1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

  Why do children learn so quickly?  Is it simply a necessity, or is a child' s brain more capable of taking in new information than an adult' s brain? 

" It is a common way of thinking that ‘children are like sponges' and have the magical ability to learn new skills faster than an adult, but there are some misconceptions here, " said Debbie Raven, a researcher at the University of Chester. " A child' s cognitive (认知的) development is age-related and, naturally, children perform worse than their older peers in most areas. However, there are times when being young brings an advantage, and this is especially true around their earliest years. 

This advantage is largely due to neuroplasticity, meaning the brain' s ability to form and change its connections, pathways and wiring based on experiences. Neuroplasticity is what gives children the capacity to learn-and, if necessary, unlearn-habits, routines, approaches and actions very quickly. This ability is most constant and rapid before a child' s fifth birthday, when much of what they encounter or experience is novel. " This ability to learn quickly is connected to several areas, including plasticity, their experiences with adults, their environment, and their biological drive to explore, " Raven said. " Childhood is a place where children spend their time catching up with adults' more sophisticated abilities. " 

Language learning, in particular, is an area where children often have a huge advantage over adults. This is largely because " babies are able to tune in to the rhythm and sounds used in their native language, and can therefore become fluent speakers by the age of four. " This ability can help young children learn a second or third language with apparent ease, Raven said. 

In a research paper, the authors suggest that " human babies are born seeing and hearing linguistic information that older children and adults miss, although they lose this ability with more experience in their environments. Moreover, babies can " discriminate speech sounds and tones used in al of the world' s languages, making them open to al input, regardless of the linguistic environment they are born into. 

(1) Why does Raven make the remarks in paragraph 2?  A. To prove a new theory. B. To share personal experience. C. To correct a wrong belief. D. To solve long-held confusion.
(2) What' s one feature of " neuroplasticity" ?  A. It enables children to break a habit quickly. B. It accompanies a person all through his life. C. It is entirely based on a kid' s past experiences. D. It disappears soon after a child' s fifth birthday.
(3) What impacts kids' quick learning ability according to Raven?  A. Their brain structure. B. Their habits and routines. C. Their parents' experiences. D. Their inborn desire to explore.
(4) What does the author mainly talk about in the last two paragraphs?  A. Why children are talented language learners. B. What are the proper ways of learning languages. C. When is the best time to learn foreign languages. D. How environments can influence language learning.
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A new study shows that the more people read any kind of fiction, the better their language skills are likely to be. The piece was written by. Sandra Martin-Chang of Concordia University in Canada, and her student Stephanie Kozak.

Martin-Chang and Kozak used a scale (量表) called the Predictors of Leisure Reading (PoLR) to investigate reading behaviours (motivations, attitudes and interests). They then examined how well the PoLR predicted the language skills of 200 undergraduate students, with all data gathered at York University in Toronto. The researchers note that the age range of the subjects in the study is of key interest. In early adulthood, reading becomes self-directed rather than forced by parents or teachers, which makes this a perfect time for developing one's own reading habits. This population is also rather understudied, with most existing research focusing far more on children.

The researchers administered a series of measures over two separate half-hour sessions. First, the volunteers completed the 48-question PoLR scale measuring various reading behaviours. They were then given language tests. The researchers found that people who enjoyed reading fiction for leisure and who identified themselves as readers scored higher on the language tests, while those who read to access specific information scored more poorly on the same tests.

The many benefits of reading have long been established. Besides having better language abilities, lifelong readers are known to be more understanding of others, attain higher socioeconomic status and even live longer, healthier lives than non-readers.

"Teachers and parents can develop a love of reading by letting young people read what they want, without guilt or shame. This established interest, wanting to read something over and over again, having a strong desire to read an entire series, feeling connected to characters and authors, these are all good things," Martin-Chang concludes.

(1) What did the researchers take into consideration when choosing study subjects? A. Their age. B. Their education. C. Their family background. D. Their childhood reading habit.
(2) What do we know about those who behaved poorly in the language tests? A. They read a lot out of interest. B. They read to obtain information. C. They were popular fiction lovers. D. They identified themselves as readers.
(3) What might Martin-Chang advise teachers to do? A. Tell students to read book series. B. Ask students to read a book repeatedly. C. Allow students to choose their reading freely. D. Encourage students to read books related to them.
(4) What is the best title for the text? A. To open a book is always beneficial   B. Reading enriches both mind and heart C. Lifelong readers are more understanding of others D. Picking up a book for fun positively affects language abilities
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Harbin Ice Festival 2023

Ever think of what Elsa's ice palace might look like in real life? Ice stairs, ice walls, and ice towers? When winter approaches, Harbin turns into a kingdom of ice and snow.

The annual Harbin Ice and Snow Festival opens in late December and lasts for around 3 months, till late February.

What's New for Harbin Ice Festival

Every year, there's a unique theme for the Ice Festival. A huge Snowflake Ferris Wheel (摩天轮) has already been built inside the park. Visitors will be able to ride on the Ferris Wheel and overlook the ice castles in early 2023. For this upcoming festival, the highlight may be when the giant Snowflake is colorfully lit up at night, shining high in the sky.

Yearly Time Line



Early December

Ice Harvest


Carving and Building

Christmas period

Unofficial Opening

Jan.5, 2023

Opening Ceremony

Jan. 18 to Feb. 15, 2023

Special Celebrations for Chinese New Year

Late Feb. to early Mar.

Ice and snow sculptures start to melt

Click here and Book Now! Tickets for Harbin Ice and Snow World are on sale now!*Dec. 25, 2022—Jan.5, 2023: ¥170/person (half price for children)

*Jan. 6, 2023—Feb. 28, 2023: ¥230/person (half price for children)

Contact us for available tour dates before they are fully booked.


As long as the ice and snow sculptures are open to visitors, it is impossible to take photos of the charming ice buildings without any visitors in! This might be different from what you see in the media (that have special access).

(1) What's the highlight for the festival? A. Visitors will be able to ride on the Ferris Wheel. B. Seeing Elsa's ice palace in real life. C. The giant Snowflake is colorfully lit up at night. D. A huge Ferris Wheel has already been built inside the park.
(2) What will take place during the Christmas time? A. The festival will open informally. B. There will be special celebrations. C. The opening ceremony will start officially. D. Ice will begin to be carved.
(3) If a couple with their three kids go to see the opening ceremony, how much should they pay? A. ¥510 B. ¥425 C. ¥595 D. ¥680
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Living in a foreign land may bring people some culture shock, but it may also provide a new perspective of the world.  For some, it's so valuable that it deserves to be shared with others across the globe.

This resonates with (与……产生共鸣) Mohamed Moustafa, an Egyptian student studying in China.  As a part-time vlogger, Mohamed often shares his experience of Chinese culture on the social media platform Facebook.  The content he has shared includes taking the high-speed railway, performing kung fu, and learning xiang sheng the comic dialogue also known as cross-talk.  What's more, Mohamed speaks in Chinese in his videos, which are quite welcomed among his 20,000 followers. "Many of my followers are learning Chinese in Egypt," the 24-year-old said. "But sadly, they know little about Chinese culture and the country." Before he came to China, Mohamed once believed that all Chinese people could perform kung fu, leaping onto roofs and walking over walls.  Like many Egyptians, he thought the country was not that developed and dominated by green trains moving at a slow speed.  But after he got a scholarship to study in China in 2019, he immediately changed his view and decided to show people what China really looks like.  "China has entered a new era, but for many, stereotypes (刻板印象) and impressions are still of 1970's China," Mohamed said.  "That's why I started shooting vlogs to share Chinese culture." Until now, Mohamed has published more than 50 vlogs about China on Facebook.  For him, making these vlogs is never easy, especially those introducing Chinese kung fu. To make an accurate explanation, he needed to find a lot of information and even seek out professionals.

Preparing these vlogs is time-consuming (费时的),but the young Egyptian man feels proud to find that his vlogs help more people learn about Chinese culture and become interested in the country.

According to Mohamed, inspired by his vlogs, some young people in his country have decided to further their studies in China.

When asked about his plan as a vlogger in the future, Mohamed said that he wanted to continue to bridge the culture-gap between China and Egypt. "This goal may not be achieved easily, but I will spare no efforts to do my part," he said.

(1) Which of the following does"This" refer to in paragraph2? A. Living in a foreign land. B. Sharing cultures with the world. C. Posting videos on Facebook D. Advocating studying in China
(2) Which is the most difficult task for Mohamed? A. Learning to perform kung fu. B. Learning to perform cross-talk. C. Preparing Chinese kung fu vlogs. D. Teaching his fellows to speak Chinese.
(3) What can be the best title of the text? A. A Devoted Culture Messenger. B. An Accomplished Vlogger. C. A Successful Egyptian Student. D. An Absorbed Dream Pursuer.
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