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Student Life

I started going to drama school when I was nine. I love it! It's the biggest drama school in the country. My dad drives me there. The school day begins with drama lessons at 8 o'clock. In the morning, we do dance, music, theatre, or project work. After lunch, we change into our school uniform and have normal school lessons until 4:30 in the afternoon. At the weekend, we sometimes put on shows, or have sports competitions with other schools.
My parents decided to teach me at home when we moved to the countryside because my old school was too far away. I get up at 8 o'clock, and begin studying an hour later. In the morning, my dad teaches me maths and science. In the afternoon, I do sports or art with my mum. My weekends are free. I like home schooling because I can choose my own projects, and I can wear what I like.
I live at my school during the term! My parents live in Spain and I go home to see them in the holidays. I often miss them. We wake up early, at 6.45 in the morning, have breakfast at 8 o'clock, and start the first lesson at 8.45. There are six lessons every weekday. We also have two lessons on Saturday morning. There is no uniform, but we have to wear smart clothes. I'm not great at studying - maths is the hardest for me - but I win a lot of prizes for football and tennis.

A. Sara B. Marian C. Freddy

(1) Who goes to a school that's in a different country from home?
(2) Who learns from only two people?
(3) Who has lessons at the weekend?
(4) Who has to wear a uniform?
(5) Who does well in sports competitions?
(6) Who can sometimes decide what to study?
(7) Who starts studying at eight in the morning?
任务型阅读; 日常生活类; 议论文; 细节理解;

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