
We all show more interest in watching new, unknown sports during the Olympics. Curling, trampolining...and there might be one more-cheer-leading, competitive or All-Star cheer-leading to be exact.

I am certain that you will love it: Teams of up to 35 cheerleaders, working together like a well-oiled machine, carry out challenging body movements during an exciting two-and-a-half-minute routine. Watching these highly-skilled young girls producing an imaginative routine live in the arena is exciting, and slightly terrifying, isn't it? Absolutely. How about slow-motion replays of remarkable movements on the small screen? Yes, please. You will never be disappointed to view them.

Some people argue that high risk is the sport's major problem, but in fact, many Olympic events are also dangerous. It is not uncommon for a flyer (the athlete thrown into the air) to fall during cheer-leading. But don't worry-one of the first things they are taught is how to fall and catch in the safest way possible.

Cheer-leading will not be a one-horse race. Since the sport originated in North America, it's natural that the first Olympic medals would be contested in its "homeland" (in Los Angeles, USA, 2028). But there are many countries that will happily challenge Team USA for the medal. Team England has historically been a strong competitor. They have earned medals at the last three World Championships. And other powerful cheer nations such as Canada, Finland and China have presented performances at the top level. In 2019, it was allowed to apply to become part of the Olympic Games sports program. Now the International Cheer Union has more than 100 national organizations and almost 4.5 million athletes. The widespread international participation has made it easier for the sport to take the next steps towards a place at the Summer Games. So Los Angeles 2028 is not beyond the bounds of possibility.

(1) What can we conclude from paragraph 2? A. Cheerleaders' work is easy to do. B. Watching cheer-leading is full of fun. C. Teamwork is important for cheerleaders. D. It is better to watch cheer-leading in the arena.
(2) What does the author think of the dangers facing cheerleaders? A. Usually they can be avoided. B. They scare some viewers away. C. They threaten a small number of flyers. D. They have become more terrifying recently.
(3) Why are different national teams mentioned in paragraph 4? A. To show cheer-leading is a competitive sport. B. To prove Team USA is the strongest team worldwide. C. To explain few countries pay attention to cheer-leading. D. To stress the importance of winning a medal in cheer-leading.
(4) What is the author's attitude to cheer-leading being recognized as an Olympic sport in 2028? A. Doubtful. B. Conservative. C. Hopeful. D. Tolerant.
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When it comes to work, workers, and jobs, much of the concern of the modern age boils down to the fear that we're witnessing the final stage of the game, and that there will be nowhere for humans to withdraw as machines take over the last few tasks. The most recent example comes from the use of artificial intelligence (AI). Is there no area of human experience that can't be replaced by AI? And if not, what is left for humans to do except the tasks involved in taking care of the machines?

At the heart of this concern is our desire for good jobs — jobs that make the most of workers' natural abilities and where the work provides the worker with motivation and work-life balance. More importantly, good jobs support workers in learning by doing — and, in so doing, deliver benefits on three levels: to the worker, who gains in personal development and job satisfaction; to the organization, which reforms as staff find new problems to solve and opportunities to pursue; and to the community as a whole, which harvests the economic benefits of hosting positive organizations and workers. This is what makes good jobs productive for the organization, as well as engaging and fulfilling for the worker.

Does the ongoing advance of AI threaten to get rid of all the learning, creativity, and meaning that make a job a good job? Certainly, some have blamed technology for just such an outcome. Headlines today often express concern over technological innovation resulting in bad jobs for humans, or even the complete disappearance of certain professions. Some fear that further technology advancement in the workplace will result in jobs where employees are being asked to work in split times or for longer periods over more days.

The problem here isn't the technology; rather, it's the way the technology is used — and, more than that, the way people think about using it.

(1) What is the passage mainly about? A. How to take care of the AI machines. B. The relations between workers and jobs. C. The human's fears in the age of AI. D. Human experiences were replaced by AI.
(2) What jobs are supposed to be good according to the passage? A. Those that mainly have the economic benefits. B. The ones that offer chances to progress professionally. C. Those that make full use of workers' motivation. D. The ones that don't bring new problems to workers.
(3) How do news media respond to the development of AI? A. Negative. B. Supportive. C. Optimistic. D. Unknown.
(4) What will the author probably talk about next? A. The future jobs humans will do. B. The application of AI in the future. C. The ways that humans do jobs. D. The proper attitude towards AI.
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Have you ever wondered what happens to your mobile phones and laptops after you throw them out to make way for a newer model? According to its latest Global E-Waste Monitor, India is the third top producer of e-waste in the world. E-waste in Indian landfill goes on to pollute soil and groundwater, affecting food supply systems and water sources. 

Thankfully, the country has a new group of artists who are changing these thrown mechanical items-from mobile phones to old televisions-into large murals( 壁 画 )and artworks to creatively show their concern for the waste problem. 

Over the past quarter of a century, Mumbai's Haribaabu Naatesan has transformed hundreds of tonnes of e-waste into art, integrating elements from nature and industry. "I get my waste material from friends. relatives and neighbours who know my interest in e-art and send me bags of thrown electronic appliances, "says Naatesan. Over his career, he has created huge murals for several companies. He has also showed his work at the India Art Fair, as well as several other national displays.

Another artist Vishwanath Davangere has also long worked with e-waste. He likes to take apart old laptops and reassemble(重新组装)them into birds, animals and plants. After retirement, he started pursuing this hobby more seriously and started selling his creations across the world. His most outstanding works include a robotic Egyptian statue with glowing red eyes and a Milky Way made from keyboard keys. He hopes to enable others to reconsider their own consumption habits and make more environmentally conscious choices. 

"By giving e-waste a second chance, I aim to raise awareness about the environmental impact of electronic waste."says Davangare, who today has a collection of more than 600 eco-art objects.

(1) Why do the artists create artworks from E-waste? A. To promote their artistic career. B. To update electronic appliances. C. To make profits for several companies. D. To express their environmental concern.
(2) What can we learn about Naatesan from paragraph 3? A. His creations are displayed globally. B. He gains support from people around. C. He has been creating e-art for 10 years. D. His works integrate technology and history.
(3) Which of the following best describes Davangere? A. Reliable. B. Confident. C. Devoted. D. Generous.
(4) Which can be a suitable title for the text? A. E-waste Recycling Sweeping the World B. Environmental Problems Worrying Indians C. An Art Movement Turning Trash into Cash D. Indian Creatives Transforming E-waste into Art
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Located in the Indian Ocean, the Maldives(马尔代夫) are among the most beautiful islands in the world, with white sandy beaches, clear water, and amazing coral reefs(珊瑚礁). The country depends on tourism, fishing, and shipping. But the rising sea level and the carbon pollution causing warming oceans are threatening(威胁) their existence.

The Maldives have asked for international help. They are a tiny country. The World Bank, the United States, the European Union, and many other groups have offered money to develop safeguards against climate change.

To protect the islands, the Maldives have built sea walls and increased the elevation(海拔) of important buildings and services such as the two international airports, which lie just 165 feet from the coastline.

They're also building up islands such as the Hulhumale. The new island is surrounded by 9-foot sea walls. More than 40, 000 people live there. The plan is to house 240, 000, providing new opportunities for jobs. The goal is an excellent planned community with sustainable housing and buildings sensitive to the environment and needs of the people.

The government will move people living on smaller, lower-lying islands to the new built-up islands. The new islands offer free houses, new schools, health hospitals, fresh water, and waste treatment. Depending on tourism, the country hopes to build 50 more tourist islands.

"Climate change is happening, but we are not leaving the Maldives to the sea, " said Environment Minister Thoriq Ibrahim. The Maldives will protect their islands, people and tourism with new islands and ongoing island development against the rising sea level.

(1) What do we fail to learn according to the passage? A. The Maldives are a small country. B. Many groups have helped the Maldives. C. 240, 000 people live on the Hulhumale now. D. The Hulhumale is surrounded by 9-foot sea walls.
(2) Which of the following will Thoriq Ibrahim agree with? A. The Maldives will be protected. B. The Maldivians will leave all the islands. C. The Maldives should give up tourism. D. The Maldives will sink to the sea.
(3) Which of the following is the best title for this passage? A. The Maldives and Their Tourism B. The Maldives and Their Rising Sea Level C. The Maldives and Their Climate Change D. The Maldives and Their Fight Against the Rising Sea Level
(4) What makes it difficult for the Maldives to exist? A. Their tourism, fishing and shipping. B. Their rising sea level and carbon pollution. C. Their sandy white beaches and coral reefs. D. Their distant islands and warming oceans.
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