
"Best space tacos (玉米卷饼) yet," American astronaut Megan McArthur wrote on social media Twitter on Oct 30, with a photo of her smiling from ear to ear. The taco feast celebrated the first time peppers were successfully grown on the International Space Station.

"Growing colorful vegetables in space can have long— term benefits for physical and psychological health," said Matt Romeyn, project scientist at NASA, in a statement. The benefits of growing vegetables in space are obvious, but how are they grown?

Though astronauts have been growing plants in space for decades, cultivating edible (可食用的) food without the benefits of gravity and natural light has been difficult. A plant growth system called. Veggie has been used to grow plants on the space station since 2014, according to The New York Times.

The Veggie garden is about the size of a piece of luggage and typically holds six plants. Each plant grows in a "pillow" filled with clay and fertilizer. The "pillows" are important for distributing water, nutrients and air in a healthy balance around the roots. Otherwise, the roots would either drown in water or be swallowed by air because liquids in space tend to form bubbles (气泡), according to NASA.

.In the absence of gravity, plants use other environmental factors, such as light, to guide growth, LEDs above the plants produce a light suited for the plants' growth. According to NASA, Veggie typically glows (发光) pink, which enables plants to use both blue and red wavelengths more efficiently. Other spectrums of light, like greens, yellows or oranges, are less useful for plants.

So far, US astronauts have successfully grown 10 different crops, including lettuce and radish, on the space station since 2015, according to CNN.

Why pick peppers?

According to CNN, peppers were chosen for multiple reasons. Peppers provide a great source of vitamin C, as well as other key nutrients. Pepper plants self – pollinate (自授花粉的), so they are' easy to grow. And they are a pick—and— eat crop that doesn't have to be cooked. They also contain low microbial levels, .so they are safe to eat raw.

(1) What's the Matt's attitude to planting in space according to paragraph 2? A. Indifferent. B. Cautious. C. Favorable. D. Ambiguous.
(2) What can we learn about Veggie in the text? A. It has been used for planting in space over one decade. B. It helps to form more bubbles for the plants' roots. C. It absorbs the harmful light for the plants' growth. D. It provides an adjustable plant growth system.
(3) Why were peppers picked to be grown on the space station? A. They contain key nutrients for astronauts. B. They have been grown in space for a long time. C. They meet all requirements for planting in space. D. They are the safest ingredients for space tacos.
(4) In which section of a newspaper may this text appear? A. Food. B. Science. C. Health. D. Entertainment.
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Dr. Kwane Stewart has been working overtime. When his workday ends, the San Diego-based veterinarian does not stop caring for animals. Stewart, who has been a vet for over 20 years, has developed a passion for helping the homeless and their pets. And a few years ago, he found himself stopping to treat pets living on the street.

As he walked on the streets of San Diego, Stewart would stop to give free check-ups to homeless people's pets. "A quick check-up, maybe some medicine or food... it isn't a lot but sometimes giving a little can make all the difference," says Stewart.

Word about his mission to help animals spread, and he ended up getting his own reality TV show, which follows him to other cities in California, where he provides free treatment for the pets he sees on the streets.

With his show, the Street Vet, which is shown on Canada's Cottage TV, Stewart hopes to "raise awareness and encourage others to give a little back, too." But despite the widespread attention, his mission does face some challenges.

"Some of the pets I come across need treatment (life-saving in some cases) that can be very costly and it's hard to ever say no to a pet that is suffering," Stewart explains on GoFundMe page he created to help raise money for these animals.

The money raised could go to minor treatments, like ear infections, which can be around US$100, or more serious cases like a tumor (肿瘤) removal, which can be up to US$1, 500. "All donations will go to the care of these pets and will surely make a difference in the owners' lives as well," Stewart writes.

He started a story about one dog he treats named Dinker, who has a rare condition that will require surgery. Stewart and the pup's owner, Walter, are trying to make the procedure happen, but it's very expensive. With over US$ 60, 000 raised so far, Stewart hopes to soon help Dinker and other homeless pets just like him get the treatment they need.

"Working on the streets, I've experienced some of the most genuine stories of love, compassion, struggle and hope," he says. "It's been life-changing and truly inspiring."

(1) How can we best describe Stewart as a vet? A. Unqualified. B. Sympathetic. C. Stubborn. D. Demanding.
(2) Why was the Street Vet created? A. To promote Stewart's TV program. B. To call on people to donate to the needy. C. To honor veterinarian Stewart's selfless behavior. D. To raise people's awareness of homeless animals' need for care.
(3) What challenge does Stewart face? A. His TV show has received little attention. B. Medical equipment to treat pets is out of date. C. The money for the treatment of pets is insufficient. D. There are too many homeless pets in need of treatment.
(4) What does Stewart think of his work on the streets? A. Rewarding. B. Tiring. C. Effortless. D. Complex.
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Thank you for your interest in volunteering your services with the city of Adelaide. Volunteers play a vital role in the services across the city. Search the categories below and see our current vacancies. If you're interested, please click here to apply.

Please note:

All volunteers will need to commit to a minimum commitment of half a year and agree to a National Police Check.

Adelaide City Guide(ACG)

Provide a face-to-face tourism & community information service to the public, and tourists to Adelaide. Assist visitors to the city with general tourist information, directions to attractions, and public transport in the city. This role would suit someone who enjoys meeting new people from different backgrounds and has excellent knowledge of Adelaide's local tourist attractions, venues, public transport and community services.

Justice of the Peace(JP)

Adelaide City Libraries run a busy volunteer JP program that provides a valuable free service to the community. If you have a current JP certification, excellent customer service skills and are able to work as part of a team, please apply. Experience will be taken into account.

Baseball Program Assistant(BPA)

This is a weekly baseball program advertised through Meet Up and requires an assistant to work with another helper. If you enjoy baseball or are willing to learn and get involved in overseeing this community program, please get in contact.

Need more information:

If you have any questions about the volunteering, please contact the coordinator:8203 7203 or send an email to Adelaide123@hotmail. com.

(1) What do we know about Adelaide City Guide? A. It serves the public at most for 6 months. B. It suits those familiar with the city of Adelaide. C. It provides public transport service free of charge. D. It offers neighbourhood information service online.
(2) What is the common requirement made by JP and BPA? A. Having a sense of team spirit. B. Owning a certain certification. C. Enjoying communicating with strangers. D. Having experience in community service.
(3) Where is the text most probably taken from? A. A tour advertisement. B. A charity brochure. C. A local newspaper. D. A website page.
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Prince William, second in line to the British throne, gave his first TED Talk on Saturday to launch his Earthshot Prize, a competition that will award five £ 1 million prize money every year for the next decade to those who can come up with solutions to environmental problems.

Any person, group or organization around the world is qualified, and any suggestion is welcome, so long as it is applicable globally. It could be a new technology, a new approach, a new governmental policy or any other ideas toward five environmental goals -fixing the climate, purifying the air, protecting nature, cleaning oceans and handling waste.

"Earthshot" was inspired by John F. Kennedy's "Moonshot," an ambitious 1961 mission to get a man on the moon within a decade. The purpose of the prize is partly to arouse excitement and offer what Prince William called "a bit of catalyst, a bit of hope, a bit of positivity" at a time when the world needs. The money will come from donors around the world. The prize committee includes many celebrities.

Prince William has environmental activism in his blue blood. Both his grandfather, and his father Prince Charles were active environmentalists. Prince William acknowledged his heritage by saying he had always listened, learned and believed what they were saying about the environment. Besides speaking wise words, he also puts forward a good prize. Over a million pounds is significantly more than a Nobel Prize and should inspire some serious and creative thinking about the difficulties of Planet Earth. Unlike the Nobel Prize money, the Earthshot money is supposed to be spent on the winning project. If we achieve these goals, by 2030 our lives won't be worse, and we won't have to sacrifice everything we enjoy. Instead, the way we live will be healthier, cleaner, smarter, and better for all of us," he said.

(1) What can be learned about The Earth shot Prize? A. It will be awarded to Britons. B. It aims to solve social problems. C. It is named after a moon mission. D. It offers £ 50 million in total.
(2) A person can win the prize for. A. a method to monitor sea levels B. a new technology to forecast the weather C. a new approach to recycling the waste D. a local government policy to ban fishing
(3) What does the underlined word "catalyst" in paragraph 3 mean? A. Encouragement. B. Alarm. C. Challenge. D. Surprise.
(4) What can we infer from the last paragraph? A. Earthshot Prize equals Nobel Prize. B. Planet Earth will be cleaned by 2030. C. Prince William only talks the talk. D. Prince William is influenced by his family.
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