In the eighth grade, I had a good friend, Peter. He was an excellent sports star. 1 I never seemed to be any good at sports. But when Peter joined a team, I did, too. Or at least I2 .
Peter was in the JV field hockey team. He was talented, so he learned the basic skills 3 on the other hand, couldn't seem to hold the stick comfortably. Then Peter spent more and more 4 with the other boys like him and I was beginning to feel lonely.
Deciding to 5 our friendship; I asked my mom to buy me my own hockey stick so I could practise at home. Peter looked at my 6 , and I could tell that he was thinking it was a waste of money.
I was 7 by his reaction(反应), and felt sad. I thought I simply had to be good at this sport 18 I was going to keep Peter as a friend. So I practised and practised. I often felt like there was no 9 , but I kept at it. Just during that dark time, Steve became my new partner.
Then, one day,l10 happened. That day, when Steve sent me his first throw, I caught 11 . Then I caught his next throw, and the next. The stick was actually feeling 12 in my hands.
I still don't know what happened that day, but I will always be 13 tor it. By the end of the season, I was chosen to 14 for the JV team. I scored 12 goals that year. My success on the field gave me the confidence and the true 15 that I really needed. And Steve turned out to be a great friend.