
In 1986, I watched my first soccer match on my parents' big box television. I was six, and ever since then, I have dreamed of attending the World Cup.

This year, I traveled to Brazil to make my dream a reality. The first match I attended was between Australia and Spain. Within minutes of walking into the stadium, I found myself surrounded by the excited fans, talking and cheering together. Unlike what one normally sees on the news, this match was mainly peaceful except for one fight. When the fight started, the whole section began chanting(呼喊)with one voice, asking those fighting to stop. When they didn't, the rabble-rousers were sent out by security guards minutes later.

What struck me about the games I attended was the sense of camaraderie. I met soccer fans from different countries. Sometimes we were cheering for the same team and sometimes for opposite teams, but that didn't stop us from becoming friends. The stands were not divided between teams, and the interaction was often spirit-lifting.

I also watched the game in Sao Paulo that ousted(淘汰)Brazil from the World Cup. I was with friends at a large bar which hosted a mix of Brazilian and German supporters. As Germany scored one goal after another, the sadness and even tears were visible on the faces of Brazilians. But German fans came to the Brazilians to comfort them and apologize that the game was ending with such a big gap. Everyone was hoping for a good match.

What I love about the World Cup is that it provides a chance for people to learn about other countries and cultures. People learn about the countries of the teams they support and about their opponents' history and culture. Soccer is a game that not only gives people the chance to learn about each other but also has the potential to unite people.

Sports can be a dividing force, but the true spirit of sports is about unity and fun. The matches at this World Cup have been exactly that so far, and I hope it remains so.

(1) What does the underlined word "rabble-rousers" in paragraph 2 refer to? A. The injured players. B. The fighting fans C. The excited viewers. D. The security guards
(2) What impressed the author most about the games that he attended? A. The chanting fans. B. The peaceful atmosphere. C. The warm friendship. D. The players' performance.
(3) Why did the author mention his bar experience? A. To present a fact. B. To illustrate a point. C. To solve a problem. D. To make a comparison.
(4) What is mainly conveyed in the passage? A. Fans' support counts in sports. B. The World Cup is worth attending. C. Sports bring the world together. D. Sports are about cultural exchange.
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Plenty of audiences have warned: don't see the new French movie The Taste of Things on an empty stomach. Juliette Binoche plays a longtime personal cook to a man who's a gourmand(美食家). They share a passion for food. Filled with delicious meals, the film celebrates food, and all the work and love that go into making it.

When you see a delicious meal in a movie or an ad, chances are that it's not fit to eat. Food stylists have been known to substitute glue for milk, and coat meat with motor oil. All this was a big "No" for Vietnamese French director Tran Anh Hung.

Tran says he wanted everything in The Taste of Things "to be real," from the raw ingredients(食材)to the menu to the way the cooks move in the kitchen. Real food can't always handle multiple takes. Plus, Tran needed to show dishes at different stages of preparation. So he needed a lot of everything. For a classic French dish, "we needed 40 kilos of meat for the shooting." He also had to find vegetables that looked like they were harvested in the 19th century. "They're not as beautiful as today," he says, "They're not straight, and they have many spots on the skin."

After doing extensive research into the history of French cuisine and working with a historian, Tran enlisted three-star chef Pierre Gagnaire to make sure the menu he'd come up with worked in real life.

Gagnaire also cooked for Tran for five days, so the director could study his movements in preparation for filming. Tran says watching Gagnaire move around the kitchen taught him that "simplicity is important and you don't need to have the perfect gesture for this or that. You need only to be very free." Gagnaire says the movie feels like a gift. "For my creativity, it's an honor," he says. The famous chef agreed to take a small part in the film.

"When you leave this film, you feel calm because instead of violence, there's tenderness," Gagnaire says.

(1)  What can we say about The Taste of Things? A. It shows that food represents love. B. It gives audience a good appetite. C. Its characters only focus on cooking. D. Its story is based on a food stylist.
(2)  Which of the following best describes Tran as a film director? A. Romantic. B. Caring. C. Demanding. D. Humorous.
(3)  Why did Gagnaire cook for Tran for five days? A. To get a role in Tran's movie. B. To give Tran some inspiration. C. To test Tran's menu for the film. D. To show Tran his food creativity.
(4) What's the author's purpose in writing the text? A. To show a film shooting style. B. To recommend a film. C. To call on people to save food. D. To promote food culture.
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Why did humans evolve to walk upright? Perhaps because it's just plain easier. Make that "energetically less costly," in science-speak.

Bipedalism — walking on two feet — is one of the defining characteristics of being human, and scientists have debated for years how it came about. In the latest attempt to find an explanation, researchers trained five chimpanzees to walk on treadmill while wearing masks that allowed measurement of their oxygen consumption. The chimps were measured both while walking upright and while moving on their legs and knuckles. That measurement of the energy needed to move round was compared with similar tests on humans and the results are published in this week's online edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

It turns out that humans walking on two legs use only one quarter of the energy that chimpanzees use while knuckle-walking on four limbs. And the chimps, on average, use as much energy using two legs as they did when they used all four limbs.

However, there were differences among chimpanzees in how much energy they used, and this difference corresponded to their different gaits and anatomy. One of the chimps used less energy on two legs, one used about the same and the others used more, said David Raichlen, assistant professor of anthropology at the University of Arizona.

"What we were surprised at was the variation," he said in telephone interview. "That was pretty exciting, because when you talk about how evolution works, variation is the bottom line, without variation there is no evolution."

Walking, on two legs freed our arms, opening the door to manipulating the world, Raichlen said. "We think about the evolution of bipedalism as one of first events that led hominids down the path to being human."

The research was supported by the National Science Foundation and the L. S. B. Leakey Foundation.

(1) The underlined word "Bipedalism" means        . A. moving sideways B. walking upright C. walking on four legs D. running fast
(2) Why did chimpanzees wear masks in the experiment? A. Masks protect chimpanzees from any harm. B. Masks help chimpanzees walk steadily. C. There was heavy smoke in the room. D. Masks helped to measure how much oxygen chimpanzees consumed
(3) We can infer that scientists         . A. have no idea on how human walking on two legs came about B. have had different views on why chimpanzees walk on four legs C. have had different views on how human walking on two legs came about D. have had similar views on how human walking on two legs came about
(4) What does the fourth paragraph mainly deal with? A. How did chimpanzees save energy? B. Why didn't chimpanzees walk on two legs? C. David Raichlen researched into chimpanzees. D. Different chimpanzees consume different energy.
(5) According to the passage humans walk upright in order to      . A. conserve energy B. differ from other animals. C. free their brains D. strengthen their legs
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Just as China sets the world pace in e-commerce(电子商务), it's doing the same for live streaming. More than 100 million viewers watch a live online video event every month. As an e- commerce tool, the live streaming format typically involves a famous person showing a product and answering questions from a digital audience. It takes place in real time (实时) and usually on a smartphone, which accounts for some 95% of e-commerce activity in China.

China is filled with live streaming webcasts, much of it non-commercial, such as young people discussing their lives, offering diet tips, etc. But live streaming has also become one of the most cost-effective tools for e-commerce in China.

Why are consumers and brands both hugging live streaming?

First, there's a functional advantage to live streaming. It allows experts to show the product being used, to show various techniques, and to point out the results. There's also a feeling of authenticity(真实性)that comes from livestreaming because the audience can interact(互动)with the experts by asking questions in real time.

Consumers feel that they are actually handling the product themselves. Instead of picking a product off a shelf, they are now part of the process, shaping the outcome from the convenience of the living room sofa. The best live streaming allows room for a joke, or even a small mistake. After all, this is how friends talk with one another. As consumers grow in experience and taste, they would rather participate in a chat. Live streaming invites the brand into the home in much the same way you would invite a friend.

Consumers often feel a sense of empowerment (赋予权力). The brand must react quickly and positively to viewers in real time because consumers have the power to hold them responsible for their products through questions.

Live streaming can also be particularly effective for new-to-market brands who do not have the ability to create a buzz because it provides a guarantee that the product is used, accepted and loved.

(1) What is the purpose of live streaming as an e-commerce tool? A. To chat with young people about life. B. To promote products on smartphones. C. To offer tips on healthy eating on the web. D. To communicate with audience on the phone.
(2) Which of the following is a reason for live streaming's popularity? A. It allows real-time interaction between customers and the brand. B. It empowers customers to decide who are responsible for products. C. It makes sure that new-to-market brands become best selling goods. D. It offers chances for customers to pick products off shelves by themselves.
(3) The underlined phrase "create a buzz" in the last paragraph probably means A. attract the attention of the pubic B. introduce their products effectively C. be responsible for their products D. react quickly and positively to consumers
(4) What can be a suitable title for the text? A. China Is Leading the World in E-commerce B. Differences between Offline Business and Live Streaming C. China's Live Streaming is Booming-Here's How It Works D. Want to Experience a New Way of Living?  Joinin Live Streaming!
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