
The Canadian Authors Association (CAA) is a non-profit national arts service organization with a local presence devoted to promoting a flourishing community of writers across Canada. The association offers professional development opportunities to writers of all levels in all genres, with the aim of helping writers develop skills in both the craft and business of writing, and providing access to a Canada-wide network of writers and publishing industry professionals. Over the century, some 25,000 writers have been members, including Roberts W. Service, Bliss Carman and E. J. Pratt.

In follow-up to the 101st anniversary of the Canadian Authors Association, the National Capital Region Branch invites all writers to take part in the 36th Annual National Capital Writing Contest.

The 36th Annual National Capital Writing Contest

Deadline: March 21, 2023 at 11:59 pm.

Short Story: maximum 2,500 words, unpublished, in English.

Poetry: maximum 60 lines including the title and blank lines, unpublished, in English.

Awards: Awards Night will take place on Wednesday, June 14, 2023, with cash awards for 1st, 2nd and 3rd placements($300, $200, $100) and three honorable mentions for each category.

Entry Fees: Poetry: 8 5 per single poem; Short Story: $ 15 per single story.

The contest is open to all Canadian citizens or landed immigrants living in Canada. Names or other identifiers must not appear anywhere in the story or poem as entries will be blind judged. The judges' decisions are final. No entries will be returned. For multiple entries, each must be accompanied by its entry fee and separate cover.

(1) What do we know about the CAA? A. It is inconveniently located. B. It runs on a commercial basis. C. It suits people who have reached an advanced level. D. It provides writers across Canada with the chances of career development.
(2) Which of the following will be qualified? A. Writing poems of 25 lines in all. B. Sending works on June 14, 2023. C. Requesting entries to be returned. D. Arranging the publication of short stories in February.
(3) How much are your total entry fees for two poems and two short stories? A. $35. B. $40. C. $45. D. $50.
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People who keep chickens as pets or barnyard animals tend to be quite passionate about them. Similar to those who keep cats and dogs as animal friends, chicken owners love to spoil their little ones. If that means building tiny amusement parks to keep them happy, then that's exactly what they will do.

Chickens have more personality than many people give them credit for. Like humans, chickens love to have fun, explore, and just kind of check stuff out.

What happens if chickens get bored?

Bored chickens tend to engage in bad behaviors. These can include pecking at and fighting with one another and pulling out each other's feathers.

Part of keeping and caring for chickens (or any animal for that matter) includes making sure they have everything they need to be happy. That includes entertainment and things to keep their days interesting.

One method is to hang up a piece of cabbage. Not only does this keep the chickens entertained, but it also gives them a healthy source of nourishment.

There is another fun toy you can build for your chickens, and all you need is some old bicycle tires. Chicken merry-go-rounds are about to become all the rage (风靡一时) in chicken society. To do this, all you need to do is remove the wheel from a bike. Then lay the wheel out over top something so the chickens are able to spin and ride on top. The chickens seem to know how to jump right on and go for a ride. They might not react like a human on a rollercoaster (过山车), but their behavior tends to show it is an enjoyable experience for them. The wheels can be spread out through your garden, backyard, or wherever your chickens like to roam. They help make their days more interesting, fun, and unique!

(1) What's the purpose of hanging up a piece of cabbage? A. To feed chickens. B. To train chickens. C. To amuse chickens. D. To punish chickens.
(2) What does the word underlined in the last paragraph mean? A. Hatch. B. Rest. C. Gather. D. Wander.
(3) What can be a suitable title for the text? A. A New Pet B. Chickens' Beautiful Life C. People's Friends D. Harmonious Coexistence
(4) Where is the text probably from? A. A magazine. B. A biography. C. A diary. D. A novel.
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Parents, teachers and caregivers have long believed in the magic of storytelling to calm and comfort kids. Researchers working in pediatric (儿科) have now quantified the physiological and emotional benefits of a well- told tale.

"We know that narrative has the power to transport us to another world," says Brockington, who studies emotions and learning at Brazil's Federal University. He adds, "Earlier research suggested that stories help children process and regulate their emotions- but this was mostly conducted in a lab, with subjects answering questions while lying inside functional MRI machines. There's little research on physiological and psychological effects of storytelling in a more commonplace hospital setting."

So the investigators working in several Brazilian hospitals split a total of 81 patients aged 4 to 11 into two groups, matching them with storytellers who had a decade of hospital experience. In one group, the storyteller led each child in playing a riddle game. In the other, youngsters chose books and listened as the storyteller read them aloud. Before and after these sessions, the researchers took saliva (唾液) samples from each child, then asked them to report their pain levels and conducted a free association word quiz and analyzed samples.

Children in both groups benefited measurably from the interactions.

Those who heard stories also reported pain levels dropping almost twice as much as those in the riddle group, and they used more positive and light words to describe their hospital stay. The study demonstrates that playing games or simply interacting with someone can relax kids and improve their outlook but that hearing stories has an especially dramatic effect. "The researchers really tried to control the social interaction component of the storyteller, which I think was key," says Mar, a psychologist at York University.

(1) What does Brockington say about stories? A. The effects of them are easy to show in labs. B. They have a positive effect on kids' emotions. C. They cause children to become more emotional. D. The studies of them are often conducted in hospitals.
(2) How did the investigators carry out the research? A. By visiting and talking. B. By making assumptions. C. By grouping and comparing. D. By analyzing samples from earlier research.
(3) What does the last paragraph mainly tell us about the research? A. Its finding. B. Its purpose. C. Its approach. D. Its reason.
(4) What is the main idea of the text? A. Narrative skills play a role in storytelling. B. Listening to a story does benefit kids' health. C. Storytelling is popular with kids and their parents. D. Stories help kids communicate better with their parents.
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A new study estimates more than 1 billion people worldwide are currently living with obesity. People with obesity are considered medically overweight. The study, published in the medical publication The Lancet, said that one in eight people are obese. Researchers said around 43 percent of adults were overweight in 2022. Obesity among adults has more than doubled since 1990. Among young people aged 5 to 19, the obesity rate increased by four times during the same period.

"A staggering number of people are living with obesity, and severe obesity is strongly linked to a long list of health problems and an early death." declared the lead writer of the study, Majid Ezzati, a professor at Imperial College London.

The WHO noted that at the World Health Assembly in 2022, member states agreed to an agency plan to fight obesity. So far, 31 governments "are now leading the way" to reduce obesity by carrying out goals of the plan.

These include government measures to enact new rules on "harmful" marketing of unhealthy food and drinks to children. In addition, governments are aiming to improve school and nutrition policies. They are also seeking price reductions for healthy foods, to increase public awareness about healthy diets and exercise and to strengthen requirements for physical activity in schools.

Imperial College's Ezzati said that obesity rates are not rising in many wealthier nations. But they are quickly increasing in other countries. He noted that some countries have many underweight people, meaning the nations are facing what he called a "double burden" of nutrition problems.

Branca is head of nutrition at the WHO. He told reporters, "In the past, we have been thinking of obesity as a problem of the rich, but obesity is a problem of the world. Although new obesity drugs — such as Ozempic and Wegovy — could be helpful tools in reducing obesity, they noted that the cost and availability of the drugs might increase inequality."

(1) What does the underlined word "staggering" mean? A. Satisfying. B. Amazing. C. Astonishing. D. Puzzling.
(2) What is included in the plan led by 31 governments? A. Setting laws to ban the sale of unhealthy food. B. Increasing the cost for people to consume healthy food. C. Attaching importance to physical activities. D. Offering lower-priced obesity drugs to people.
(3) What does the author mean by mentioning "double burden"? A. Some countries are suffering both poverty and obesity. B. Some countries are suffering both poor nutrition and obesity. C. Obesity is common in both poor and wealthy countries. D. Obesity is a heavy burden for some countries.
(4) What is Branca's attitude to obesity problem? A. Negative. B. Indifferent. C. Ambiguous. D. Optimistic.
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