1. 阅读短文,回答问题

A few hours after my first mission, returning to Earth on the space shuttle Endeavour, I completed all of my medical tests after flight, met with NASA officials, and reunited with my family. Finally, I was alone in my office room in astronaut crew quarters at the Kennedy Space Centre, exhausted and ready for bed. And I did what anyone does when they return to their hotel room on a business trip:I turned on the TV. The television news started up:Such and such had happened, people were shocked, blah blah blah. Sports scores. Silly commercials.

It didn't take more than a minute before I had to turn it off. It felt like my body was rejecting all this input, just as it would reject an organ donation that had the wrong blood type. All of this noise was just completely foreign to who I was—or, more appropriately, who I had become. A few hours before, I had been orbiting Earth, seeing our planet from space, flying the most amazing machine ever built by human hands, working with a team that was the absolute success of human. And now here in my room watching what was being sold as news, and with my new-found perspective, I just could not stomach it. My world view was changed forever in a profound(深刻的) way.

The biggest change by far and the one for which I will always be most grateful is this big-picture perspective. That will stick with me for the rest of my life.

Whenever I feel the pressure of modern life, the stress about work, or worry about the future, I remember my time in the space station. Back to seeing the sun set. Or watching our galaxy rise on the horizon. Or seeing a sea of lightning flash a hundred times a second. Or simply back to floating weightlessly.

When I'm there in my mind and realise how many billions of these beautiful sunsets there have been and will be in the future, the cares of the world just don't seem that pressing. It goes that, "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself." Living daily life down here on the planet is so much better with this attitude!

(1) Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word "stomach" in Paragraph 2? A. Access. B. Attend. C. Accept. D. Afford.
(2) What is the most important change to the writer? A. He has a broader view of the world. B. He doesn't like watching TV any more. C. He will always be most grateful for everything. D. He can fly the most amazing machine by hands.
(3) What attitude to life does the writer tend to have? A. A caged bird longs for clouds. B. Live in the present moment. C. Let bygones be bygones. D. Time works great changes.
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In old times, there was a story about an athletic young boy hungry for success, for whom winning was everything.

One day, the boy was preparing himself for a running competition in his small native village. He and two other young boys were to compete. A large crowd had gathered to witness the competition and a wise old man, upon hearing of the little boy, had traveled far to see it too.

The race started. The boy showed his determination, strength and power and he was the first. The crowd cheered and waved at the boy. The wise man remained still and calm. The little boy, however, felt proud and important.

The second race was called, and two young new challengers came forward to run with the little boy. The little boy finished first once again. The crowd again cheered and waved at the boy. The wise man expressed no opinion. The little boy, however, felt proud and important again.

"Another race, another race!" shouted the little boy. The wise old man stepped forward and presented the little boy with two new challengers, a frail old lady and a blind man. "What is this?" asked the little boy. "Race!" said the wise man. The race started and the boy was the only finisher. The little boy raised his arms in delight. The crowd, however, was silent showing no happiness. "What has happened? Why don't they join in my success?" he asked the wise old man. "Race again, " replied the wise man. "This time, all three of you, finish together," continued the wise man.


Paragraph 1:

The little boy thought a little,

Paragraph 2:

"Old man, I don't understand! Who is the crowd cheering for? Which one of us?" asked the little boy.

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