1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

New efforts are being made to prevent American college campuses(校园) from cigarette smoking. Twenty colleges in the United States recently received money to help protect their campuses from the harm of cigarettes.

Supporters say that every child deserves to grow up in a safe and healthy environment free from harmful secondhand cigarettes. And in November, smoking at college campuses may become illegal.

Before banning smoking at college campuses, the US has passed laws banning smoking at most workplaces. 27 American states ban smoking in all indoor workplaces.

Those supporting smoke­free at workplaces and college campuses give one major reason: the bad influence of smoking on health.

The Centers for Discase Control (CDC) says smoking has a great influence on health. They think cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable deaths in the United States. Smoking is responsible for 480, 000 deaths every year.

Supporters say the bad influence of second­hand smoke makes it a public health problem. Some also say that college campuses are a good place to ban smoking.

Gary Reedy, the CEO of the American Cancer Society,said it was important to stop college students from smoking, and he expected to successfully create a cigarettefree generation(世代).

The CDC found that 13 percent of adults between the ages of 18 and 24 smoke cigarettes. Reedy says that reducing the number of college students who smoke can help reduce the number of older adult smokers. He also says once a person starts smoking, it is hard to stop.

(1) Who are the new efforts good for? A. Young smokers. B. The CDC. C. College students. D. People in public places.
(2) What makes the action to ban smoking possible? A. The bad influence of smoking. B. Money wasted on cigarettes. C. Public attention to health. D. Laws passed by the US.
(3) Which one is Reedy's opinion? A. Smoke­free campuses have a long­term influence. B. Smoking spreads easily among college students. C. It is easier for college students to stop smoking. D. There're more older adult smokers in the world.
(4) What is the best title for the text? A. Second­hand smoke is affecting college students too B. Banning smoking is being tried at U. S. colleges C. Cigarettes should be totally banned in college D. Groups take steps to protect college students
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1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Many teachers believe frequent quizzes(小测验) help students better grasp classroom material. Crede, an associate professor of psychology, was skeptical that something as simple as a quiz could positively affect students' academic performance. He decided to dig deeper and conduct an analytic study of existing research to see if there was any proof to the idea. What he discovered truly surprised him.

Crede analyzed data from previously published studies that examined 52 classes with almost 8, 000 students, primarily college-level courses, to determine if frequent quizzes improved the students' academic performance. Laboratory settings were kept out of the study because Crede wanted to observe whether similar studies from labs would apply to general classrooms.

Crede discovered that when students are quizzed over class material at least once a week, they tend to perform better on midterm and final exams compared to students who did not take quizzes. He also found that students who took frequent quizzes were less likely to fail the class, especially if they were struggling with the course content. Students who struggle the most in a class seem to benefit the greatest from frequent quizzes. The other surprising thing was how much quizzes helped reduce failure rates in classes. The chances of passing a class went through the roof where instructors used this. In addition to quiz frequency, another factor that seemed to positively affect students' performance was immediate feedback from instructors. Also, quizzes that required students to answer with written responses proved more beneficial to their understanding of class material compared to multiple-choice questions.

Asking teachers to grade written quizzes daily or weekly may discourage some from carrying them out in their classes. Instead, it is recommended that instructors give online quizzes that can be automatically graded by a course management system. Quiz attributes(属性) proved insignificant in the study, including whether the tests were pop quizzes or planned, or if they were online or on paper.

(1) What did Crede do to ensure his study's accuracy? A. He focused on what happened in classrooms. B. He researched as many students as he could. C. He made laboratory settings as real as possible. D. He gave easy quizzes to make every student do well.
(2) What did Crede discover in his study? A. Frequent quizzes could remove students' failure in classes. B. Instructors' feedback was more important than frequent quizzes. C. Frequent quizzes were especially useful to the struggling students. D. Multiple-choice questions shouldn't be included in frequent quizzes.
(3) What may be a disadvantage of frequent quizzes for teachers? A. Accessing the Internet less frequently. B. Having too many exam papers to mark. C. Being unable to get appropriate test materials. D. Finding it hard to choose the right type of quiz.
(4) Which of the following can be the best title for the text? A. Quizzes Stimulate a Passion for Creation B. Quizzes Improve Academic Performance C. Quizzes Create a Heavy Burden D. Quizzes Increase Boredom
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