
Something strange has been happening to me lately: Women in the street have been telling me I'm brave.

My act of courage isn't much—I just stopped coloring my hair. I had brown hair that started going gray when I was 30. So, like a lot of women, I started dyeing it. It was expensive and time-consuming. And my hair grew fast, so I needed to go back to the hair salon every 5 weeks.

Many people seem to enjoy holding onto their youth for as long as possible, giving the impression that they don't have much wisdom or many accomplishments. But our hair starts to turn gray and suddenly we start spending $ 500 or more a year to cover something our male colleagues don't need to cover.

Of course, people should do what they want with their own body—my mother is 91 and still has "blond" hair, and why not? I just wish more of us would feel that it was OK to be ourselves, because going gray has done more for me than saving me time and money.

I like my natural hair, just as it is. I like how it has got curly and full again. It is recovering after years of being damaged by chemicals. I also like that it has given me some needed attitude in a society that makes youth seem so important, while being against maturity. It reminds me that I'm not a kid anymore—and this isn't a bad thing. Not being a kid anymore means I read the books I want, and not the books I feel I should read. It means not wasting my time at events I don't need to attend when I'd rather be with my family and friends.

When I see my hair in the mirror, it's a reminder that my time is limited, and I should spend it doing what matters. There's nothing shameful about growing older. And pretending it's not happening is a way of giving up our right.

I see my gray hair as a small act of rebellion against the idea that people lose value as they age, instead of gaining it. I see gray hair as my "flag" and I'm letting it fly proudly.

(1) How does the author feel about coloring hair? A. It is not worth the time and money spent on it. B. It is a good way to hold onto youth. C. It shows wisdom and accomplishments. D. It shows people's great courage.
(2) What should we do when we grow old according to the author? A. Give up our power. B. Pretend to be still young. C. Accept it and act positively. D. Read as many books as possible.
(3) What is the author's main purpose in writing this passage? A. To explain why youth is valued. B. To share her opinion on growing old. C. To stress the importance of different attitudes. D. To analyze the advantages and disadvantages of aging.
(4) Which of the following can be the best title for the passage? A. Holding Onto Youth B. Dyeing Your Hair C. Gaining Value With Age D. Valuing Wisdom Of Age
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Sunflower Gymnastics

At Sunflower Gymnastics we offer different classes to help participants promote self-confidence, build physical fitness and encourage independence.

Me & My Grown Up

This is a great class for the young children and adults to enjoy time together exploring movement and starting to understand their little bodies. The class is directed by instructors, yet parents work directly with their children. In addition to learning gymnastics, the children will also learn valuable social skills, like following directions.

Saturdays & Sundays 10:30 a.m.—11:30 a.m.      Monthly fees: $55.00

Hot Shot & Strength Training

This program is designed to teach basic gymnastics skills and ensure the development of a strong physical and mental foundation for young male athletes. Individual training focuses on strength, flexibility and balance, which can be transferred to any sport.

Wednesdays & Saturdays 4:30 p.m.—5:20 p.m.      Monthly fees: $65.00

Ninjia Warrior Program

This class is for kids from the age of six to eleven. Students will compete in a safe challenging environment while having fun. This is the perfect program for a child who has a ton of energy because we promise they'll leave tired, sweaty and talking about how much fun they have had!

Mondays 4:25 p.m.—5:05 p.m. Fridays 7:35 p.m.—8:15 p.m.   Monthly fees: $57.00

Competitive Team

Competitive team is for adult athletes who wish to reach the next level in their competition. Athletes are invited to team based on their gymnastics skill levels. We attempt to help them promote their confidence and grow as a teammate.

Tuesdays 6:45 p.m.—8:15 p.m. Sundays 5:00 p.m.—6:30 p.m.   Monthly fees: $73.00

(1) Which class encourages its customers to take their kids with them? A. Me & My Grown Up B. Hot Shot & Strength Training C. Ninjia Warrior Program D. Competitive Team
(2) What is special about Ninjia Warrior Program? A. It charges the lowest fees. B. It has the longest class period. C. It promises energy conservation. D. It is scheduled for weekdays only.
(3) What type of writing is this text? A. A sports schedule. B. A gym advertisement. C. A parenting guide. D. A product catalogue.
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2.阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

There's no shortage of health food trends on TikTok, but which ones are actually sensible? And should you skip any of them altogether? We asked registered dietitian Vanessa Rissetto, and here's what you need to know.

Emily Mariko's Salmon Bowl

Made with rice, baked salmon, soy sauce and spicy mayo—and to be clear, there are a lot of different variations of it online—this passes Rissetto's test because it's healthy, fast, easy and has good flavor.

Rissetto says that while she would recommend this recipe, she would also suggest changing the white rice for brown rice for increased nutrients and more fiber.

Healthy Cookie Dough

Cookie dough that's healthy? This is too good to be true, right? The answer is probably yes.

Rissctto says that while this may be healthy, it probably doesn't taste good.

"I'm certain this tastes like cardboard, "she said."If you don't care about taste—then this is for you. "

Lettuce Water For Sleep

While harmless, the TikTok trend of pouring boiling water over romaine lettuce leaves to make

"lettuce water" for better sleep probably won't cure your sleep disorder—and it probably doesn't taste great, either.

"This is not a thing. There's no evidence to prove it, "Rissetto said. "Instead, steep a banana peel in boiling water to help aid with sleep. "

Nature's Cereal

As Rissetto points out, it's basically a fruit smoothie bowl.

"I am all for having berries and coconut water, "she said." Nutrition-wise, this has lots of vitamins, antioxidants and fiber. It's basically a fruit salad that would be super refreshing on a hot day or post-workout"

(1) What is special about Emily Mariko's salmon bowl? A. It doesn't taste great. B. It is good for health. C. Its recipe is not fixed. D. It uses two kinds of rice.
(2) Which recipe doesn't Rissetto recommend? A. Emily Mariko's salmon bowl. B. Healthy cookie dough. C. Lettuce water for sleep. D. Nature's cereal.
(3) Which food suits you best after playing a football match? A. Emily Mariko's salmon bowl B. Healthy cookie dough. C. Lettuce water for sleep. D. Nature's cereal.
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In 2006, documents were published by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

They suggested that cloned animals and cloned animal products would be allowed into the American food supply.

The FDA has stated that cloned animal products are safe for consumption, and has performed many studies to support this view. In fact, products from cloned animals have already been eaten by some Americans without ill effects. The FDA analyzed the structure and content of cloned animal products and compared it with that of traditionally reproduced animals, and discovered no statistical difference between the two.

Consumers raised serious concerns about cloned animals. The first is the question of whether or not cloned tissue and animal products are truly safe. The second is that many clones are also genetically modified(转基因的)animals, which the FDA has said are unsafe for human consumption. The third is that consumers want to be able to choose what they put into their bodies.

The first concern about cloned animals is almost unnecessary due to the price of producing a clone. Making a clone needs hard work and is very costly. These clones live spoiled lives because they are very valuable, despite biologists' warning that cloned animals decrease diversity.

The second concern, about genetic modification of cloned animals, is more problematic. It may be very difficult to separate genetically modified animals from normal ones. The purpose of genetically modified cloned animals is unclear, and the FDA hasn't allowed their products onto the market, due to health concerns, but the risk of genetic pollution of healthy animals still exists.

Finally, the matter of choice is a large one. Many animal rights activists are worried about clone rights because cloned or not, the animals still have lives. Other consumers are simply trying to eat healthy foods, and have doubts about the cloned animals. If the FDA does not make labeling laws, people may not be able to make informed choices about their food.

(1) Why did the FDA allow cloned animal products for consumption? A. They taste better than normal animal products. B. They have been proved safe in several aspects. C. They appeal to consumers very much. D. They differ from traditional animal products.
(2) What do we know about producing clones of animals? A. It needs less time than raising animals. B. It provides some new medical benefits. C. It takes much more efforts and money. D. It helps increase the diversity of animals.
(3) What can be inferred from the last paragraph? A. Laws should be made to protect people's right to choose food. B. Cloned animals should have the same rights as humans. C. Cloned animals should be forbidden to enter market. D. Animal rights activists are strongly against cloned animal products.
(4) What's the text mainly about? A. Doubts about cloned animals rights. B. Discussions about how to clone animals. C. Worries about cloned animal consumption. D. Concerns about animal cloning technology.
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