
The human brain is the most complex and poorly understood biological structure known to man. Our human brain is relatively large for our body size and wrinkled in comparison to other animals' brains. Across species, brain size and wrinkle number is related to intelligence.

University of Copenhagen researchers have made an incredible discovery seeking to learn more about the  mammalian(哺乳动物的)  brain.  A  vital  enzyme,  a  special  material,  allows  brain  signals  to  be transmitted or transported. The enzyme is randomly turning on and off, even taking hours-long "breaks from work." These discoveries could have a significant impact on our understanding of the brain and the development of medicines. The discovery is featured on the cover of Nature.

Millions of neurons(神经元) are constantly communicating with one another, shaping thoughts and memories and allowing us to move our bodies at will. Neurotransmitters are transported from one neuron to another by a unique enzyme when two neurons meet to exchange a message.

This  process  is  necessary  for  neuronal  communication  as  well  as  the  survival  of all  complex organisms(extremely small living things). Until now, researchers all over the world assumed that these enzymes were constantly active, transmitting vital signals. However, this is not the case.

It is almost impossible to understand that the extremely critical process of loading neurotransmitters in containers is carried out by only one cell per container. Especially when we find that 40% of the time these cells are switched off.

Using a new method, researchers from the Department of Chemistry at the University of Copenhagen closely examined the enzyme and discovered that its activity switches on and off at random periods of time, contradicting our previous understanding.

"Contrary to popular belief, and unlike many other proteins, these enzymes could stop working for minutes to hours. Still, the brains of humans and other mammals are miraculously able to function," says Professor Dimitrios Stamou, who led the study from the research center at the University of Copenhagen's Department of Chemistry.

(1) What is implied in the second paragraph? A. The enzyme is continuously turning on and off. B. Enzyme does not affect the transmission of brain signals. C. No enzyme has been found in the mammalian brain so far. D. Scientists used to think the special enzyme does not take a break.
(2) How could we move our bodies as we like? A. The communication between neurons happens without stop. B. We shape our thoughts though we may not have good memories. C. The newly found unique enzyme is at the most time switched off. D. Neurotransmitters transport a unique enzyme from one neuron to another.
(3) Why do the scientists think the discovery unbelievable? A. There is enzyme in mammalian brains. B. Mammalian brains function as human's. C. One cell can have such an important function. D. 40% of the critical cells are actually switched off.
(4) What can be the best title for the passage? A. A Surprising Significant Finding about Mammalian Brains B. A Very Important Research Led by Professor Dimittrios Stamou C. Researches on Brains of Animals Being Carried out By Scientists D. A Completely New Method Employed by the Department of Chemistry
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1.阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A,B,C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。

After winning the bid to host the 2022 Winter Olympics, China has been striving to hold a high-tech Winter Games. Now, as the games are approaching, the viewers can learn how innovative technologies are being used, especially in the construction of venues.

For example, how the National Aquatics Center, also known as the "Water Cube", was turned into the "Ice Cube". The main change is to turn the four-lane swimming pool into a curling rink (冰场). According to Xinhua, the "transformation" will be completed by using a quick-disassembly (快速拆除的) system. Simply put, the water will be drained(抽干) from the pool and then a convertible (可移动的) frame will be built and put inside. The frame is made up of 2,600 H-shape steel columns and has a height of three meters and a length of two meters, China News Service reported.

Another major technology applied can be seen at the National Speed Skating Oval(NSSO), known as the "Ice Ribbon".Traditionally, freon, which harms the ozone layer, was used in the ice-making process. But NSSO adopts an environmentally friendly technology, which uses carbon dioxide to make ice.

For another new venue, the National Sliding Center, the design team was confronted with a tricky problem. The center features a 1.9m sliding track. The center is located on the southern slope of Xiaohaituo Mountain in Yanqing. The sunlight in the southern slope is stronger than that in the northern slope. What's more the Yanqing competition zone has complex terrain (地形) and strong wind," Li Bo, a professor at Beijing Jiaotong University, told CGTN." Wind resistance is the key to the construction of buildings," Li added.

So they studied the wind filed date in the zone, analyzed the sun's height in different seasons, and used computer models to simulate (模拟) and determine the awning (遮阳篷) coverage on the track. Finally, the team developed a system combining the terrain and awning to reduce the impact of solar radiation.

(1) What's the meaning of the underlined word "striving" in paragraph 1_______? A. fighting bravely B. criticizing severely C. working hard D. thinking highly
(2) What can learn about the frame used to transform the "Water Cube" into the "Ice Cube" A. It is as long as three meters. B. It is in the shape of letter A C. It can be taken apart easily. D. It can turn water into ice automatically.
(3) What is the benefit of the technology used to build the National Sliding Center? A. It can cut carbon emissions significantly. B. It can absorb harmful chemicals freon releases. C. It helps athletes quickly familiarize themselves with the complex terrain. D. It can reduce the impact of strong wind and solar radiation.
(4) What is the text mainly about? A. A comparison of some Beijing Winter Olympic venues. B. Technologies used to build the Beijing Winter Olympic venues. C. China's mission of holding the Beijing Winter Olympics. D. The difficulties of venue transformation for the Beijing Winter Olympics.
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Spelling Bee

An Annual Community Tradition

Since 1992, the Needham Education Foundation (NEF) has held an annual Spelling Bee to raise funds to support educational programs that benefit all Needham public school students. The event has become a fun community tradition that draws hundreds of spellers from Needham schools, businesses, and the community.

Ways to Support the Bee

The NEF relies on local businesses, community organizations and individuals to make the Bee a success. No matter how you choose to support the Bee, you are making learning come alive for Needham public school students. Thank you!

* Register (注册) a Bee Team - $375

All teams must have three participants. Consider forming a team with your friends, co-workers, or neighbors (adults only please)! All student teams are selected and registered by their individual schools. Receive a $50 discount if you also purchase a full-page ad!

* Sponsor a Student / Teacher Team - $375

We are happy to see both students and teachers representing all eight Needham schools at the Bee each year. Consider sponsoring one of these student or teacher teams so that they may compete for free. Sponsors are listed on the team's sign and in the Bee program. Receive a $50 discount if you also purchase a full-page ad!

* Purchase an Ad in the Bee Program - $300-$200-$100

Advertise your business in the Bee program book which is given to the hundreds of Bee attendees. Choose from a full-page ad, a half-page ad, or a business card ad.

(1) Why does the NEF hold an annual Spelling Bee? A. To support local businesses. B. To build up the community. C. To collect money for Schools. D. To encourage students to read.
(2) What is a registration requirement for a Bee team? A. It must be sponsored. B. It must have three spellers. C. It must contain student participants. D. It must go through the selection process.
(3) What is the sponsorship fee for a full-page ad buyer? A. $200. B. $300. C. $325. D. $375.
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Using fatty foods to comfort eat during times of stress can harm the body's recovery from the pressure, research suggests.

Although many people turn to unhealthy foods such as chocolate, crisps or pastries when they are feeling the strain, researchers have found this can reduce blood flow to the brain and cause poorer vascular (血管的) function, which in turn can have a negative effect on mental health and increase the risk of heart disease. The researchers suggest people resist the attraction of convenient treats by eating fruits and vegetables instead.

Prof Jet Veldhuijzen van Zanten said, "We looked at healthy 18- to 30-year-olds for this study, and to see such a clear difference in how their bodies recover from stress when they eat fatty foods is staggering." For people who already have an increased risk of cardiovascular (心血管) disease, the impacts could be even more serious. We all deal with stress all the time, but especially for those of us in high-stress jobs and at risk of cardiovascular disease, these findings should be taken seriously. This research can help us make decisions that reduce risks rather than make them worse.

The study involved a group of young healthy adults who were given two butter bread as breakfast. The participants were then asked to do mental maths, increasing in speed for eight minutes, and alerted when they got an answer wrong. They could also see themselves on a screen.

The researchers found that consuming fatty foods when mentally stressed reduced vascular function by 

1.74%. Previous studies have shown that a 1% reduction in vascular function leads to a 13% increase in cardiovascular disease risk.

"We also know that the elasticity (弹性) of our blood tubes, which is a measure of vascular function, declines following mental stress," said the study's first author, Rosalind Baynham from the University of Birmingham.

(1) What's the finding of the research? A. Why people like fatty foods. B. How people recover from stress. C. What people should eat to keep fit. D. Eating fatty foods when stressed is bad for health.
(2) What suggestion is given to decrease the risk of heart disease? A. Seeking low-stress jobs. B. Dining out in clean restaurants. C. Examining your body regularly. D. Eating more fruits and vegetables.
(3) What does the underlined word "staggering" in Paragraph 3 probably mean? A. Disappointing. B. Shocking. C. Confusing. D. Exciting.
(4) Where is the text probably taken from? A. A magazine. B. A textbook. C. A science fiction. D. A recipe book.
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