The Feynman Technique(费曼学习法)is a powerful method that you can use to learn anything faster because it forces you to actively think about the problem instead of passively reading or listening to someone else talk about it. You can take the following five simple steps to study better.
·Find out the topic you want to learn. Otherwise, you'll end up jumping between topics without developing a deeper understanding of any of them.
·Explain the topic as if teaching a sixth-grader. This step is the heart of the FeynmanTechnique—.This requires you to meet the child at their level of understanding by using the simplest way.
.Identify areas of improvement in your explanation. You'll need to critically(批判性地)review the explanation you cane up with in Step Two . Try to find any knowledge gaps, together with any areas where you felt that you couldn't explain the topic simply.
·Improve and optimiez(优化) your explanation. Think about all the knowledge gaps and otherareas of improvement you found before.
· Repeat the steps until you've achieved mastery of the topic. Keep going through each step you're fully satisfied with your explanation., and that is why going through all the prior snnjust once is usually not enough to achieve topic mastery.
A. Use those to improve your explanation
B. To do so, take a critical look at your explanation
C. Make sure that your explanation is interest-based
D. Your explanations need to be short and to the point
E. The Feynman Technique works best with a repeat
F. It's important that you clearly know the topics you're trying to learn
G. Explaining the topic simply enough to be understood by a sixth-grade student