
The Nobel Literature Prizes are awarded to the persons who shall have produced in the field of literature the most outstanding work in an ideal direction. The following are some famous female winners in recent years.

Herta Müller (from Germany)

The Nobel Prize winner in Literature 2009. Her works are rooted in her experiences as one of Romania's German-speaking racial minority. Muller describes how dictatorship(独裁)causes a fear and sense of distance that stays in an individual's mind. With precise language, she recalls images from the past.

Svetlana Alexievich (from Belarus)

The Nobel Prize winner in Literature 2015. Svetlana Alexievich represents life during and after the Soviet Union(苏联)through the experience of individuals. She uses interviews to create a picture of a wide range of voices. Her books are a combination of oral history and deeply psychological literature, composed of stories collected on a simple tape recorder.

Louise Glück (from America)

The Nobel Prize winner in Literature 2020. The prize committee stressed "Her unmistakable poetic voice with plain beauty makes individual existence universal". Childhood, family life, and the close relationships with family are themes that have remained central to her. She seeks the universal, and in this she takes inspiration from myths and classical themes.

Annie Ernaux (from France)

The Nobel Prize winner in Literature in 2022. She usually describes the events in her life and the lives of those around her. "The courage and clinical sensitivity with which she uncovers the roots, separations and collective restriction of personal memory" is the reason she was awarded the prize according to Swedish Academy.

(1) How does Svetlana Alexievich create her works? A. By interview. B. By biography. C. By short stories. D. By memoir.
(2) What makes Glück's works popular according to the prize committee? A. Her family life. B. Individual existence. C. Simple beauty. D. Fictional structure.
(3) What do the four winners' works have in common? A. They are rooted in life experience.          B. They create a lot of pictures for their books. C. They bring light to the root of people's memory.      D. They are focused on the relationship between individuals.
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People may form inaccurate impressions about us from our social media posts, finds new Cornell University research that is the first to examine perceptions (认知) of our personalities based on online posts.

An analysis of online status updates found great difference between how viewers saw the authors across a range of personality traits, and the authors' self-perceptions.

Viewers rated the Internet users on average as having lower self-esteem and being more self-revealing, for example, than the users rated themselves, Status updates containing photos, videos or links in addition to text facilitated more accurate assessments than those with just text the researchers found.

Overall, they said, the study sheds light on the dynamic process by which a cyber audience tries to make sense of who we are from isolated fragments(碎片) of shared information, jointly constructing our digital identity.

"The impression people form about us on social media based on what we post can differ from the way we view ourselves." said Qi Wang, professor of psychology and director of the Culture &. Cognition Lab. "A mismatch between who we are and how people perceive us could influence our ability to feel connected online and the benefits of engaging in social media interaction."

The Cornell researchers believe their study is the first to investigate audience perceptions of social media users through their posts, On platforms, users often share fragmentary personal narratives while interacting with "friends" they may know only a little or sometimes not at all.

Interestingly, the study found that online status updates generated perceptions of users that were consistent with cultural standards in offline contexts concerning gender and ethnicity—even though viewers were blind to their identities.

Wang said the findings could help developers design interfaces that allow people to express themselves most authentically.

"If people's view of us is very different from who we actually are, or how we would like to be perceived." Wang said, "it could harm our social life and well-being."

(1) What may your online posts lead to? A. Authentic digital identity. B. Viewer's misjudgment of you. C. Less social media interaction. D. Making more online friends.
(2) Which of the following will least reveal your personality? A. A link with text B. A pure video post. C. A plain text post. D. A text post with photos.
(3) Who will be most interested in these findings? A. Online web viewers. B. Internet bloggers. C. Computer repairmen. D. Social media developers.
(4) What does Wang think of the result of the research? A. Profitable. B. Meaningless. C. Useful. D. Unpractical.
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Winter sports are constantly evolving and new sports activities are regularly being created. This makes sure your next holiday in the snow is an unforgettable experience. 

Snow biking

The snowbike — a cross between a bicycle and skis — guarantees pure fun and a unique skiing experience for snow fans above six. Snowbikes can be used on well-cared-for slopes (斜坡) and riders navigate the slopes with the additional help of short foot skis. And it can be ridden without the rider having previous experience.


There is no other winter sport that gets you closer to nature. Due to the truly unaffected character of the slopes, snow and weather conditions have to be taken into special consideration when freeriding. Therefore, it is very important to be accompanied by a professional guide who knows the skiing area inside out and who is able to correctly assess the weather conditions. 


Snowshoeing is the perfect activity for those who want to explore the untouched winter landscape. The snowshoes distribute the weight of the person carrying them over a larger area so that the feet only sink lightly into the snow. Handling snowshoes is easy and does not require any previous experience: Simply fasten your snowshoes, pick up your sticks and off you go!


Snowtubing is an activity for winter fans of all ages and involves sliding down a snowtubing slope in a rubber tire. Snowtubing tracks are often located close to a ski lift. This gives the tuber the opportunity to immediately go back up the mountain after the ride. The activity is the perfect and fun end to a day of skiing. 

(1)  Which activity is the most demanding for skiers? A. Snow biking. B. Freeriding. C. Snowshoeing. D. Snowtubing.
(2) What do Snow biking and Snowshoeing have in common? A. They need no skiing experience. B. They depend on special skis. C. They are suitable for people of all ages. D. They take place on slopes with deep snow.
(3) Why are Snowtubing tracks usually close to a ski lift? A. To attract more tourists to get involved. B. To prevent the rubber tire sliding down. C. To create a fun ending to a day of skiing. D. To help skiers get to the starting point easily.
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Jane Goodall is a famous animal behaviorist and has spent many years observing the behavior of chimps in their native habitat. Jane Goodall was born on April 3rd, 1934 in London, England. Her childhood dream was to spend time with animals in the wild. In particular, she was drawn to Africa and the dream of seeing wild animals in their native habitat. It was an unusual dream for a girl at the time, but her parents said to her, "We know it's different, but we are at your back. "

In 1956, Jane jumped at the opportunity to travel to a friend's farm in Kenya. It was there that Jane met the famous anthropologist, Dr Louis S. B. Leakey. Leakey was impressed with Jane's passion and knowledge of Africa and wildlife.

In 1960, Leakey and Jane began an important study of wild chimps by Lake Tanganyika. The chimps showed some fascinating habits to the group. These included meat eating, which is completely different from the previous opinion about chimps. Also, Jane saw chimps making tools to catch insects. This was an important discovery because, at the time, it was assumed only humans made tools.

The study of chimps in their native habitat was a significant event, leading to many new observations. Jane's first article My life among wild chimpanzees was published in National Geographic in 1963. Some aspects of the study were challenged. For example, some feared her decision to feed the animals might have distorted their behavior and made them more aggressive(好斗的).

In 1977, Jane set up the Jane Goodall Institute which promotes plans to look after chimps and their environment. The institute has many networks and programs all over the world.

(1) How did Jane Goodall's parents respond to her childhood dream? A. They supported her. B. They laughed at her. C. They worried about her. D. They got angry with her.
(2) What did people think of chimps previously? A. Chimps were used to living alone. B. Chimps were good at making tools. C. Chimps were thought not to eat meat. D. Chimps liked eating insects very much.
(3) What does the underlined word "distorted" in the last but one paragraph mean? A. Affected. B. Trained. C. Protected. D. Controlled.
(4) Which can be a suitable title for the text? A. The secrets of chimpanzees B. The mysteries of African land C. Jane Goodall—a friend of the wild world D. Jane Goodall—a woman living with chimps
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