
Just as China sets the world pace in e-commerce(电子商务), it's doing the same for live streaming. More than 100 million viewers watch a live online video event every month. As an e- commerce tool, the live streaming format typically involves a famous person showing a product and answering questions from a digital audience. It takes place in real time (实时) and usually on a smartphone, which accounts for some 95% of e-commerce activity in China.

China is filled with live streaming webcasts, much of it non-commercial, such as young people discussing their lives, offering diet tips, etc. But live streaming has also become one of the most cost-effective tools for e-commerce in China.

Why are consumers and brands both hugging live streaming?

First, there's a functional advantage to live streaming. It allows experts to show the product being used, to show various techniques, and to point out the results. There's also a feeling of authenticity(真实性)that comes from livestreaming because the audience can interact(互动)with the experts by asking questions in real time.

Consumers feel that they are actually handling the product themselves. Instead of picking a product off a shelf, they are now part of the process, shaping the outcome from the convenience of the living room sofa. The best live streaming allows room for a joke, or even a small mistake. After all, this is how friends talk with one another. As consumers grow in experience and taste, they would rather participate in a chat. Live streaming invites the brand into the home in much the same way you would invite a friend.

Consumers often feel a sense of empowerment (赋予权力). The brand must react quickly and positively to viewers in real time because consumers have the power to hold them responsible for their products through questions.

Live streaming can also be particularly effective for new-to-market brands who do not have the ability to create a buzz because it provides a guarantee that the product is used, accepted and loved.

(1) What is the purpose of live streaming as an e-commerce tool? A. To chat with young people about life. B. To promote products on smartphones. C. To offer tips on healthy eating on the web. D. To communicate with audience on the phone.
(2) Which of the following is a reason for live streaming's popularity? A. It allows real-time interaction between customers and the brand. B. It empowers customers to decide who are responsible for products. C. It makes sure that new-to-market brands become best selling goods. D. It offers chances for customers to pick products off shelves by themselves.
(3) The underlined phrase "create a buzz" in the last paragraph probably means A. attract the attention of the pubic B. introduce their products effectively C. be responsible for their products D. react quickly and positively to consumers
(4) What can be a suitable title for the text? A. China Is Leading the World in E-commerce B. Differences between Offline Business and Live Streaming C. China's Live Streaming is Booming-Here's How It Works D. Want to Experience a New Way of Living?  Joinin Live Streaming!
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1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

If there' s one thing I' ve realized since becoming a male college student, it' s that finding a summer job is nearly impossible. I've applied to so many places and I' ve experienced so many interviews, but I always either get straight-up refusal or never hear from the company again. 

One time, I even called one of the companies multiple times, but the manager avoided me. I was close to giving up. I felt like I was the only one struggling hard. I had a pretty good resume, and I always dressed nicely for my interviews, so why couldn' t I get a job? 

Well, the reason is actually right in front of me—I am a student. Companies generally want students who can work all year long, but most of them aren' t willing to be flexible with schedules. I couldn' t tell you how many times interviewers told me that they were looking for someone permanent. 

I tried looking for jobs marked as temporary ones. And I even once tried to apply through a temporary agency. But it didn' t work. Even if I wanted to work during the school year, none of the companies wanted to hire me because of my limited weekday availability. And despite not knowing if I could juggle (尽量兼顾) both school and a job, I even started to tell interviewers that I would like to work during the school year and give up my weekends. But I had no luck. 

I' m not sure if there are others like me out there. But if you are going through something similar, what I want to tell you is to keep on trying. Despite being rejected so many times, I still applied for any job that I was qualified for. I even started my job search before the semester ended to get ahead. Eventually, I got my ideal summer job. 

I know it' s frustrating, and you may feel like you' ve tried everything—that' s how I' ve felt for a long time. And now, with companies requiring years of experience, it' s even harder to get a job if you' re someone like me. But don' t give up. Keep searching and applying, sign up for sites that send you job offers and look on the university' s website for on-campus jobs. 

(1) What does the author want to convey in paragraph 2?  A. His brilliant academic records. B. The cause of his unemployment. C. His jobless confusion in summer. D. The social prejudice to graduates.
(2) Why did the temporary agency fail the author?  A. He was troubled with schoolwork. B. He was thought to have tight work time. C. He was unwilling to balance study and work. D. He was regarded as an inexperienced student.
(3) What can be concluded from paragraph 5?  A. Well begun is half done. B. Actions speak louder than words. C. Everything comes to him who waits. D. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
(4) What is the author' s main purpose in writing the last paragraph?  A. To give advice. B. To correct an error. C. To compare occupations. D. To recall regrettable experiences.
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Sammie, 14, knows there's nothing worse than feeling left out. For years, she's been helping kids who feel lonely make friends. What she was doing was running the Buddy Bench program. She started it when she was in the third grade, in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The idea was that anyone at school who was feeling lonely could sit on the "buddy bench." The idea quickly caught on. The bench brought kids together. Since then, Sammie has helped communities all over the country set up buddy benches.

Sammie got the idea for the Buddy Bench program at summer camp in 

2017. She thought it would be cool to have a buddy bench in her school, so when she got home, she presented the idea to her principal, her teachers, and her parents.

Getting approval for the project was just the first step. "There have been a lot of small challenges, like money," Sammie says. To reduce costs and be eco-friendly, Sammie decided to make the bench out of recycled material. So she rallied her community to gather bottle caps. Sammie received encouraging responses. With people working together in an orderly way, she soon collected more than 1,200 pounds of bottle caps.

Sammie says the effort has helped her overcome personal challenges. "I used to be really, really shy," she says. "I'm definitely more outgoing now." She has also learned to acknowledge her limits, and to take breaks when working on a big project.

"You don't have to be an adult to make a difference," she says. Even small acts of kindness can be powerful. "It can make someone's day and lead to a chain reaction," she adds. "You never know. Just be kind, in general."

(1) Why did Sammie start the Buddy Bench program? A. She desired to make friends. B. She felt lonely since childhood. C. She sought to show her kindness. D. She wanted to help lonely children.
(2) How did Sammie overcome the financial challenge? A. By getting approval from adults. B. By collecting waste materials. C. By selling eco-friendly products. D. By raising money all over the world.
(3) Which of the following can be used to describe Sammie? A. Brave and optimistic. B. Helpful and creative. C. Ambitious and generous. D. Diligent and independent.
(4) Which of the following may Sammie agree with? A. Never too old to learn. B. Every coin has two sides. C. Roses given, fragrance in hand. D. Time and tide wait for no man.
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A year ago, I started working out with a personal trainer and the results were obvious. The reflection in the mirror was fit and strong, with a narrow waist. This month I'll be celebrating my 74th birthday, but I feel more like I'm about to turn 40.In fact, I'm in the best shape of my life. And I'm here to tell you that it's never too late to make changes. If I can do it in my early 70s, then you can do it too.

I haven't always felt so body confident. As a busy working mum I had the same hang-ups as so many other women. In my forties I fell into the trap of trying to do it all. I raised my daughter Laura, now 43, while working as a NHS clinical leader, which left me feeling stressed and exhausted. By 50 I'd reached breaking point. I ended up breaking down in the doctor's surgery. And I was signed off work with stress-related depression.

I began to do a lot of soul searching. My burnout had set me on a completely different path. Around this time, my approach to my health was also shifting. So many women hit 50 thinking that's it and they're done, but for me it felt like a new beginning.

I enrolled in a gym and learned how to use the equipments. Over the next few years, I went to the gym roughly twice a week. Sometimes I didn't want to go-but at the end of every session I always felt better.

I wrote and self-published a book called Journey to Chocolate about my seeking for a more balanced and satisfying life. I started eating "clean" with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, avoiding processed food and not drinking alcohol from Monday to Thursday. The changes to my diet made me feel more energetic and alert. I slept better, and managing my weight was much easier.

(1) Why does the author write this article?  A. To inspire. B. To inform. C. To discuss. D. To show off.
(2) What does the author think of her life as a working mum?  A. Annoying. B. Tiring. C. Rewarding. D. Amazing.
(3) What is the book Journey to Chocolate mainly about?  A. The meaning of life. B. The way to keep clean. C. The author's pursuit. D. The benefits of chocolate.
(4) What can be the best title of this text?  A. Keep Energetic at 74 B. Hold on to Your Dream C. Retire as Early as Possible D. Make Use of Old Age
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