
Going to the post office is usually a weekly event for me. However, our world has changed and now I must give careful consideration to this journey, as my age and health condition put me into the "vulnerable" category. There are decisions that I need to make. Is this a package that must go out now? Which of the post offices is closest to me? Before I set out from my home, I need to make two decisions!

On the drive over, I determined that I should wait for someone to come out and ask them to take my package in. One more decision was made. Then I realized that I would be making contact with a perfect stranger, and what is the difference between talking to that stranger and just going in and talking to the clerk? Another decision was made and then I walked inside and waited for my turn.

Shortly, I was called to the window, where the postal clerk was aware of the fear in my eyes. She quietly stepped back from her station and signaled me to come forward. I stepped up to the counter and placed my package on the scale. She then signaled me to step back. I moved away and she began the process of weighing it and determining the proper postage. She told me the price and signaled me forward as she took a step back. Again. I believed she saw the terror in my eyes and said,

"One moment. Ma'am. " She leaned under the counter and picked up a wipe. She thoroughly cleaned the credit card machine and the entire counter around it. She then stepped back and again signaled me forward. As I inserted my card, my tears started to roll down. I was so moved by the care with which she accomplished this usually very simple task. When I had completed the transaction(交易), she again signaled me back as she stepped forward. She took the receipt, wiped it down, and lay it on the counter. Beside it, she placed a clean tissue as she could see my tears were still streaming down my cheeks. She again stepped away from the counter. I picked up the receipt and took a step back. In gratitude, I bowed to her. She bowed to me with equal respect.

(1) What does "vulnerable" underlined in Paragraph 1 refer to? A. Easily lost. B. Easily hurt. C. Easily surprised. D. Easily overlooked.
(2) Why did the clerk step back and forward several times? A. To clean the writer's card. B. To relieve the writer's fear. C. To signal the writer better. D. To show the writer politeness.
(3) What moved the author to tears? A. The clerk's care. B. The cheap price. C. The clerk's tissue. D. The clean counter.
(4) What is the most suitable title for the text? A. A Tough but Simple Decision. B. A Silly but Wise Person. C. An Ordinary but Special Day. D. A Kind but Cruel Clerk.
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When it's time for a wardrobe makeover (形象改造), who's the best person to give you some advice? You'll probably turn to your friend for some feedback and fashion tips-they know you best and can offer an honest opinion about which colours don't match and which outfit makes you look pretty. 

However for someone like me, who's not a. follower of fashion and has a more practical dress sense, I don't need help-it's just jeans or. . . jeans! But for people who care about their appearance, they can now get some trustworthy advice with the aid of technology. 

Of course, using social. media is a good way when you are at a loss about fashion, but this-sometimes brings in too much conflicting advice and opinions that are sometimes straightforward! That's why one woman has developed an app to help women crowdsource advice from stylists in a safe, non-violent communication environment. 

Sophia Matveeva's Style Counsel app allows users to post a photo and receive "yes" or "no" answers from other users, or more detailed advice from fashion stylists and bloggers very quickly. According to Mathew Wall, BBC Technology of Business editor, this is a growing business; with several new apps such as AskAnna, Mallzee and StyleDotMe all offering young women tips on suitable and fashionable clothes to wear. 

There's also a website called EyeFitU which finds clothes to fit your figure. Its chief executive, Isabelle Ohnemus, says there are no international standards in clothes sizes but she explains, "We can set up your size profile in a few seconds with 80% accuracy just knowing your gender, height, weight and age". This information is used to find clothes that suit your actual shape. And the internet giant, Amazon, has also developed a camera that links to a "style check" function that compares photos and gives its opinion of which outfit is better, based on fit, colour, style and current fashion trends.

But does technology make fashion advice a bit impersonal? Sophia Matveeva admits that women in particular are social creatures and that "AI will never stop us talking to each other. . . girls will always want the approval of the cool girl at school. "But as for me: an app with someone I don't know could be the place to start with some careful-in-speech fashion tips! 

(1) What is the problem of asking for fashion advice on social media? A. No feedback. B. Dishonest opinions. C. Too many choices. D. Contradictory advice.
(2) Who are the possible target users of the fashion apps? A. Cool boys at school. B. Young women fashion-goers. C. Fashion stylists and bloggers. D. People with a practical dress sense.
(3) How does the website EyeFitU help users find suitable clothes? A. By developing a super camera. B. By assessing current fashion trends. C. By analyzing users' basic information. D. By setting agreed standards for clothes sizes.
(4) Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A. Fashion Anxiety B. New Fashion Trends C. Wardrobe Decoration. D. Tech-driven Fashion Advice
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In habitats across the planet, animals periodically drop everything to walk, fly or swim to a new place. Wildlife such as whales and geese learn migration paths by following their parents. Others, including small songbirds, gain the distance and direction of their migration within their genetic code. And some animals use a combination of genetics and culture to guide their migration.

Another group of migrators does not quite fit either model, and researchers have only recently started to figure out how they find their way. Take the Cory's shearwater, an oceangoing sea bird that migrates over the Atlantic every year. The young do not migrate with their parents, so culture cannot explain their journeys. And the exact paths vary wildly from individual to individual, making genetics equally unlikely.

Cory's shearwaters are long-lived, rarely producing young successfully before age nine. This leaves an opening for learning and practice to develop their migration patterns. Researchers call this the "exploration-refinement", and until now it has been hypothetical (假设的) because of difficulties in tracking migratory animals' movements.

But a team of researchers has done that by attaching small geolocators to more than 150 of the birds aged four to nine. They found that younger birds traveled longer distances, for longer periods, and had more diverse paths than older birds. "We finally have evidence of the 'exploration-refinement' for migratory birds, " says Letizia Campioni, who led the study. Younger Cory's shearwaters are able to fly just as fast as the adults— but they do not, suggesting that the young do more exploring, which gradually fades as they mature and settle into a preferred course.

Although it may seem less efficient than other strategies, "exploration refinement could be beneficial to birds and other organisms in a rapidly changing world due to unpredictable man-made changes," says Barbara Frei. "It might be safer to repeat a behavior that was recently successful than to rely on patterns that were perfected long ago but might no longer be safe."

(1) What is the first paragraph mainly about? A. It describes animals' habitats. B. It talks about migration models. C. It compares different species. D. It introduces a tracking technology.
(2) What does the underlined word "this" in paragraph 3 refer to? A. The opening for learning and practice. B. The unique living habit of Cory's shearwaters. C. The way Cory's shearwaters form their migration patterns. D. The process scientists track Cory's shearwaters' movements.
(3) What does Letizia's study find about the younger Cory's shearwaters? A. They travel as much as adult birds. B. They move in a predictable manner. C. They lower the speed for exploration. D. They look for a course with their parents.
(4) What can we conclude from the last paragraph? A. Man-made changes make migration easier. B. Animals make a safer journey via a fixed track. C. Course exploration contributes to birds' adaptability. D. A combination of strategies assures migration success.
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Despite the countless differences between people's characters and careers, or their likes and their dislikes, it seems that we are all connected in this wonderful life by one thing: namely, seeking happiness.

Happiness means, naturally, different things to different people. For myself, happiness is synonymous(同义的)with horse riding, Cadbury's Creme Eggs and spending time with my friends. Some people are at their happiest at home, while others find their happiness through travelling far-off foreign lands. Happiness can be as simple as a surprise bunch of fresh flowers or a really strong coffee, just when you need it most. Sometimes, happiness comes from spending time with loved ones; for others, it's having a well-earned quiet night at home, with nothing but a comfortable bed for company.

Since it comes in so many shapes and sizes, it's sometimes easy to take happiness for granted.  It is especially true if it's been "one of those days". Maybe you overslept, missed the bus and had to walk to school in the rain, only to be told that you were late. Or perhaps, because of work, you had to cancel plans with friends, despite looking forward to seeing them for ages. Forgotten keys, delayed flights, an argument with your parents, illness or injury... all very frustrating, and understandably guaranteed to make you feel unhappy.

Luckily, there are a few simple, scientifically proven ways to make the glass seem half-full again. To start with, things like trying out cycling or walking instead of driving to work and listening to music are great moodboosters(情绪助推器). Volunteering and getting involved with a charity are two ways in which you can become happier through helping others. Last, but certainly not least, try hugging your way to happiness; it's been suggested that we humans need a minimum(最少的)of five hugs a day. If you've been having a bad day, there's nothing better than a good old bear-hug.

(1) What would be the main idea of Paragraph 2? A. Happiness comes from different things. B. Fresh flowers can give you a surprise. C. Some people enjoy themselves at home. D. It is pleasant to spend time with close friends.
(2) The underlined part "one of those days" may refer to a day when       . A. it is easy to be happy B. you go to work on time C. you have a coffee at home D. you tend to be sad at your life
(3) To tell us that people are easy to take happiness for granted, the writer       . A. performs an experiment B. provides some examples C. tells an interesting story D. brings up some problems
(4) Where does the passage come from? A. In a scientific report. B. In an advertisement. C. In a guidebook. D. In a novel.
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