
AI, 5G and other digital technologies are not only changing our lives but shaping the economy as well.

China's six major commercial banks are stepping up digital wallet efforts to provide new trend for the E-CNY (电子人民币) trials in the country. The purpose, China's bankers said, is not aimed at taking the place of privately-run payment platforms, such as Alipay and WeChat Pay. Instead, this official electronic payment system is being done so that all cash in circulation (流通) can be followed.

Compared with Alipay and WeChat payments, E-CNY features anonymity (匿名) and security.

E-commerce platforms that accept payments via E-CNY will not have access to users' personal information. E-CNY users can open an anonymous digital wallet by registering a mobile phone number, and their information won't be revealed to any third-party institutions. E-CNY users' privacy protection is at the highest level among all the existing payment tools.

Similar to Alipay and WeChat payments, using E-CNY requires an account. After getting the other party's account number, users can enter the amount of digital money to be paid and then enter the password to complete the transaction (交易). However, the processes behind these transactions are different. For electronic payments, the money has to go through a third party, and the receivers will get the money only when they withdraw it from banks. But E-CNY transactions only need a payer and a receiver. Therefore, it guarantees risk-free payments, helps prevent financial crimes and improves the efficiency of transactions.

In simple terms, E-CNY can be considered "money", while electronic payments are like "wallets". The successful launch of the E-CNY may change the existing market structure, which is mainly dominated by Alipay and WeChat Pay now. The banks may return to a leading position in the digital currency system. But China's central bank won't get more money into circulation, since every yuan issued digitally will basically cancel one yuan circulating in physical form.

(1) Why are commercial banks in China making efforts on E-CNY trials? A. They aim to cut down the use of bank cards. B. They want to get rid of paper currency. C. They intend to track the cash in circulation. D. They plan to replace privately-run payment platforms.
(2) What can users benefit when using E-CNY compared with electronic payments? A. People won't worry about their private information exposure. B. People can finish the transaction without any password. C. People can do the transaction at a very low fee. D. People can withdraw money from banks free of charge.
(3) What does the underlined word "dominated" in the last paragraph mean? A. assessed B. accessed C. controlled D. charged
(4) What can we infer from the last sentence of the passage? A. More E-CNY in circulation will disturb the normal economy. B. The E-CNY will shake the position of real paper money. C. The E-CNY has a promising future. D. The E-CNY has the equal functions as the paper currency.
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Michigan couple Steve and Debra Mejeur received a very special Christmas surprise this year. They were reunited with their beloved pet dog, Lola, who went missing over three years ago.

In October 2017, the couple and then 5-year-old Lola were visiting a friend in Elk Grove Village, Illinois, which is about three hours from their home in Kalamazoo. Somehow, Lola escaped from the fenced-in backyard of their friend's home.

The couple tried desperately to find Lola after she went missing, and stayed in Illinois for the night to search for her. Debra said they joined every Facebook group she could find in the community in an attempt to locate the pup. The couple spent about a month looking for her, making the three-hour trip from their home every weekend. They posted in the Facebook groups for two years to try to get any leads, but came up empty-handed. 

So, she was shocked when she received a message on December 3 stating Lola had been found, advising her to contact the Dupage County Animal Control in Illinois. Debra immediately called the shelter. The lady on the phone quickly responded, "Are you Debra?" "I started shaking and crying," Debra said. "I couldn't stay still. I was pacing back and forth the whole time. I was overwhelmed by so many emotions. I was in disbelief and shock because it's been 3 years. I was relieved that she was finally safe."

"It took her a little time to recognize me," Debra explained. "When she finally came up to me, she did a small sniff, licked my forehead and that's when she knew. Her tail started wagging and she turned into an excited dog! She heard my husband laughing from about 20-30 feet behind us and ran right to him without any hesitation." Debra said Lola's personality hasn't changed at all, adding she even remembers her commands. "It's like she's never been gone," she said. 

(1) What did the couple do after they found Lola missing? A. They turned to their friend for help.    B. They moved to Illinois to search for her. C. They joined Facebook groups for clues of her. D. They went on a trip regularly to relieve their sorrow.
(2) How did Debra feel when told that Lola was found? A. Thrilled. B. Frightened. C. Curious. D. Amused. 
(3) What did Debra mainly talk about in the last paragraph? A. Her affection for Lola. B. Her reunion with Lola. C. Her memories of Lola. D. Her comments on Lola.
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After moving to the United States in 1901, 19-year-old Bob Douglas found a job as a doorman in New York. Later, a co-worker took him to visit a basketball court, and he was amazed by the athletic prowess on display. At that moment, Douglas, who had enjoyed playing sports as a child, was determined to create a basketball team and provide greater opportunities for New York City's Black athletes. 

He needed to find a place for his team to play. When asking a ballroom owner, William Roach, for permission to use one of the dance floors, Douglas was replied with "you guys will break up my place". After promising to take on all the financial risk, he finally persuaded Roach to change his mind and called the team "Rens". 

However, their ballroom had fewer seats and attracted fewer people than others, so Douglas had to pack the house to generate profits and keep his team alive. They traveled the country playing any opponent that would agree to schedule them, during which they repeatedly faced discrimination and unfair treatment and the players were often banned from hotels and restaurants. 

No matter the obstacle, the Rens just kept strict practicing. They helped change the game of basketball by focusing on quick passing, which let the players move faster, play a more fluid (流畅) game and keep winning. In 1925, the Rens shocked the world by defeating the Original Celtics, the most dominant team of their day. During the 1932-33 season, the team won 88 straight games, a professional basketball record that remains unbroken. 

Unfortunately, the Rens disbanded (解散) in 1949. But in time, they were recognized for the important role they played in advancing Black athletes in basketball, ensuring that although the Rens aren't a household name, their story will never be forgotten.

(1) What inspired Douglas to establish a basketball team? A. His desire to show his athletic strength. B. A motivation to learn Black culture. C. His intention to earn a good income. D. An experience to a basketball court.
(2) Why did the Rens tour the country playing basketball? A. To solve financial problems. B. To improve basketball skills. C. To fight for accommodation. D. To play with excellent players.
(3) How did the Rens help change the game of basketball? A. Making competition rules. B. Speeding up the game. C. Defeating the professional team. D. Creating an unbroken record.
(4) What can we learn from the story? A. A winner is one with a willing heart. B. A high reputation will work wonders. C. Success makes personal desires satisfied. D. A man owes success to the team support.
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The most hated day of the week is misunderstood. When the Boomtown Rats, an Irish band, released "I Don't Like Mondays" in 1979, the song became an instant hit.

What many do recognise all too well is the difficulty of gathering the energy to get out of bed on Monday mornings in order to face the week ahead. Many bosses argue that starting off the week in person in the office creates good energy. However, plenty of employees beg to differ.

A paper published by the Journal of Applied Psychology, found that people tend to be more ill-mannered on Mondays, and grow more polite as the week unfolds. The authors have diagnosed a new condition, Mondayitis, which is defined as "a systemic illness with collections of symptoms including tiredness, light-headedness, dry mouth and headache". These symptoms typically appear on the first working day after a period off work, which could be a weekend or a longer holiday. They can lead sufferers to call in sick, decide to work from home or, if they do show up in the office, come across as detached (冷漠的) and unavailable. Mondayitis appears to be infecting other days of the week.

However, the covid-19 pandemic has led many people to re-evaluate their work-life balance. A lawyer in London who spends weekends working on cases likes to ease into the formal workweek with an elegant breakfast in a fancy restaurant. A broader movement is promoting the idea of a four-day workweek, one arrangement of which would make Monday part of the weekend. Less ambitiously, and more realistically, a social-media campaign for "bare-minimum Mondays" argues for a gentle start to the week.

You may have prepared or merely enjoyed a more elaborate meal than a sandwich. You may have gone for a walk in the park or simply lay in bed. Either way, you almost certainly cleared your head. When revived and spirited, you will have a fresh start.

(1)  What does the underlined part "beg to differ" in Paragraph 2 mean? A. Approve. B. Object. C. Submit. D. Complain.
(2) What can we know about employees on Mondays in Paragraph 3? A. They are ill-mannered but ready to help others. B. They may suffer from tiredness or light-headedness. C. They tend to infect others with their bad performance. D. They want to come to the office rather than work from home.
(3)  What can we do to refresh ourselves on Mondays according to the author? A. Start to work early. B. Grab a quick meal. C. Take a walk in the park. D. Have a tight schedule.
(4) What is the author's purpose in writing the last two paragraphs? A. To tell us ways to tackle Mondayitis. B. To explain how to gain work-life balance. C. To offer tips on how to keep fit on weekdays. D. To persuade us not to work too hard on Mondays.
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