
Polar bear mothers invest a huge amount into their cubs (幼兽), isolating themselves in dens (兽穴) dug with great effort into piles of snow to provide care through the unforgiving conditions of Arctic winter. It's little wonder that the bears are hesitant to leave when disturbed, even when oil drilling equipment is in operation nearby.

"We found that bears wouldn't abandon their dens even with vehicles driving right overhead," says Wesley Larson, who worked his way from office assistant to a graduate student position with Utah's Brigham Young University, monitoring polar bears on Alaska's North Slope.

Scientists have recorded an increase in human-wildlife conflict in the area, as offshore pack ice has decreased, forcing the bear population to create their dens closer to petrol industry activity. With increased industry interest in oil and gas leasing (租赁) in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, strong evidence to help support and carry out protective measures for the species has never been more important.

Wildlife managers in Alaska depend on a rule that industrial activity and research cannot take place within 1. 6 km of a den with newborn babies in it. Working with 15 years of monitoring records, and 30 years of notes concerning interactions between the industry and the bears, Larson and colleagues were able to confirm that the regulation was sufficient, but that more needed to be done to actively locate dens. He explains that with entrances quickly covered by snow and dens closed-up until spring, they are effectively undetectable to the naked eye.

"While technology such as forward-looking infrared cameras can be used to try to pick up a heat signature inside the den, it only works when conditions are perfect, and they rarely are in Arctic winter," says Larson. He is now consulting on a project using radar technology to identify dens and ensure protection for the animals symbolic of the Arctic.

(1) Why does the author mention polar bear mothers in paragraph 1? A. To attract sympathy for the polar bears. B. To condemn human activities that damage nature. C. To show the severe environment polar bears live in. D. To explain polar bears' unwillingness to leave their dens.
(2) What can be inferred from paragraph 3? A. Pursuit of economic interest threatens polar bears' existence. B. Protective measures were not considered important in the past. C. Human activities have led to the reduction of offshore pack ice. D. The development of petrol industry has forced the bears to leave.
(3) What is Larson's attitude towards the regulation of human activities in Alaska? A. Approving. B. Critical. C. Worried. D. Hopeful.
(4) What is the main idea of the text? A. Attention should be paid to protecting polar bears. B. Technology should be applied to identify polar bears. C. More efforts are necessary to monitor polar bear dens. D. It's very difficult to successfully locate polar bear dens.
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I became aware of my stutter (结巴) when I was around 9, in the fourth grade. I began to see how other people viewed me. When the teacher asked the whole class questions, I never raised my hand though I knew the answer, because I knew I would stutter. Some kids would tell me that I talked funny, ask why 1 didn't talk normally, or laugh at me. As soon as that started to happen, I became more introverted (内向的).

It wasn't until the summer of 2015, before freshman year at high school. All my friends and my parents encouraged me to join the high school football team. I owed much to them, especially Coach Lane who taught me how to play football. He took the time——and had the patience—to actually teach me what to do, how to do it and how to understand the concepts of play.    

In junior year, I started my first game for the high school team. I had a very good season and in January 2018, I signed the University of North Carolina. The older we get, the more of an understanding we have about the world and other people. So the first time my teammates in college heard me talk and heard that I stuttered, they did not say a thing. That was a big deal to me because I was so used to people making comments. My teammates actually tell me to slow down because talking faster causes me to stutter more. It's really helped me develop confidence.

Whenever I go back home to Georgia, I volunteer with children at my church, including those who have learning disabilities. I like to do that to inspire them with confidence. I had confidence issues when I was a kid because of my stater, so I just don't want them to have to go through what I did. In the future, I would like to start a foundation to give back to people who stutter and create a program where kids all across the world who have a stutter can have a safe space.

(1) Why did NOT the author raise his hand in class? A. He didn't know the answer. B. He was too shy to speak in public. C. He was upset about kids' comments. D. He showed no interest in the question.
(2) What was one cause of the author's decision to play football? A. Guidance from coaches. B. Great interest in football. C. Expectations from parents. D. Encouragement from friends.
(3) Which of the following best describes the author? A. Grateful and caring. B. Helpful and talkative. C. Athletic and generous. D. Confident and patient.
(4) Which of the following can be the best title for the text? A. An Unconfident Child B. An Introverted Volunteer C. An Admirable Coach D. An Inspiring Footballer
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Peru is a perfect touring destination: everything from the ancient Inca culture and centuries-old Spanish villages to deep rainforests, high mountains, and a beautiful coastline. Amazon Rainforest Tour

Arriving at Amazon rainforest, you'll spend one day traveling by boat to your hotel in the middle of the forest. You can then spend three days exploring the rainforest with a local guide and enjoying the plants and animals unique to the rainforest

Machu Picchu Tour

This four-day walking tour will take you to the city of Machu Picchu. There you will have a day to explore and be amazed by this ancient city. Especially amazing is the Incas' dry stone method of building. Inca builders cut stones to exact sizes so that nothing was needed to hold walls together other than the perfect fit of the stones.

Cusco Tour

Spend four days enjoying the unique Spanish and local Indian culture high in the Andes at Cusco, the capital of the Inca Empire from the 13th until the 16th century. Stay in a local hotel, visit the museums, admire the architecture, enjoy the excellent local food, and go shopping at the local markets.

Lake Titicaca Tour

Enjoy the beautiful countryside as you spend a day driving along the new highway connecting Cusco to Lake Titicaca. There, a boat will take you to stay with a local Uros family on an island for three days. Both the island and Uros homes are made of water plants from the lake.

For more information about other package tours around Peru, contact us at tourinfo @travelperu. org.

(1) What is extremely surprising in the city of Machu Picchu particularly? A. Excellent local food. B. Unique plants and animals. C. Houses made of water plants. D. Dry stone method of building.
(2) Which tour would you recommend to people who enjoy Indian culture? A. Amazon Rainforest Tour. B. Machu Picchu Tour. C. Cusco Tour. D. Lake Titicaca Tour.
(3) What do the four tours have in common? A. The traveling time. B. The transportation means. C. The accommodation. D. The shopping markets.
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Pollution,Pollination and the Sensitive Rules of Attraction

【The New York Times (Feburary 20, 2024)】

The damage that air pollution can do is wide-ranging and well known: The chemicals produced by human activities can trap heat in the atmosphere, change the chemistry of the oceans and harm human health in myriad ways. Now, a new study suggests that air pollution might also make flowers less attractive to pollinating insects.       Compounds called nitrate radicals, which can be abundant in nighttime urban air, severely degrade the scent emitted by the pale evening primrose, reducing visits from pollinating hawk moths, researchers reported in Science this month.

The study focuses on the pale evening primrose, a plant with delicate flowers that open at night. Its key pollinators include hawk moths, which have exquisitely sensitive odor-detecting antennae(触角). A flower's scent is a complex olfactory bouquet that contains many chemical compounds. To identify the ingredients in the signature primrose scent, the scientists fastened plastic bags over the blooms, capturing samples of the fragrant air. When the team analyzed these samples in the lab, it identified 22 distinct chemical components.

The scientists then recorded the electrical activity of the moths' antennae when they were exposed to these scent compounds. They found that the moths were especially sensitive to a group of compounds called monoterpenes, which also help give conifers their fresh, evergreen smell.

The researchers used these attractive aromas to concoct their own simulated primrose scent. Then, they added ozone and nitrate radicals, both of which can form when pollutants produced by fossil-fuel combustion enter the atmosphere. Ozone, which forms in the presence of sunlight, is abundant during the day, whereas nitrate radicals, which are degraded by sunlight, are more dominant at night.

The scientists added ozone to the primrose scent first and observed some chemical degradation, with concentrations of two key monoterpenes dropping by roughly 30 percent.They next added nitrate radicals to the mix, which proved far more damaging, reducing these key moth attractants by as much as 84 percent compared with their original levels. They were"almost completely gone," Dr. Thornton, the leading researcher said.

The researchers believe that the problem extends far beyond the hawk moth and the primrose. Many pollinators are sensitive to monoterpenes, which are common in floral odors. Using computational modeling, the researchers calculated that in many cities around the world, pollution has reduced scent-detection distances by more than 75 percent since the preindustrial age.

(1) Why did the scientists make use of plastic bags in the research? A. They used them to protect the subject of the study B. They used them to detect chemical compounds C. They used them to obtain samples of the fragrant air D. They used them to modify the ingredients in the signature primrose scent
(2) Which of the following statement is true according to the passage? A. Moths' antennae is more easily to react to conifers' evergreen smell B. The researchers used monoterpenes to make artificial primrose scent C. Ozone produced by fossil-fuel consumption is easier to be found at night D. Nitrate radicals forms in the absence of sunlight and changed by night
(3) What may Dr. Thornton disagree with concerning the result of the passage? A. Some chemical degradation can be caused by the addition of ozone B. The combination of nitrate radicals and ozone can be more damaging C. Key moth attractants are almost gone after the adding of the nitrate radicals D. Nitrate radicals are more damaging than ozone to ozone
(4) What does the passage mainly talk about? A. Severe air pollution problems arise from human activites B. Pollution may reduce flower pollination with less attraction to pollinators C. The urgency to alleviate air pollution in the atmosphere D. The loss of habitat of pollinating insects
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