, "Diary of a Madman" is not a good choice for a beginner in Chinese learning.
I had wait for more news alone in the office.
I'm extra nice to my sister all through December,
getting a new video game for Christmas.
his old age, he still leads an active life.
get a load of, on the move, pull one's weight, succeed in, all of a sudden, sing high praises for,
let off steam, move on, reach out to, keep on, account for, look through
lose track of take responsibility for on the assumption that
be anxious for draw inspiration from kill two birds with one stone
brave the elements an approach to be typical of
settle for concentrate on
throw the baby out with the bathwater
A. sorts B. occurred to C. tended D. launched E run out
F. precious G. indicates H. bring about I. postpone J. mild