60-year-old homeless woman named Smokie has been sleeping outside in the dirt a few doors down from a man named Elvis Summers.

Most mornings, she stops by Elvis's Los Angeles apartment and asks if he has any recyclables for her. Through these conversations, they established a friendship.

One morning, Elvis saw a news article about a man in Oakland who has been making tiny houses out of rejected material. He was inspired to put off paying a few bills so he could buy the lumber(废旧家具) and hardware to make Smokie a brand new shelter. It took him five days to build, and now, for the first time in ten years, Smokie has a place to hang the sign, "Home Sweet Home."

"I had nowhere to really build it, so I just built it in the street outside of my apartment," he told Good News Network. "The local LAPD cops have been super cool, and have told me they support it — as long as we move it to a different spot every 72 hours."

He made a video showing how he did it. The materials, including two locks on the front door and wheels for moving it around, cost him about $500.

"I've met so many homeless people, good people," Elvis said in an email. "Since I built Smokie's, several people asked me to make them a tiny home and it has turned into much more than just the one house I wanted to build."

Although he runs an online retail store that sells EDM clothing, he decided to launch an ambitious project to fund more shelters. He plans to get lighter and cheaper materials — without sacrificing the strength of the house — for the next round. Rick Sassen, the branch manager at supply company Allied Building kindly donated the roof shingles(木瓦板) and cedar siding(雪松壁板) for Smokie's house, final items Elvis couldn't afford on his own. Sassen has promised to work out a deal on future building materials for the same cause.

"I'd like to offer purpose to these people in need and hire them to build the houses with me. I've even set an appointment with LA's Mayor Eric Garcetti to try and get his help," said Elvis. "The city owns or controls many properties which are just sitting collecting dust and could be used, even temporarily, to help save lives."

Because Elvis qualifies for a free phone through the free phone program, he's given his device to Smokie and helps her keep it charged. She has been using it to contact her family.

"Now if I could just get her to stop using the radio on the phone so much, it wouldn't always be dead and need charging so often," he said laughing.

(1) Where did Elvis's inspiration to build a tiny house come from? A. A news report. B. A science book. C. A fictional story. D. An advertisement.
(2) What's the main feature of the tiny house? A. It's air-conditioned. B. It's very light. C. It can be moved. D. It has no roof.
(3) What can be inferred from the 7th paragraph? A. Elvis will get help from poor people. B. Elvis earns his living by building houses. C. Elvis plans to build stronger houses. D. Elvis will help more homeless people.
(4) What can be learned about the phone mentioned in the text? A. It can't be used to listen to the radio program. B. Smokie often uses it to keep in touch with her family. C. It belongs to Smokie and costs some money to use. D. Elvis has no privilege to use it free at present.
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It has been known for a long time that obesity tends to run in families, but it was not until about 20 years ago that scientists started to discover that changes in specific genes can have very large impacts on our weight even from early childhood.

One of these genes MC4R makes a protein that is produced in the brain where it sends signals to our appetite centers, telling them how much fat we have stored- When the MC4R gene does not work properly, our brains think we have lower fat stores than we do, signaling that we are starving and need to eat.

A new study, led by scientists from the University of Cambridge and the University of Bristol, has found that around one in every 340 people may carry a disruptive mutation (变异) at MC4R. People who carry these mutations were more likely to have a greater weight from early childhood and, by 18 years of age? they were on average 17 kg heavier, with the majority of this excess weight likely to be fat.

These results were found by studying the MC4R gene in a random sample of around 6,000 participants born in Bristol. Whenever a mutation was found, the researchers went on to study its frequency and effects in the laboratory. Based on the frequency of mutations in this study, it was estimated that around 200,000 people in the UK carry a substantial amount of unexpected fat because of mutations in MC4R.

Professor Stephen O'Rahilly, one of the researchers, said, "Parents of obese children are often blamed for poor parenting and not all children obtain appropriate professional help. Our findings should encourage a more sympathetic and reasonable approach to overweight children and their families- including genetic analysis in all seriously obese children.'

Though the MC4R gene is a striking example, this is only one gene of many that affect our weight. "In the longer term, knowledge of the brain pathways controlled by MC4R should help in the design of ding that help restore people to a healthy weight," Stephen added.

(1) What can we know about MC4R gene? A. MC4R gene affects people s appetite negatively. B. The mutation of MC4R gene stimulates peopled desire to eat. C. MC4R is the only gene that contributes to peopled overweight problem. D. Scientists discovered MC4R could influence peopled weight two decades ago.
(2) What does the underlined word "excess" in Paragraph 3 mean? A. Proper. B. Essential. C. Considerable. D. Additional.
(3) What can we infer from Professor Stephen's words? A. Parents should be to blame for poor parenting. B. The obesity problem should be treated fairly and scientifically, C. New drugs can help overweight children lose much fat in the long run. D. Knowledge of MC4R should be applied to helping obese children physically and mentally.
(4) What is the passage mainly about? A. Suggestions on how to maintain a standard weight. B. A discussion of British people's overweight problems. C. A study about the effect of MC4R's mutation on weight. D. The relationship between people's appetite and MC4R's mutation.
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