1.阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。

The Best Overland Trips to Take in 2022

Sri Lanka

For wildlife enthusiasts, Sri Lanka is paradise. This tropical getaway involves two game drives through the Minneriya and Yala National Parks, where you'll get the chance to spot wild elephants, crocodiles and leopards. Beyond, there are opportunities to go whitewater rafting, plus explore ancient castles and journey on a train through rice fields and tea plantations.

Lapland's Sámi community

Expose yourself to Sámi culture on this five-day Finland holiday. Here, you'll learn about the Sámi way of life at a reindeer farm, and enjoy a traditional three-course Lappish dinner. Highlights include jisledding through the snowy wilderness, ice fishing and cross-country skiing.

Southern Morocco

After a day hiking in the Atlas Mountains, it's on to Taghazout Bay, where you'll learn to surf and explore the waterfalls of Paradise Valley. Stretch out those tired muscles at an optional yoga class, or save your relaxation for the final day, which includes a barbecue and live music performances on the beach.

Utah's Canyon-lands

This is for true adventurers only — you're heading into the heart of the American West, where the Rockies meet the desert. Explore the red rocks of Devil's Kitchen in Utah, go rafting on the Colorado River and hike forested trails through the Rocky Mountains. You can relax in the steaming Strawberry Hot Springs. For a different thrill, cocktail hour is held at the Stanley Hotel-which inspired "The Shining."

Full Itinerary at caravan. com.

(1) What's special about Sri Lanka? A. It serves delicious food. B. It has modern castles. C. It pleases animal lovers. D. It offers yoga class.
(2) If you take interest in music, which place may you visit? A. Sri Lanka. B. Southern Morocco. C. Utah's Canyonlands. D. Lapland's Sámi community.
(3) From which is the text probably taken? A. A travel brochure. B. A local newspaper. C. A cultural website. D. A business magazine.
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A lot of us spend most of our working day sitting at the computer without moving at all. So, how does the world keep fit? Let's have a look at some of the latest exercises from around the world. 

Towerrunning is a sport you can do in the tall buildings of almost any big city. All you need to do is start at the bottom of an office tower and run up all the stairs until you get to the top. Now, towerrunning has become popular with important races taking place in some of the world's tallest towers, like the China World Trade Centre in Beijing. 

Piloxing started in the USA. The sport is a mix between boxing, pilates(普拉提)and dance. Piloxing uses the power and speed of boxing, while building your muscles and strength with pilates. All of this happens to non-stop loud music, and you learn some great dance moves too. 

Paddle boarding on the ocean might look easy, but it is a tough sport. You need to be strong to keep your balance. The sport was adapted from surfing and it had its roots in Polynesia where people used paddling for both work and play-from transport to catching waves. 

Trapeze may remind you of the circus act-people fly, dance and move from side to side through the air. Jules Leotard developed the art of trapeze in the mid-nineteenth century in France. To perform trapeze, people must develop upper-body strength to turn and fly. 

Are you ready? Even a short amount of exercise every day can help us to feel happier and more relaxed. 

(1) Which exercise must be done in tall buildings? A. Towerrunning. B. Piloxing. C. Paddle boarding. D. Trapeze.
(2) Where does paddle boarding come from? A. China. B. The USA.  C. Polynesia. D. France.
(3) To do trapeze well, people must have ____.  A. strong upper-body strength B. power and speed of boxing C. better running ability D. good swimming skills
(4) What does this passage call on people to do? A. Lose weight. B. Get moving. C. Keep working. D. Travel around.
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2.阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。

The number of seabirds killed by colliding(撞击) with wind turbines could be cut by painting black-and-white stripes on the blades(叶片), and poles, say researchers. Graham Martin at the University. of Birmingham, UK, and Alex Banks at Natural England, a public organization that has a say in planning applications for offshore wind farms in England, wanted to design a pattern that could be easily painted onto turbines to reduce their impact on bird life.

Between 140, 000 and 328, 000 birds are killed each year by onshore wind turbines in the US, according to, one estimate. It is harder to tell how many birds are killed by offshore turbines each year, says Martin, as they fall into the ocean,

A previous study, published in 2020, looked at the effect of painting a single blade black on four onshore turbines in Norway. Bird collisions were reduced by 70 percent compared with all-white turbines nearby. Martin believes that further improvements could have an even greater impact. Based on analysis of previous studies into bird vision and bird collisions with wind turbines, the two researchers came up with a series of guiding principles to aid their design of a turbine that would harm. fewer birds.

"Most birds do not see too much fine detail in their vision - especially compared to humans, " says Martin, so any design shouldn't be too complex. Many collisions occur in low light, so the design should be easy to decipher in the dark, while high internal contrast would help the turbine stand out against different backgrounds, such as a cloudy or sunny sky. In low levels of light, black-and-white patterns are best, says Martin. "In the dark, a red-and-white pattern would rapidly look like shades of grey, " he says. The design hasn't yet been tested, but Martin hopes that manufacturers will consider it, particularly as it would be easy and cheap to implement.

(1) What can we know about Martin and Banks? A. They have a say in planning applications. B. They improve the efficiency of wind turbines. C. They seek to reduce negative influence on bird life. D. They design colorful turbines to help birds see clear.
(2) What's the purpose of the second paragraph? A. To state the seriousness of bird collisions. B. To estimate the death rate of bird collisions. C. To compare the different wind turbine designs. D. To criticize the poor design of the wind turbines.
(3) What does the underlined word "decipher" in Paragraph 4 mean? A. Differ. B. Recognize. C. Clarify. D. Impress.
(4) What is the text mainly about? A. A severe seabird collision phenomenon. B. A new study on seabirds vision. C. A potential wind turbine application. D. A novel wind turbine design.
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Every year, young, talented, and ambitious nature conservationists from all over the world shoot their shot for the Future For Nature (FFN) Award, an honorable international award.

The Future For Nature aims to:

·Reward and fund individuals for their outstanding efforts in the protection of species of wild animals and plants.

·Stimulate award winners to sustain their dedicated work.

·Help winners to raise their profile, extend their professional network and strengthen their funding basis.


·The winners each receive 50,000 euros and may make their own decision to spend the money in the service of nature conservation.

·FFN offers the winners a platform and brings their stories to the attention of conservationists, financiers and a wide audience, allowing them to increase their impact and gain more access to funds.

·FFN is building a growing family of winners, dedicated people who form a community of people with the same interest. FFN offers them the opportunity to meet each other and continue to learn with each other in order to continue their fight for nature as efficiently and effectively as possible.


The candidate:

·Must be born on or after the 31st May 1988 and before the 31st May 2005.

·Is able to explain his/her conservation work in fluent English (written and spoken).

·Has achieved substantial and long-term benefits to the conservation status of one or more animal or plant species.

·Must be determined to continue his/her conservation work, as the award aims to stimulate the winner's future work. It is not an "end of career" prize.

Additional Remarks

For the 2023 Future For Nature Award, we are again searching for natural leaders, who have proven that they can make a difference in species' survival.

From all applications, 6 to 10 nominees (被提名者) will be selected. These applicants will be asked to provide additional information, which will be used to select the final awardees. Ultimately, three inspiring wildlife heroes are selected as the winners.

Application Process: Apply online through the Apply Now link.

Application Deadline: May 1st, 2023.

(1) Which is one of the aims of the Future For Nature? A. To aid more green groups. B. To fund academic education. C. To inspire conservation efforts. D. To raise environmental awareness.
(2) The winners will get the chance to ________. A. consult top specialists B. meet like-minded people C. benefit the local community D. promote self-created platforms
(3) To apply for the 2023 Future For Nature Award, candidates must ______. A. meet the age requirement B. apply via mail by the deadline C. turn in the application in English D. provide additional personal information
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