
No pains, no gains. This is especially true for Amanda Gorman. In 2021, she became the youngest poet to write and read her works at a presidential inauguration (就职典礼). The 22-year old impressed the audience with The Hill We Climb, which referred to both painful history and hope for the future.

You wouldn't know it from her delivery of her poem at the inauguration, but up until a few years ago, she struggled to overcome her speech problem. For much of her life, including when she was still an undergraduate at Harvard, Gorman had trouble pronouncing the letter "R".

Her situation presented difficulties, but also had benefits. "I think it made me all that much stronger of a writer when you have to teach yourself how to say words from zero. I think of my speech trouble not as a weakness or a disability, but as one of my greatest strengths. "

To practice saying the letter, she'd listen on repeat to one song packed with "R"s—Aaron Burr, Sir from Lin-Manuel Miranda's historical masterpiece, Hamilton. She would try to keep up with the singer as he was doing the rap (说唱). She believed if she could train herself to do this song, then she could train herself to say the letter "R" correctly. Sure enough, rapping along with Miranda's fast-paced rhymes worked, and: Gorman's performance of her piece, The Hill We Climb, ranked among the highlights of the inauguration.

Overcoming a speech problem is a milestone for her. Gorman said she owes a lot to the Pulitzer Prize winning musical. That was why she included a few references to Hamilton in her inspiring poem, some of which the author of Hamilton noticed: He praised her performance in a post. "You were perfect. Perfectly written, perfectly delivered. "

(1) What did Gorman do to impress the audience at the inauguration? A. Share her painful story. B. Read her poem in public. C. Write a poem in real time. D. Express concern for future.
(2) Which word used to be difficult for Gorman to read properly? A. Amanda. B. Mickey. C. Hamilton. D. Miranda.
(3) Why did Gorman learn to sing Aaron Burr, Sir? A. To win wide recognition. B. To train her singing skills. C. To improve pronunciation. D. To learn fast-paced styles.
(4) What can we learn from Gorman's story? A. Learn to walk before you run. B. Practice breaks down barriers. C. Power of role models is great. D. Poem writing is key to success.
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1.阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D  四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Two separate research groups in the U. K. and Denmark have come up with the same idea for a study that could help save endangered species, and have gotten the same results. It involves sucking environmental DNA from the air that animals leave behind.

"We use a really small pump that pulls the air through, and we hope the DNA gets caught on the filter(过滤器)," said Elizabeth Clare, the lead researcher. "It's a bit like making coffee. You make coffee by sucking water through a filter and leaving the coffee grounds behind. That's basically what we're doing; we're just sucking the air through and hoping that the DNA gets lost behind. "

Clare says the concept has been used for years in different ways. Scientists sample pathogens(病原体)from the air, which has been used to help track COVID-19. Environmental DNA can also be collect d from water to help ease invasive species.

A big goal for both research teams with the new study is to be able to locate endangered species and help save them. It is important to note that this type of DNA sampling can only be picked up if a species is in the area, so if there were two of the same animal, scientists would not be able to tell which one the DNA came from.

Both research groups also reported certain DNA samples not showing up when they knew an animal had been in the area. They also can't tell yet how long an animal's DNA will stick around after it's been in one area. Clare says she'd like to plan more researches to get these answers.

But one thing is for sure after conducting the study. Clare says she has a whole new perspective on taking a deep breath. "Asyou know, I'm walking through a jungle or the park or taking my dog for a walk or my kids out to play, and I take a deep breath; I think I just inhaled information about all the things that have been here before, and as a scientist, that's exciting to think that the information that I'm trying to gather is literally hanging in front of me, "she said.

(1) Why does the author mention coffee-making? A. To show the function of a filter. B. To illustrate how the idea works. C. To compare two different methods. D. To prove how simply DNA-sucking works.
(2) What does the underlined phrase"the concept"in paragraph 3 refer to? A. Detecting danger in the air. B. Protecting endangered animals. C. Sucking DNA out of the air. D. Collecting environmental samples.
(3) What do we know about the new method of DNA sampling? A. It distinguishes different DNAs. B. It collects certain DNA within range. C. It locates endangered species exactly. D. It predicts the duration of animals' stay.
(4) What can we infer from Clare's words in the last paragraph? A. She breathes the air of hope for future studies. B. She agrees with the benefits of deep breathing. C. She adopts brand-new methods of purifying the air. D. She finds inner peace by doing simple things in life.
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In January 2020, I left for a mission, along with a 75-person crew. I had got to know everyone quite well, which made me feel confident that everything would run smoothly. The main goal of the mission was to voyage through the water, identifying boats and aircraft with our sensors while remaining undetected. We were the eyes and ears of the French navy, 300 metres under the ocean.

Being in a submarine(潜水艇) is a bit like being in a spaceship. Letters from family were allowed to keep crew members motivated, but for safety and caution, all communication from the crew's families was seen first by navy staff who removed any content that could cause panic on board.

In February 2020, as Covid-19 started to emerge in Europe, the navy began to block all Covid-19-related news in our life. Throughout March and April, we had no idea that Covid-19 was even a thing, let alone that France was under strict lockdown.

The day finally came when we were set to come back. The radio channels on the submarine announced the news: "There is a deadly virus, and the country is locked down." Actually, the information didn't make any sense to me at that time. "Lockdown" was a new word to me. I didn't know what to expect.

When I got out of the submarine. I got my phone back and received weeks' worth of panicked messages. I took a train back to Paris, where my family lives, and was completely lost. People had masks and gloves on. I put over my mouth a fireproof mask that had been given to me by the navy. I just thought, everyone is hiding their mouths, so I'll do it, too, even though I didn't know why.

(1) What can we know about the mission? A. It lasted for 3 months. B. 75 persons participated in it. C. It served for the French navy. D. Its main task was to explore the ocean.
(2) What information may reach the author when in the mission? A. His grandfather passed away. B. His mother came across an accident. C. His girlfriend would break up with him. D. His son was elected captain of the soccer team.
(3) Through which can crew members keep informed of outside news? A. Cellphone access. B. Submarine sensors. C. Calls from families. D. Radio channels broadcast.
(4) How did the author feel on the train? A. Confused. B. Relaxed. C. Excited. D. Panicked.
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3. 阅读理解

There can be no doubt that Stephen King, New York Time's Best-Selling author, has found success in many aspects, but it wasn't always like this. King witnessed tragedy and horrors from the very beginning. When he was 2 years old, his father told his mom that he was going out to get cigarettes but in fact, he never came back, he had abandoned his family. 

This left his mother Ruth to care for Stephen and his elder brother David on her own. Ruth was forced to move often, desperately looking for work as she was now the only provider of the family, and she had to rely on relatives most of the time. One day Stephen went out to play with friends and when he came back, he wasn't even able to speak a single word, it seemed he was hurt mentally or something, but he still got the courage to continue forward. It turned out that one of his friends was hit by a train and died, which left an emotional scar on him. 

King, later on, dropped out of school due to some serious health concerns and was told that he had to enlist (入伍) again the next fall, which demotivated him too. Although Stephen King didn't see his childhood as something extraordinary or special, he did say that he was always fascinated by scary things. 

People used to acknowledge the King family by their love of literature, in fact whenever Stephen's mom used to go out, she didn't hire a babysitter, for the kids used to read novels to each other so they would not get bored. Stephen King's love of stories was developed from a very young age and he carried that tradition with his own children along with his wife Tabitha. 

In 1973, Stephen King started his amazing journey of success when he published his first novel "Carrie", which is scary. The rest followed from after that as he published many amazing books like The Shining, IT, Firestarter, and Cujo. All of these books became instant classics and got their own movie and television shows adaptions. 

(1) What is the main reason leading Stephen King to become a best-selling author?  A. His in-born writing talents B. His unfortunate childhood. C. His excellent promotion skills. D. His mom's miserable experiences.
(2) What left Stephen King not even speaking a single word?  A. He was knocked down by a passing train. B. He was badly criticized by a close classmate C. He was depressed by the constant moves. D. He was heart-struck by the pass-away of a friend.
(3) What does the underlined word "demotivated" in paragraph 3 mean?  A. Discouraged. B. Refreshed. C. Embarrassed. D. Aroused.
(4) Why didn't Stephen's mom hire a babysitter?  A. The family was too poor to hire a babysitter. B. The children were too naughty to be looked after. C. The children could actually entertain themselves. D. The children were young enough to care for themselves.
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