
I joined the coast guard because I wanted to help people. Hovercraft (气垫船) are rare and special. They've been discontinued in most commercial operations because they're so expensive to make, but when it comes to search and rescue, they're priceless.

From far away, a hovercraft looks like a normal boat. But if you look under its skirt, the craft is not touching the water —it floats on a cushion of air. That cushion allows us to travel over everything from water to muddy land — and even break through ice. We do all of that as a 70-tonne machine, going a maximum of nearly 120 kilometers per hour. These features allow us to rescue a large number of people quickly, get onto land, and get someone into an ambulance far easier than with any other device I can think of.

The advantages of hovercraft can also make them difficult to handle. We've got a massive vehicle moving fast, sometimes in a thick fog bank up a narrow river. During assignments on other coast guard ships, I had 20 minutes to make changes to avoid a crash. In a hovercraft, I have 10 seconds. You have to have enough situational awareness to make the right decision every time.

People call us for all sorts of problems: missing divers, on-board fires, or even when they've run out of fuel or had a mechanical breakdown. A container ship could burst into flames. We have a strong network here at the base to help everyone through difficult situations like that. Thankfully, we have captains who train us in a safe environment, but you don't ever get fully comfortable. Anything can throw the hovercraft off—maybe your lift settings are off a little, or the wind blows with a bit of extra weight. After several years operating a hovercraft, I'm still learning. Every one of the captains here agrees: you can drive this thing for 20 years and still be surprised.

(1)  What makes hovercraft unsuitable for commercial use? A. Their safety risks. B. Their poor durability. C. Their low efficiency. D. Their production costs.
(2) What is paragraph 2 mainly about? A. How a hovercraft works. B. What comprises a hovercraft. C. What distinguishes a hovercraft. D. How a hovercraft helps victims.
(3)  What challenge do hovercraft pose to the pilots? A. They have to make faster responses. B. They often face mechanical breakdowns. C. They need more people for decision making. D. They must consider the environmental concerns.
(4)  What does the author think of operating a hovercraft? A. Dull. B. Demanding. C. Enjoyable. D. Effortless.
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Women's complete multivitamin dietary supplements

Our team devote ourselves to women's wellness and realize that it is more than just taking good vitamins. That's why we teamed up with the Fruit Tree Planting Foundation to plant 200, 000 fruit trees by 2020 in underserved communities.

Together we are committed to producing nutrient-rich fresh fruit, sustainable lifestyles and happy, healthy communities now and for generations to come.

• 150 grains

• Suggested use:As a dietary supplements, women adults take two grains per day. Chew thoroughly before swallowing after meals.

• Supplement Facts

Serving Size 2

Serving per bottle 75

Amount per serving          Daily value

Calories                         15

Total sugars                      3g

Vitamin A 450mcg

Vitamin C                        30mg

Vitamin D 25mcg

Vitamin E                        18. 8g

Vitamin B-6                       2mg

Calcium 100mg

Boron                            150mg

• Other ingredients: Glucose, syrup, sugar, water

• Contains: tree nuts (coconut)

Processed in a facility with products that contain egg, fish, shellfish soy and tree nuts.

To ensure quality and effectiveness through expiration (有效期) , this dietary supplement is manufactured with higher active ingredient levels than the indicated Amount Per Serving. Take only as directed. Do not exceed suggested dosage. If you have medical condition, are on medication, are pregnant or nursing or have questions regarding your nutritional needs, consult a qualified healthcare professional before using the product. An individual's need for this product may be met through a varied and well balanced diet. Don't use if the inner seal is broken or missing. Do not expose to excessive heat or moisture. Colors will darken over time, but this doesn't alter the effectiveness of the product. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

(1) How should people take the supplements? A. Chew them completely. B. Swallow them after breakfast. C. Take 2 grains every two days. D. Melt them in your mouth during lunch.
(2) Which of the following component contains the minimum? A. Vitamin E. B. Boron. C. Vitamin D.         
(3) What can we learn about the supplements? A. They're suitable for healthy adults. B. They can't be used to treat illness. C. Pregnant women ought to take more. D. Their colors' darkening is the sign of going bad.
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The blue whale is the largest animal to ever live on our planet. You might wonder how much such a large creature eats. Well, you are not alone.

Scientists recently carried out a study to find out how much blue whales eat in a day. Their findings were not surprising. They found the whales eat a lot. In just one day, blue whales living in the North Pacific Ocean can eat about 14.5 metric tons of krill (磷虾). That means blue whales eat around 1450 metric tons of food every year.

Matthew Savoca of Stanford University said, "It's an unimaginable amount of food." Savoca also described the blue whales' size as "unimaginable." Blue whales are larger than even the biggest dinosaurs. They can grow to 33 meters long and weigh about 181 metric tons. The animal can grow to about the size of a Boeing 737 airplane. Nick Pyenson was the co-writer of the study. He said the amount of food blue whales eat in a day is about the weight of "one fully-loaded school bus."

To measure the amount of food the whales ate and to study eating behaviors, the researchers used many devices. Electronic tag devices were attached to the animal's back. They also used cameras, microphones, a GPS locator device and an instrument that follows movement. They used drones (无人机) to estimate the size of a whale's mouth area and how much food it could eat at one time. And they used instruments that recorded sound waves to estimate the amount of food in the waters near the whales.

Because they eat so much, they also produce much more excrement, than scientists had thought. This provides important nutrients for ocean ecosystems. These nutrients help to form phytoplankton (浮游植物), which serve as the base of ocean food webs. Whale hunting during the 20th century caused sharp drops in whale populations. Pyenson added that supporting whale recovery may help repair "ecosystem functions lost in the past hundred years."

(1) What did Savoca think of the amount of food a blue whale eats? A. Impossible. B. Incredible. C. Inspiring. D. Imaginary.
(2) What is Paragraph 4 mainly about? A. The record of sound waves. B. The behaviors of whales. C. The use of electronic devices. D. The ways of studying whales.
(3) What does the underlined word "excrement" in Paragraph 5 refer to? A. Waste material. B. Food shortage. C. Phytoplankton. D. Reproduction.
(4) What may be discussed next according to the passage? A. How to protect ecosystems. B. How to repair ecosystem functions. C. How to study future ocean creatures. D. How to increase whale populations.
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Revisiting the legacy of Ping-Pong Diplomacy

(文章来源:Global Times

The 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the US was commemorated with a gesture that recalled an era of unexpected thawing in China-US relations: the exchange of table tennis teams between the University of Virginia and Peking University. This exchange, mirroring the historic "Ping-Pong Diplomacy" of the early 1970s, serves as a reminder of the unique role that sport, particularly table tennis, has played in bridging the divide between two of the world's major powers.

The original "Ping-Pong Diplomacy" was an event that marked the end of a 22-year estrangement between China and the US. Historical analysis shows that its emergence and subsequent evolution were promoted by many individuals who demonstrated ability, courage and decisiveness during that era. The phrase "the small ball turns the big ball - the earth" encapsulates the monumental impact that this sporting engagement had on global geopolitics. The simple act of table tennis players crossing borders led to a cascade of diplomatic engagements that ultimately rebooted China-US relations, an impact whose ripples are still felt today.

Reflecting on my own experiences as a freshman of English language study, the news of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the US was a watershed moment. The arrival of American teachers on our campus was a tangible manifestation of this newfound openness. Since then, the depth and breadth of the people-to-people exchanges that have unfolded are a testament to the enduring legacy of those early interactions. 

Now, the resumption of civil exchanges has seen Chinese scholars, businessmen and entrepreneurs gradually reengage with their American counterparts, and will foster a nuanced understanding of the bilateral relationship. Despite these positive strides, the contemporary landscape of China-US relations is markedly different from the past. The geopolitical dynamics have evolved, and the simplicity of "Ping-Pong Diplomacy" as a catalyst for change seems almost quaint in the face of complex modern challenges. 

The essence of "Ping-Pong Diplomacy" lies in its demonstration of the importance of cross-cultural dialogue. The need for countries to be understood, rather than misunderstood, is universal, and China is no exception. The inevitability of interaction between two culturally and historically distinct major powers underscores the necessity of a diplomatic breakthrough, no matter how unconventional. The exchanges spurred by "Ping-Pong Diplomacy" accelerated the pace of globalization and left an indelible mark on world history and human development.

Today, even as the US identifies China as a competitor, there is an acknowledgment of a new kind of relationship. One of the changes is characterized by broad and deep interpersonal interactions. From the inception of "Ping-Pong Diplomacy," the China-US relationship has transcended traditional diplomatic and economic ties to encompass social and familial dimensions. These layers of connection are now integral to the foreign policy of any third nation.

The term "relationship" in the context of China and the US encompasses not only national interests and strategic considerations but also the exchange of ideas and cultures through interpersonal contact. The rise of China, as a significant Eastern power with a vast population, means that these exchanges have become increasingly critical. The complexity and depth of the China-US relationship make it a pivotal factor in shaping the trajectory of international relations in the 21st century. The current consensus is that coexistence between these two great powers is the norm. However, there is still a divergence in opinions on the modalities of this coexistence. While contemporary "Ping-Pong Diplomacy" may not have the same revolutionary impact as its predecessor, its symbolic value remains significant. "Ping-Pong Diplomacy" serves as a reminder that in the complex web of international relations, simple acts of cultural and sporting exchange can still foster mutual understanding and respect, because this kind of activity is the basis of people-to-people exchanges.

As noted by Hong Zhaohui, a Chinese-American scholar who studied the history of "Ping-Pong Diplomacy," the most profound lesson from this chapter of history is the recognition that people, not merely policy or objects, are the primary drivers of diplomatic relations.

(1) What was the significance of the exchange of table tennis teams between the University of Virginia and Peking University on the 45th anniversary of China-US diplomatic relations? A. It marked the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the US. B. It symbolized a thaw in China-US relations reminiscent of "Ping-Pong Diplomacy." C. It was a historic event that ended a 22-year estrangement between the two countries. D. It demonstrated the impact of modern sports diplomacy on global geopolitics.
(2) What was the impact of the original "Ping-Pong Diplomacy" on global geopolitics, according to the article? A. It led to the end of a 22-year estrangement between China and the US. B. It resulted in the emergence of many individuals with decisive abilities. C. It accelerated the pace of globalization and left a lasting mark on world history. D. It demonstrated the simplicity of sporting engagements as catalysts for change.
(3) What does the term "relationship" in the context of China and the US encompass, according to the article? A. National interests and strategic considerations. B. Exchange of ideas and cultures through interpersonal contact. C. Economic ties and geopolitical dynamics. D. The complexity of international relations in the 21st century.
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