
The regulators at America's Food and Drug Administration (FDA) could be forgiven for wanting a cigarette break. They rushed to meet a September 9th deadline to decide whether more than 6.5m e-cigarette products made by over 500 companies can remain on the market.

E-cigarettes have attracted keen government attention in recent years. More and more young people begin vaping (吸电子烟). In 2019 America's surgeon-general called vaping an epidemic (流行病) among you people, animadverting in particular products with "kid-friendly" flavours, such as oranges and grapes. Later that year more than 450 people in America suffered from a mysterious and severe lung illness that was linked to vaping.

Other countries, including Brazil, India and Singapore, have already banned e-cigarettes. So what goes into them, and how bad are they really?

The devices use an electric charge to vaporise (蒸发) a dose of nicotine (尼古丁) (accompanied, often, by various flavouring chemicals) . Nitrosamines, a family of chemicals causing cancers, have been found in e-cigarette vapour. Metallic particles from the device's heating element, such as nickel and cadmium, are also a concern. High exposure to these can increase the risk of cancer. It also contains harmful substances that can damage tissue or DNA, and which are thought to come mostly from flavourings.

Then there is nicotine. Besides being addictive, it is known to have a harmful effect all around the body. Scientists have done research on animals and humans, which suggests that exposure to nicotine at an early age could make users more influenced to other addictive substances later in life.

(1) What does the underlined word in paragraph 2 mean? A. Praising. B. Consuming. C. Criticising. D. Sponsoring.
(2) Nitrosamines will arise in the course of ____________. A. charging the device B. vaporising nicotine C. heating the elements D. adding flavouring chemicals
(3) What can we infer from the last paragraph? A. Nicotine does more harm to animals. B. Intake of nicotine increases when users grow up. C. Other addictive substances will influence young users. D. Kids exposed to nicotine are more likely to be addicts later on.
(4) What's the best title of the passage? A. How Are E-cigarettes Bad for You? B. The Ban to Stop Producing E-cigarettes C. The Necessary Components of the E-cigarettes D. Why Are E-cigarettes Popular among the Young?
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Four Best Books of 2023

The Berry Pickers

by Amanda Peters

After their youngest daughter, Ruthie, disappears during a summer of berry-picking in Maine, a Micmac family from Nova Scotia struggles to move forward. Indigenous Voices Award winner Amanda Peters delivers an un-put-down-able novel of identity, forgiveness, and insistent hope. 

The House of Doors

by Tan Twan Eng 

This atmospheric novel, set in 1920s Malaysia, tells of a famous author bent on uncovering secrets for storytelling materials. Tan Twan Eng weaves love, duty, betrayal and colonialism into the narrative. 

The Revolutionary Temper: Paris, 1748-1789

by Robert Darnton 

This interesting history of the decades leading up to the French Revolution offers a populist account of a crazy political moment. Darnton goes beyond what everyday people thought and said to attract readers to what anxious Parisians read, wore, ate and sang on the way to toppling(推翻)the rule of Louis XVI. 

The Soul of Civility

by Alexandra Hudson 

What can the world's oldest book teach us about civility(礼 貌)today? Alexandra Hudson's thoughtful and fluent book on how to live well together draws on literature from The Teachings of Ptahhotep, written 4, 500 years ago in Egypt, to Martin Luther King Jr's Letter From Birmingham Jail. 

(1) What is the main theme of The Berry Pickers?  A. The life of a carefree girl. B. The history of berry-picking in Maine. C. The situation before the French Revolution. D. The stories of identity, forgiveness and hope.
(2)  What is the book The House of Doors set in?  A. A family in Maine. B. Malaysia in the 1920s. C. The French Revolution. D. Egypt 4,500 years ago.
(3)  Who wrote the book about how to live well together?  A. Alexandra Hudson. B. Robert Darnton. C. Tan Twan Eng. D. Amanda Peters.
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2.阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

For many people, having children can force them to choose between career and family. Sometimes it comes down to finances — sending a child to nursery or hiring a nanny can be a huge financial burden, while others may feel it's better to be a hands-on parent. These days, more and more men are choosing to stay at home to look after the kids. So why are more dads choosing to put their careers on hold, and what does the job involve?

With more women working outside the home than 70 years ago, if the need is there for one parent to stay at home, it could simply come down to who earns more — the biggest breadwinner. And with attitudes changing towards a man's role in the family, it seems to be easier for them to enter full-time parenthood. Sadly, though, many men still feel shamed by choosing to raise their child. A study in the US by the Pews Research Center found that 51% of people thought children were better off if a mother stayed at home. But what do parents have to do when they choose to stay with their kids?

In the early stages, a baby is totally dependent on a carer. The changing of nappies(尿布), burping after milk and making sure they feed on time are just some of the vital 24 -7 activities a baby relies on. During this period, many parents take paternity and maternity leave from work. But as a child gets older, it can become less about necessity and more about choice. Rather than choose a creche(日托中心), which can prove expensive, either parent may remain at home to educate, protect and play with their children to help them develop and grow. 

It's a difficult job, with a demanding boss, but it can also be incredibly rewarding for those willing to do it. And with attitudes changing towards who should stay at home, maybe more and more fathers will choose to become stay-at-home dads.

(1)  When may a man choose to stay at home for the child? A. When he is more needed by his child. B. When he is tired of doing a full-time job. C. When his wife earns more money than him. D. When he wants to change his role in the family.
(2)  As the kid gets older, what does full-time parenting mean? A. It seems less expensive. B. It is more time-consuming. C. It is more important to kids. D. It becomes more complicated.
(3)  What does "a demanding boss" in the last paragraph refer to? A. A kid. B. A carer. C. A parent. D. A manager.
(4)  What would be the best title for the text? A. Full-time Parenting is Rewarding. B. More Men Become Full-time Dads. C. Full-time Dads —Biggest Breadwinner. D. Full-time parents Benefit Children's Growth.
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3. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

In 2017, Irish President Michael D. Higgins and his wife Sabina started the Young Irish Philosopher Awards, the purpose of which is to invite students from throughout that country to reflect on interesting questions and participate in philosophical thinking and discussion. In 2023, over 500 young thinkers came together at University College Dublin for the sixth annual gathering. The grand prize winner was Seán Radeliffe from Cork, for his essay ‘Has Plato's tale of the cave been warning us of social media for 2,500years?'And speaking of Plato, in 2022, an award-winning documentary film entitled Young Plato received international recognition. It focuses on how Kevin McArevey, the headmaster of a primary school in Belfast's Ardoyne housing estates, uses critical thinking techniques to empower young children to look beyond the boundaries of their violence(For more, see YoungPlato. com). As one can see, philosophy is alive and well in both the Republic of Ireland and the UK constituent country of Northern Ireland.

Ireland has traditionally been known as the Land of Saints and Scholars. In this edition of Philosophy Now, we'll cast a cold eye on the state of philosophy past, present and future in the Emerald Isle, with a focus on Thomas Duddy's idea, in his book A History of Irish Thought, that such an exploration must be both practical and creative.

This issue is dedicated to my late friend Seán Moran, a Philosophy Now writer and a modern Irish philosopher whom I met in Waterford many years ago, and whose humor, charm, and friendliness enriched my life. Like Tom Duddy, Seán died much too young. He demonstrated to me the true meaning of William Butler Yeats's closing words from his poem ‘The Municipal Gallery Revisited':

"Think where man's glory most begins and ends

And say my glory was I had such friends."

Prof. Timothy J. Madigan

St John Fisher University

(1) WhatcanreadersprobablygetonYoungPlato. com? A. How critical thinking helps students reflect on their violence. B. How Plato's stories influence social media every now and then. C. How Higgins and his wife started the Young Irish Philosopher Awards. D. How young thinkers try philosophical thinking and discussion annually.
(2) What will be highlighted in this edition of Philosophy Now? A. Ireland's Philosophical Evolution. B. Thomas Duddy's ideas on history. C. The growing reputation of Ireland. D. The ideal way of exploring philosophy.
(3) Why does the author quote Yeats's poem? A. To compare Seán's achievement with Tom Duddy's. B. To express the author's sorrow for Seán's early death. C. To appreciate the friendship between the author and Seán. D. To demonstrate the author's understanding of philosophy.
(4) What best shows the author's view on philosophy? A. Creative. B. Reflective. C. Skeptical. D. Confused.
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