
Ready for an exciting teen travel experience? We are committed to our mission of inspiring youth and providing transformative travel experiences.

Canada and California Program

For middle school students currently looking for an exciting summer adventure, check out this trip of a lifetime combining two of our favorite destinations: Canada and California! Hike through thick forests, enjoy hot springs, explore pollution-free lakes and walk across in the beautiful national parks. Bike down the best trails (路线) in Canadian mountain forests.

Dates: Jul 20- Aug 10

Price: $ 7545 + Airfare

Colorado Rocky Mountain Trip

Discover Colorado in the best way possible, ' with a mini road trip through the breathtaking landscapes while discovering the National Parks, amazing mountain towns and starry night skies along the way. This is. the perfect trip for travelers looking to explore the great outdoors with a small group of like minded friends.

Dates: Jun 28—Jul 8

Price: $ 4045+Airfare

Hawaii Big Island Older Teen Trip

We'll dive right into Hawaii's biggest island on an adventure sure to leave you feeling rewarded and refreshed. Team up with a local sea conservation organization to earn 20 hours of community service while becoming representatives for a healthy Hawaiian ecosystem.

Survey rocks and sand, collect ocean data and become educated about the island ecology.

Dates: Jul 9—Jul 19

Price: $ 4345+Airfare

Barcelona Explorer

On this program designed especially for culturally curious teens, you'll see the best that the Netherlands, Belgium and France have to offer. Wander along the canals of Amsterdam, tour its well-known districts and visit Anne Frank's house, all while familiarizing yourself with Dutch culture, history and food!

Dates: Jul 20—Aug 1

Price: $ 5045 + Airfare

(1) What does Canada and California Program include? A. Walking around pollution-free lakes. B. Exploring hot springs on road trips. C. Admiring night skies in national parks. D. Biking down the best mountain routes.
(2) What makes Hawaii Big Island Older Teen Trip unique? A. It costs the least. B. It lasts the longest. C. It involves outdoor activities. D. It provides community service.
(3) Which is intended for lovers of culture and history? A. Barcelona Explorer. B. Canada and California Program. C. Colorado Rocky Mountain Trip. D. Hawaii Big Island Older Teen Trip.
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55-year-old Michael Smith spotted an injured baby bird lying on the roadside as he cycled home one evening in May. He picked up the tiny bird, now named Patch, and took him home, where he made him a little nest and fed him boiled eggs. Now he has recovered and is about 16 weeks old. Patch has spread his wings but comes back to his rescuer when Michael calls.

Bird and man have such a close relationship that Patch gives his friend little beaky kisses and hitches lifts(搭便车)on his bike rides and walks. Michael loves Patch so much that he even slept in the open air one night when his feathered friend didn't come out of a tree.

Michael, an ex-builder from Malvern in Worcestershire, said,"I love nature and animals, so I couldn't leave him injured in the wild. He's like my best friend now, and I spend as much time with him as possible. He is the talk of the town, and if I am not with him, everyone is asking after him."

Michael thought Patch, who he thinks is a boy, had been attacked by another animal when he found him with a broken wing. After living in an old pigeon box Michael got from a friend, and being fed boiled eggs, bread and milk, Patch took four weeks to recover the use of his wing. Michael still feeds Patch worms, and fruit like cherries and grapes, but the now-recovered bird catches moths for himself.

Patch lives in a nest that Michael built in the garden, but comes in for playmates and occasional sleepovers (在外过夜)in the house Michael shares with his 78-year-old mother Mary.

Michael said,"People call me the bird whisper, or birdman of Malvern. It came quite naturally to me. And I remember all these tales I've heard about people rescuing birds and forming a bond. I was quite well known around here but I am even more so now: it's a lovely thing to be known for it. Having him is such a lovely thing to happen."

(1) How did Michael Smith treat Patch after finding him lying on the road? A. He brought him home and fed him. B. He handed him to a relevant department. C. He did an operation on his wings by himself. D. He had its wings treated in a pet hospital.
(2) Why did Michael sleep in the open air one night? A. Patch was left injured in the nest.    B. He wanted to find Patch and take hold of him. C. Patch sat in a tree and didn't visit him. D. He found Patch had spread his wings and flown away.
(3) What is the main idea of the fourth paragraph? A. How Patch was attacked by another animal.    B. How Michael helped Patch get well again. C. How Patch managed to catch moths for himself. D. How Michael found a pigeon box for Patch to live in.
(4) What can we learn about Michael from the text? A. He lives with his mother who is old.          B. He hates it when Patch gives him a kiss. C. He asked somebody to make a nest for Patch. D. He is a construction worker and will retire soon.
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Is forgiveness against our human nature?To answer our question,we need to ask a further question:What is the essence of our humanity?For the sake of simplicity, people consider two distinctly different views of humanity.The first view involves dominance and power.In an early paper on the psychology of forgiveness,Droll (1984)made the interesting claim that humans' essential nature is more aggressive than forgiving allows.Those who forgive are against their basic nature,much to their harm. In his opinion,forgivers are compromising their well-being as they offer mercy to others,who might then take advantage of them.

The second view involves the theme of cooperation,mutual respect,and even love as the basis of who we are as humans.Researchers find that to fully grow as human beings,we need both to receive love from and offer love to others.Without love,our connections with a wide range of individuals in our lives can fall apart.Even common sense strongly suggests that the will to power over others does not make for harmonious interactions.For example,how well has slavery(奴隶制) worked as a mode of social harmony?

From this second viewpoint of who we are as humans,forgiveness plays a key role in the biological and psychological integrity of both individuals and communities because one of the outcomes of forgiveness,shown through scientific studies,is the decreasing of hatred and the restoration of harmony.Forgiveness can break the cycle of anger.At least to the extent the people from whom you are estranged(不和的)accept your love and forgiveness and are prepared to make the required adjustments. Forgiveness can heal relationships and reconnect people.

As an important note,when we take a Classical philosophical perspective,that of Aristotle,we see the distinction between potentiality and actuality.We are not necessarily born with the capacity to forgive,but instead with the potential to learn about it and to grow in our ability to forgive.The actuality of forgiving,its actual appropriation in conflict situations,develops with practice.

(1) What is Droll's idea about forgiveness? A. People should offer mercy to others. B. Aggressive people should learn to forgive. C. Forgiveness depends on the nature of humanity. D. People who forgive can have their own welfare affected.
(2) What does the example in paragraph 2 illustrate? A. To forgive is to love. B. To dominate is to harm. C. To fight is to grow. D. To give is to receive.
(3) What is the writer's attitude toward forgiveness? A. Favorable. B. Reserved. C. Objective. D. Skeptical.
(4) What is message of the last paragraph? A. Forgiveness is in our nature. B. Forgiveness grows with time. C. It takes practice to forgive. D. Actuality is based on potentiality.
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2024 Travel Planner: The Best Things to See in the UK 

Icons of British Fashion, Oxfordshire 

A fashion exhibition will open at Blenheim Palace in March. Icons of British Fashion is the largest event in the palace's 300-year history and will showcase some of Britain's most famous designers. Clothing, drawings, photographs and patterns will be on display. 23 March to 30 June. Palace entry tickets are valid for a year and cost f38 for adults, f22 for under-16s. 

Toulouse-Lautrec in Bath

A new exhibition, Toulouse-Lautrec and the Masters of Montmartre, opens at Victoria Art Gallery in Bath in April. More than 30 pieces from the artist's colourful career will be shown alongside works by other artists of the day. This is the only chance to see Lautrec's complete collection of posters in the UK before it moves to a permanent home at the Musee d'Ixelles in Belgium. 26 April to 29 September, adults £10, children £3.50. 

Back in Time at Beamish

A truly recreated 1950s picture house at Beamish will offer visitors a chance to recall the golden age of movie-going. The cinema will be the latest addition to a "1950s Town" opened last summer at the living history museum. Adults £24. 95, children £15. 45, a family of four £63.50, valid for a year.

National Gallery goes on tour

The National Gallery celebrates its 200th anniversary on 10 May. To mark the occasion, the gallery is lending 12 of its most iconic paintings to 12 venues across the UK. Paintings will travel to centres from Brighton to Edinburgh, and will all go on display on 10 May. Each of the 12 venues will run exhibitions and digital interventions to showcase its particular painting. 

(1) How much should a couple with a 5-year-old pay for Blenheim's exhibition? A. £23.50. B. £60. 00. C. £63.50. D. £98. 00.
(2) What do Toulouse-Lautrec and National Gallery have in common? A. Recalling the artist's career. B. Offering chances to make posters. C. Employing digital interventions. D. Enabling visitors to enjoy arts.
(3) Which of the following is a year-round event? A. Icons of British Fashion. B. Toulouse-Lautrec and the Masters of Montmartre. C. 1950s Picture House Visit. D. National Gallery Painting Show.
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