
Honors Program

The honors program is for students who have enjoyed their experience in research with a guide teacher and are looking for a highlight experience during their final year. The program has specific requirements for our majors described below.


Students participate in the honors program during their final year. Students who expect to have a 3. 5 accumulative GPA by the fall of senior year should have identified a guide teacher and applied for NBB honors by May 1st of their third year. Applications are brief and include basic information such as guide teacher name, project title, and current GPA.


During senior year, honors students take two research-experience courses. Participation in these courses includes at least 12 hours of work on the research project each week as well as weekly meetings with other researchers to develop professional skills.


The majority of our major work with guide teachers in research experiences, and many students co-author manuscripts (手稿) published in leading journals. However, only honors students are guided and helped through the process of writing an essay. All students' essays are published online through the university library and, after the data being forbidden to be included in other articles, the essays are available to search.

(1) Which of the following is the requirement of the honors program? A. Students should take two relevant courses. B. Students should spend 12 hours researching. C. Students should finish their essays on their own. D. Students should apply by May 1st in the fourth year.
(2) What privilege do honors students have? A. Access to leading journals. B. Guidance in writing an essay. C. Including the data in other articles. D. Publishing essays through the library.
(3) Who is the passage intended for? A. Guide teachers. B. College Students. C. Researchers. D. Professors.
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The needs of plus size consumers have long been the elephant in the room of the fashion industry until body positivity and fat acceptance movements promoted the slogan (口号) that large-bodied people are not those who are left behind. This size-inclusive (尺码包容) trend has become so popular that it is influencing mainstream culture. As a result, fashion brands have finally decided to extend their size ranges. In 2022, the plus-size market grew twice as fast as the standard size market in both North America and the UK.

Yet, many consumers say fashion brands broadening their ranges are not truly inclusive. "Inclusive sizing means that all bodies are included in fashion, not just the ones who fit in standard sizes," says Marie Southard Ospina, a UK-based journalist who covers body-image issues. "However, what many designers do right now is pick a number that they think is big enough to include plus sizes and stop. This is even more disrespectful."

Researchers also criticize that some brands are just taking advantage of the trend. "Brands that used to promote so-called perfect bodies in their advertisements are now trying to get in on the trend by adding a few sizes. It doesn't feel like they really care about plus-size people," says Tom Burgess, analyst in fashion industry. "If brands cared about large-bodied consumers, then it wouldn't have taken until now to acknowledge that they exist," he says. "It gives the impression that companies are just trying to gain a share of the market without a real commitment to the community."

The fashion industry must go beyond merely producing clothing in a range of sizes if they hope to succeed with a body -diverse world. The whole industry has to connect on a personal level with consumers. That involves showing shoppers that they are seen, understood and important to brands. "Consumers care about values, and so they want to buy from brands that reflect the values they believe in. Everyone should enjoy the same range of fashion options," says Ludovica Cesareo, professor of marketing at the College of Business in the US.

(1) What do the underlined words "the elephant in the room" mean in the first paragraph? A. The hot issue that is valued. B. The obvious truth that is ignored. C. The important principle that is recognized. D. The common phenomenon that is criticized.
(2) Why do consumers say fashion brands are not truly inclusive? A. They pick sizes randomly. B. They offer limited plus sizes. C. They treat designers disrespectfully. D. They haven't broadened standard sizes.
(3) For what do researchers mainly criticize some brands? A. Their designs. B. Their quality. C. Their motivations. D. Their advertisements.
(4) What does the last paragraph imply? A. Buyers may deserve fashion that fits their figure. B. Consumers prefer brands with personalized values. C. Brands should catch up with the size-inclusive trend. D. A good brand image is critical in the fashion industry.
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Last summer, I was assigned to take photos that could communicate the urgency of climate change in northern Canada. When I arrived at an abandoned village on Resolute Bay, I scanned the shore with my camera. Suddenly, I spotted a bear lying on the ground. It didn't move for almost an hour. But when it finally stood up, I had to catch my breath. The bear's once strong body was just skin and bones; every step that it took was painfully slow.

When I posted the photos on social media, I wrote, "This is what starvation may look like. I wonder whether the global population of 25,000 polar bears would die the way this bear is dying."

I did not say that this particular bear was killed by climate change. But news organizations around the world focused on it. The first line of the story published in National Geographic read, "This is what climate change looks like"—with "climate change" highlighted in yellow. Other news agencies even adopted more dramatic headlines.

It was estimated that my photos had been read by about 2.5 billion people around the world. But there was a problem: Most people and the news agencies didn't pick up or misunderstood the real message I tried to send with them. Many people expressed gratitude that I'd provided shocking evidence on climate change, while others who are still trying to deny the existence of climate change accused me of spreading false information.

Perhaps I had made a mistake in not telling the full story—that I was looking for pictures that might foretell the future and that I didn't know what had happened to this particular polar bear.

I can't say that this bear was starving because of climate change, but I am happy that my photos have moved the conversation about climate change to the forefront, where it must remain until this problem is solved.

Until then, when I come across a scene like this one, I will again share with the world—and take pains to be sure that my intention is clear.

(1) How did the author feel when the bear stood up? A. Shocked. B. Scared. C. Amazed. D. Relieved.
(2) What does the underlined word "it" in paragraph 3 refer to? A. The story. B. The photo. C. A starving bear. D. Climate change.
(3) What did the author really want to do when sharing those photos? A. Provide more direct evidence on climate change. B. Show the link between the bear and climate change. C. Warn the possible consequences of climate change. D. Expose the false information about climate change.
(4) What is the author's main purpose in writing the text? A. To admit his mistake. B. To clarify his true intention. C. To please his readers. D. To show off his amazing trip.
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3. 阅读理解

No one likes making mistakes,especially when you feel angry about what you've done.However,that awful feeling is your brain learning to help you succeed in the future.You can't learn how to ride a bike without falling off,or make friends without sometimes saying things you regret. 

Accepting and learning from your mistakes gives you the courage to try harder next time.Experts call this a "growth mindset".It means you see failure as something positive you can learn from,instead of regret.Elsie,age 13,said that it's hard to accept mistakes but they make her a better learner."I once made a cake that came out like two big biscuits.I was disappointed but realized I hadn't read the recipe properly.Now I always read the recipe twice." 

Be open to mistakes because learning from them can help you believe in yourself and face challenges."Try talking to a friend or a trusted family member about your mistake of the day.Whether the experience is happy or painful,sharing these stories with others will show you how they happen all the time,"says Alexandra Eidens from The Big Life Diary for Kids.

(1) Why did Elsie fail to make the cake? A. She didn't take her friend's advice. B. She didn't follow the recipe properly. C. She was made absent-minded by a call. D. She used the method of making biscuits.
(2) What does Alexandra Eidens advise us to do about our mistake? A. Keep it in a diary. B. Make it into a story. C. See it as a painful experience. D. Share it with a trusted person.
(3) What is the best title(标题) for the text? A. Believing in Yourself B. Trying Harder Next Time C. Learning From Mistakes D. Facing Challenges Bravely
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