1.阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A 、B 、C 和 D )中,选出最佳选项。

Andrew Grey doesn't fit most people's idea of an astronomer. He works in a car repair shop, not in a lab or university, yet the Australian repairman discovered a star system hiding in data from NASA's Kepler space 26 telescope.

Mr. Grey is one of millions of citizen scientists helping researchers to expand collective understanding. For centuries, only a few ordinary people had been contributing to science, but advances in technology have brought a higher level of democratization (民主化) to science.

"This is a collaborative (合作的) effort that anyone could get involved in," says Chris Lincoln, an Oxford University astrophysicist (天体物理学家) and cofounder of Zooniverse, a platform that hosts dozens of citizen science projects. Citizen scientists can contribute to breakthroughs in almost any field, from ecology to astrophysics.

"As long as pattern recognition is involved, there are no limits to what can become a citizen science project," Dr. Linton says. "Anyone can identify patterns in images, graphs, or even seemingly boring data after a short tutorial. Machine learning allows computers to do some pattern recognition. But humans, particularly amateur scientists, don't stay focused on what they're supposed to. And that's good, because people who do that notice the unusual things in s data set.

"And citizen science doesn't have to be directed by a scientist," says Sheila Jasanoff, director of the Program on Science, Technology and Society at Harvard University. "Citizens producing knowledge in places where official organs have failed then can also be citizen scientists," she says. That's what happened in Flint, Michigan, when a local mother started drinking water tests that caused a broader investigation of lead levels.

Citizen-powered research is as old as scientific inquiry. For centuries before science became professionalized, regular people looked for patterns in the world around them. Despite a lot of advanced equipment and computer models, scientists still welcome help from everyday people.

As a professional scientist himself, Lintott says, "People think that were intelligent, but science is easy and we need your help."

(1) What made citizen scientists appear? A. The high level of science projects B. The development of technology. C. The support of the government. D. The foundation of Zooniverse.
(2) What is a human advantage in pattern recognition compared with machines? A. Humans can identify patterns mare swiftly. B. Humans focus their attention on data. C. Humans can observe uncommon things. D. Humans have stronger emotions.
(3) What is Lincon's attitude towards citizen science? A. Favorable. B. Cautious. C. Indifferent. D. Doubtful.
(4) What would be the best title of the text? A. Citizen scientists can be intelligent. B. Science is important to everyone. C. Anyone can be a scientist. D. Science is everywhere.
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Membership Card

Fighting Fit is a members-only club. When you first join, we give you a computerized card. It has your name, photo and membership number on.

Please have your card with you every time you use the club. The card is for your use only, and there is a small charge to provide a new one if you lose it. Members are permitted to bring guests to use the facilities at the club. A visiting guest fee is charged for each guest.

Fitness Programs

Your Fitness Program includes a meeting with one of our skilled instructors. This will happen two or three weeks after you have joined. The instructor looks at your health, your current needs and the way you live, and organizes a program suitable for you.


Our gymnasiums are the most modern in the area and have high quality exercise equipment. For safety reasons, you must wear sportswear and trainers while exercising, and please remember to take a small towel too. It is one of our rules that you wipe the equipment after use.

There is no limit to how long you spend in the gymnasiums, but we ask you to respect other members by only spending 20 minutes on each piece of equipment. There are experienced staff helping you in the gymnasiums at any time.

Locker Rooms

We have large male and female locker rooms. Please ensure that your property is kept in your locker at all times. Any belongings which are found in a locker overnight will be removed and taken to Lost Property.


The Café offers free tea, coffee and soft drinks.

Suggestion Box

Members' suggestions are always welcome, and the suggestion box and forms can be found at reception. We try to respond within two days.

(1) At the Fighting Fit health club, you can         . A. have free drinks in the Café B. share your membership card with friends C. spend as long as you like on all equipment D. leave personal items in the locker for 24 hours
(2) What does the Fighting Fit health club provide for its members? A. Help from the staff all the time. B. A second membership card for free. C. Certain kinds of clothes and towels. D. A personalized program on their first visit.
(3) Where is the information most probably from? A. A news report. B. A guide book. C. A notice board. D. A reference book.
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Drone X Pro is a shining star on the drone(无人机) market. Here's why it's gone viral.

How does Drone X Pro work?

Start by installing the Drone app to your smartphone(Android or iOS). It takes just minutes. After that, just place the battery in your drone and launch the app. You're now ready to fly your Drone X Pro!

Why is this drone so special?

The drone is about the size of a large screen smartphone. It's so small that it fits into any pocket or handbag!

Here's the best part:flying is extremely easy. There's no experience required to fly this drone. You can easily control and fly this drone, even if you've never flown a drone in your life. Flying the drone is smooth and natural as riding a bike. Our friend's son came over to the office, and he figured out how to fly the drone in just minutes. You can't imagine how stable and smooth his controls are!

Once you own this drone, you can enjoy amazing HD pictures of nature, friends, and families. It's a blast!

How much does it cost?

Now, Drone X Pro sells for $150 each online and two at a discount of 80%. It's a great deal! If you're not satisfied, return it and you can get your money back.

Because of the easy use, portability, low price, and small size, it's absolutely worth it! Just imagine amazing pictures and videos you'll be taking with your new Drone X Pro. If you've never flown a drone before, this is the time to start!

Call now! 400-800-7832 or order yours from the official website.

(1) What makes Drone X Pro different from the other drones? A. It isn't hard to control. B. It is of high quality. C. It needs no power to drive. D. It is unnecessary to install.
(2) How does the ad prove flying Drone X Pro easy? A. By giving a specific example. B. By sharing some experience. C. By stating its operating steps. D. By telling an unforgettable story.
(3) How much should you pay to purchase two such drones online? A. $120. B. $150. C. $240. D. $300.
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Which is better for Earth: an electric or gas-powered vehicle? The answer to this question might seem blindingly obvious: Of course electric cars must be better for the environment, because they don't give off greenhouse gases as people drive. However, electric vehicles(EVs) aren't perfect, and they come with their own set of polluting problems. Their batteries require a large amount of energy to produce.

Battery production is just one part of an electric car's life span. A study looked at the entire life cycle of an EV's emissions(排放), from mining the metals for the batteries to producing the electricity needed to power them, and then compared this with the average emissions of a gas-powered vehicle. The team found that when EVs are charged with coal-powered electricity, they're actually worse for the environment than gas-powered cars.

"Only when connected to the dirtiest, coal-heavy electric grids(电网) do gas-powered cars become comparable to EVs on a greenhouse gas basis, " said Colin Sheppard, an expert in energy and transportation systems. That's why more and more countries are decreasing the power supply from coal. In China, the national grid is improving with more investments in renewable energy. For example, it has twice as much wind energy capacity as the U. S. and it builds more solar panels per year than any other countries.

Sheppard modelled a future in which all cars were electric. "We wanted to understand what it might be like if all passenger vehicles are electrified. " For example, Sheppard calculated that if all vehicles in the U. S. were electric, it would reduce greenhouse-gas emissions by 46% every year. This reduction could be increased even further if those vehicles were using a technique known as "smart charging" in which cars are recharged at chosen times(often at night) to reduce the cost of electricity.

In short, it's far easier to argue in favor of buying an EV than a gas-powered vehicle. But what about the cost? Aren't electric vehicles too expensive for most people?

(1) In which case do EVs get more heavy-polluted than gas-powered cars? A. Being powered only by batteries. B. Consuming coal-powered electricity. C. Starting to give off greenhouse gases. D. Replacing gas-powered vehicles entirely.
(2) What is greatly promoted in China now according to the text? A. Renewable energy. B. Electric vehicles. C. Coal-powered supply. D. Public transport.
(3) How does Sheppard model the future of EVs? A. With a discussion. B. With an examination. C. With a calculation. D. With a questionaire.
(4) What might the paragraph following the passage be about? A. Inventing green gas-powered vehicles. B. Developing environment-friendly grids. C. Making electric vehicles more affordable. D. Getting rid of fossil energy like coal and oil.
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