
I started the latest round of the NtriFit programme weeks ago. We take about 45 minutes to go through participants' health records, previous diets, expectations, and levels of willingness to change to customize(定制)the programme to meet each individual's needs.

I was shocked by one thing. When it comes to weight-loss goals, I usually ask, "When was the last time you were happy with your body?" The reply usually relates to pre-wedding, pre-kids, pre-college-the usual suspects. However this time, almost everyone said, Of course, I wasn't happy with it then, but I'd be happy with it now!"

It made me stop to think. For most of us, no matter how much we don't really like the body shape, there will likely be a point in the future when we would kill for the body we currently have. I don't mean to upset anyone from improving their health right now. But maybe we need to stop and smell the roses. We should be happy and grateful for our bodies exactly as they are.

That's why NutriFit has changed into something much more holistic(整体的). Now we have every shape and size taking part, but the goals are so much bigger: disease prevention, more energy and charity better immunity, ell-balanced hormones. the list goes on. Yes, we get great body part results but you are about so much more than what your body looks like.

In my opinion, the key rule of a successful nutrition programme is to be based on real food. If you focus more on balanced diets and less on weight, it becomes a mentally healthier process. If you're going to maintain your new, healthy lifestyle, it needs to be something you actively enjoy a lifestyle hat you want to maintain. If you eat healthily because you want to rather than you have to, life gets 1,000 percent easier.

(1) What did the author do to customize the programme for individuals? A. Analyze and adjust participants' dietary structure. B. Examine participants' physical health condition. C. Make clear of people's health history and plans. D. Introduce the programme in detail.
(2) What made the author shocked? A. People's discontent with their previous life. B. People's optimism about their current body C. Peoples satisfaction with their former body. D. People's ambitious goals of losing weight,
(3) What does NuriFitpay attention to now? A. People s image. B. People's health C. People's weight D. People's appearance
(4) What should a successful nutrition programme focus on in the author's view? A. A healthy lifestyle. B. A sound exercise plan C. Enough nutritious food D. Weight loss.
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You probably get your eyes tested to protect your sight, maybe have a yearly hearing test to check your ears—but, protecting your nose... eh? Recent research has discovered more than 600 genes in the human body associated with the sense of smell and that it's actually important to the human body.

Smell can help keep us alive by warning us of dangers such as food that might make us sick or the threat of fire, and it does this within only 100-150 milliseconds of breathing. "Smell also helps create the flavour of food and plays a role in controlling the variety of our diet and the nutrients we consume," says Jeanne Hort, a professor at News Zealand's Massey University.

In fact, each of us has a unique sense of smell and the strength of our unique smell is related to the genes you inherit (遗传) from your parents which determine which smell receptors (感受器) are expressed in the nose. Other factors further determine how sensitive your sense of smell is. Women generally have a stronger sense of smell than men, while damage from air pollution means people who live in highly polluted cities have a less sensitive sense of smell than those in rural areas. "We also know the sense of smell declines with age," says Professor Hort. "And if you've damaged your nose through head injury, illness or breathing in something that causes pain and discomfort, your sense of smell can also be negatively affected."

Protecting your nose from such damage is therefore the first step in activating your sense of smell. Avoid breathing in strong scents like chemicals. Then, keep your nose busy. For example, sniff (唉) vegetables and fruit as part of determining ripeness before you buy them and sniff more different smells exposed to your nose. "The sense of smell is a bit like a muscle, you can train it to become stronger by exercising it," says sensory expert Eugeni Roura.

(1) Why does the author mention eye and ear protection in paragraph 1? A. To compare different human senses. B. To call attention to the sense of smell. C. To clarify the concept of good health. D. To show the importance of medical exams.
(2) What does paragraph 2 focus on? A. The advice on healthy eating. B. The basic functions of the nose. C. The important role of smell in life. D. The ways to avoid hidden dangers.
(3) Which of the following would the author most probably agree with? A. There is sex difference in terms of smell. B. The sense of smell doesn't change with age. C. Smell receptors decide the strength of smell. D. Air pollution is very likely to cause loss of smell.
(4) What does the quote from Eugeni Roura imply? A. It is essential to protect your nose from damage. B. Different parts of your body sometimes work the same. C. Sniffing different smells helps to build up your strength. D. The more you use the sense of smell, the more you sharpen it.
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A lot of manufactured glass today made from sand and sodium carbonate (碳酸钠) can be reused or melted down and recycled into new items, but it doesn't break down in the environment and will sit in landfills for thousands of years. A team of Chinese scientists aimed to deal with this environmental concern by developing an eco-conscious alternative.

In a study published recently in the journal Science Advances, a team at the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Institute of Process Engineering describe how they engineered biodegradable glass made from amino acids (氨基酸). That glass would have a smaller impact on the environment and can break down in a few weeks or in several months.

In a test, glass beads made out of amino acids were placed under the skin of mice, and the breakdown of the bead and the skin healing process were observed for 30 days. A diagram from the study shows how the mice's bodies broke down the beads. In that month, the glass implant degraded beneath the skin, the wound site healed, and fur grew back. "Throughout the experimental period, no mice exhibited any pain-related behavior that may have been caused by the glass implantation, and none of them experienced obvious weight loss," the researchers wrote in their paper.

Although amino acids do degrade over time in the environment this biodegradable glass is not as durable as traditional glass, because amino acids can break down quickly in heat. To overcome this problem, the researchers chemically modified amino acids using the heating-cooling process tailored for manufacturing the new glass. This is when materials for the glass are heated to become soft and then rapidly cooled so as to make the glass tougher.

"It's important to point out that this biodegradable glass is currently in the lab stage, and far from large-scale commercialization," emphasized Yan Xuehai, a professor involved in the study, in a press release.

(1) What has been found after researchers implanted glass beads inside mice? A. The gradual degradation of the beads. B. The recycling process of the beads. C. Swollen wound sites of the mice. D. Apparent weight losses of the mice.
(2) What makes the stability of the new glass possible? A. The enhanced durability through chemical adjustment. B. The adoption of traditional glass manufacturing procedures. C. The prolonged exposure to heat during glass production. D. The rapid degradation of amino acids in the environment.
(3) What is Yan Xuehua's attitude toward the study? A. Disapproving. B. Objective. C. Ambiguous. D. Dismissive.
(4) What is the main idea of the text? A. Amino acids make eco-friendly glass durable. B. Biodegradable glass gains popularity in the market. C. Biodegradable glass offers a solution to ecological sustainability. D. Amino acids provide inspiration in glass manufacturing.
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Parts of East Asia could see "rivers in the sky" form due to climate change, bringing record-breaking levels of rainfall with them, a new study has revealed.

The team, from the University of Tsukuba, Japan, have already seen clear signs of global warming hitting parts of the country, so they wanted to see how bad things could get. "It's been becoming more and more clear that global warming means more than just warmer temperatures," they wrote.

One particularly-damaging extreme weather event is an increase in rainfall to unexpected and unprecedented (前所未有的) levels, which can result in flooding. To help predict rainfall events, researchers looked to one of the causes — the interaction of atmospheric rivers with mountain ranges.

"As the name suggests, atmospheric rivers are long, narrow bands of concentrated water vapour flowing through the atmosphere," the team explained. "When one of these bands meets a barrier, such as a mountain range, it can produce extreme levels of rainfall or snowfall."

Parts of East Asia have been subjected to (遭受) an increasing number of damaging, extreme weather events over the past decade.

To understand the impact, the team used high-resolution global atmospheric circulations model simulations (模拟) that virtually re-create the conditions in the atmosphere. They then looked at other regional climate models, comparing simulations based on real, meteorological data (气象数据) from 1951 to 2010 to predictions for 2090.

Authors used the climate scenario that would result in 4℃ of warming, compared to preindustrial levels — which is significantly more than 2℃ target set as part of Paris Climate Agreement.

First author, Professor Yoichi Kamae, said that their simulations predict strengthened water vapour transport, as well as increased rainfall at unprecedented levels. In simulations the greatest amounts of atmospheric river-related rainfall occurred on the southern and western slopes of mountains in East Asia, including in Japan, the Korean Peninsula, and northeastern China. They had to limit the study to East Asia due to computer time and processing limitations, but predict it would apply to other regions around the world.

(1) What's the possible consequence of the global warming? A. It contributes to polluted air. B. It leads to hot and rainy climate. C. It only results in the rise of temperature. D. It causes the destruction of more species.
(2) The author wrote Paragraph 4 to ____. A. describe the new study B. introduce atmospheric rivers C. analyze the cause of rainfall

D warn people of global warming

(3) How is the research carried to know the effect? A. By comparison. B. By discussion. C. By examples. D. By explanation
(4) What's the attitude of Professor Yoichi Kamae toward their simulations? A. They are risky. B. They are valueless. C. They are perfect. D. They are convincing.
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