1.  根据对话情景,从方框中选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整,其中有一项的多余的。

Does it seem that the things you say often cause offense(冒犯) ? If so, maybe people think that your English isn't polite. !

◆"I'm afraid I can't" VS "NO."

It can be difficult to refuse an invitation from a friend. Simply saying "No." would sound impolite. The next time you have to refuse an invitation, you can say, "I'm afraid I can't. 


If someone does something you don't like, would you like him to stop? To get the good result, instead of shouting "Stop talking on your phone in the cinema!", ask him politely by saying "Would you mind not using your phone in the cinema, please?"

◆"Can you pass me. . . ?" VS "Give me..."

, so it's sometimes difficult to get what you want without causing frustration(懊恼). Change words that sound like commands(命令), such as "Give me the newspaper." with a request like "Can you pass me the newspaper?"

◆"Could you give me five minutes?" VS "Go away."

You're really busy at work, but your co-worker needs your help. , just saying "Go away." is certainly not proper. Instead, keep everyone happy by using the words "Could you give me five minutes?"

A. "Would you mind . . .?" VS "Stop it!" 

B. People don't like being told what to do 

C. "Could you spare me…?" VS "Don't do it!"

D. Learn how to be polite with this great guide

E. When you're busy and can't do anything else

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2. 配对阅读。左栏是五个人的做法,右栏是七个国家的风俗习惯。请将这五个人的做法和国家的风俗习惯进行匹配,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。

Every time Alice goes to Kate's house, she always comes half an hour late and then kisses Kate.

When Jack goes to a friend's house, they shake hands with each other. However, Jack starts eating first when the dinner begins. The friend's mother isn't happy.

The waiter bows to customers, picks up some meat with chopsticks and scoops (舀出) some rice with a spoon.

At a bus stop, Tom says to the person next to him, "Hello! The weather is very good today, isn't it?"

When Li Lei comes back or leaves her boarding (寄宿) house, she bows to the hostess (女主人).

A. Brazilians are outgoing, fun-loving people. They often greet each other with hugs and kisses on the cheek, even among acquaintances (熟人) or in a business setting.

B. If you are invited to a Mexican's house, bring a gift such as flowers or sweets. And you can arrive 30 minutes late in most places. The usual greeting is a handshake or a nod of the head. Women often greet each other with a kiss on the face.

C. In the United States, most people don't talk about religion, politics or personal feelings with strangers. "Small talk" is popular. They often talk about some topics such as sports, weather, jobs or past experiences.

D. Besides chopsticks, South Koreans regularly use soup spoons at meals. The chopsticks are used mainly for side dishes, while the spoon is used for soup and rice. They are supposed to bow when they meet for the first time.

E. The bow is deeply embedded (根深蒂固) in Japanese culture. People bow when they meet and part from one another to express appreciation.

F. In Colombia, men often shake hands with everyone who enters a home, greets a group, or leaves. Women offer a greeting and may kiss each other on the face.

G. In Switzerland, etiquette (礼仪) requires that guests should not start eating until the host or the eldest begun. The fork is held in the left hand, and the knife in the right hand. Hands are kept above the table.

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