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As we close out the final days of this year, treat yourself to a deliciously distracting new book — a book that you can dip into and out of throughout the holidays. Read up, rest up, and enjoy yourself.

Yoga for Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond

A must-have guide for yoga-loving mamas, Yoga for Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond offers helpful relaxation techniques and breathing exercises that are tailored to each pregnant woman. The book also lays out valuable techniques for labor and staying in touch with your body as it continuously changes.

Mindfulness Activities for Kids

We could all use a little more peace in our lives. Uniquely suited for children and parents to do together, the 40 mindfulness exercises recommended here — from pausing to fully enjoy a tasty sandwich to taking a chalk walk together --will not only teach children calm and gratitude, but also bring grown-ups and their littles closer together.

Before She Disappeared

Frankie Elkin is a recovering alcoholic who devotes her time to solving cold cases, especially those involving people of color. A new investigation brings her to Boston, searching for a Haitian teenager who disappeared months ago. But as Frankie starts asking questions, someone else will stop at nothing to keep the answers hidden.

Oak Flat

Lauren Redniss' Oak Flat tells the story of the land near the San Carlos Apache Reservation through an Apache family fighting to protect the land, which the U.S. government and two world-power mining enterprises are attempting to seize and destroy for its copper resources. Visually striking and deeply reported, Oak Flat tells a larger story of endless westward expansion and native resistance.

(1) Which book can help to improve family relations? A. Yoga for Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond. B. Mindfulness Activities for Kids. C. Before She Disappeared. D. Oak Flat.
(2) What do we know about the book Oak Flat? A. It centers on an Apache family's struggle. B. It's a brief account of mining enterprises. C. It sings high praise of the US government. D. D. It supports westward expansion and native resistance.
(3) Who are the target readers of the four books? A. Women. B. Teenagers. C. Grown-ups. D. Pupils.
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I live in a small town of about 12, 000 people. Normally, the streets are busy with cars, the sidewalks are filled with pedestrians and the stores are filled with shoppers going about their business. My home is within sight of Victoria International Airport and we are used to the background sound of large passenger aircraft arriving and departing. Restaurants are usually crowded at mealtimes and friends visit back and forth frequently. However, life is different now.

Most stores here are now closed except for those such as grocery stores that supply an essential service. You can't have a meal in a restaurant now, although some are still cooking food you can take home. When I walk through downtown I can wander across the main street almost any time I please without much danger because there are so few cars. Even the airport is quiet because people aren't travelling as they used to.

We haven't been told if there are any actual cases of Covid-19 in our town, although I would be a little surprised if there weren't any. We have a fairly large proportion of our population made up of senior citizens who are likely to be affected by the disease. We have five or six long-term care homes for seniors here and the fear is that if the virus gets into one it will be disastrous.

There is no question but what the world has changed. We're lucky, in a sense, because we saw what happened in China and we learned from that experience. We know to stay at least two meters away from other people, we know to wash our hands frequently, to wear face-masks and to limit our time in those few stores that are open. It seems to be working and there is hope that we can soon beat this bug into submission (屈服) but, for now, it's a strange world. It also makes me wonder if this virus, like the flu virus, will mutate (突变) almost every year and turn the world into a series of situations like this.

(1) What can we learn from the passage? A. The small town where the author lives has a large population. B. Most restaurants are usually crowded in spite of the disease. C. People can walk freely on the streets as there are no cars. D. It is quite possible for the elderly people to get infected.
(2) Why does the author say "We're lucky" in the last paragraph? A. We lead a normal life as usual. B. We've learnt a lot from China. C. We haven't been affected by Covid-19. D. We are hopeful of defeating the disease.
(3) In which section of a magazine may the passage be from ________. A. finance and business B. culture and custom C. health and life D. travel and entertainment
阅读理解 模拟题 普通

There are as many kinds of careers as there are people. They vary greatly in the type of work involved(涉及) and in the ways they influence a person's life. The kind of career you have can affect your life in many ways. By making wise decisions concerning your career, you can help yourself build the life you want. To do that, you need as much information as possible. The more you know about yourself, the better able you will be to choose a satisfying career.

What do people hope to obtain from a career? Some people desire a high income. Some hope for fame. Others seek for adventure. Still others intend to serve people and make the world a better place. Before you begin to explore career fields you should determine your values, your interests, and your aptitudes that will make you competent for your future work. Most people are happiest in jobs that fit their values, interests, and skills. Each person has many values, which vary in strength. For example, money is the strongest value for some people—that is, wealth is more important to them than anything else. As a result, they focus their thoughts, behaviour, and emotions on the goal of earning a high income. Other values include devoting to religion, taking risks, spending time with family, and helping others.

Before making a career decision, you can ask yourself what is most important to you and examine your beliefs to better know your values. For example, is it important to you to work as a member of a team? Or would you rather be in charge or work alone? If working alone or being in charge is important to you, independence is probably one of your primary values.

(1) How can we make a wise career decision? A. We learn more about ourselves. B. We stick to our beliefs more firmly. C. We change our interests more often. D. We find more career opportunities.
(2) According to the writer, what should a satisfying career focus on? A. Bringing huge wealth. B. Meeting inner demands. C. Developing interests and skills. D. Contributing to forming values.
(3) What does the writer convey to us in the last paragraph? A. The contents of our values. B. The foundations of our values. C. The places to achieve our values. D. The ways to understand our values.
阅读理解 常考题 普通

 According to legend, the first-ever marathon was so exhausting that the Greek messenger, who dashed 40km from the battlefield to Athens, collapsed and died. Over the past 2,500 years, humans have become better at running. Eight of the ten fastest times in female marathon have been recorded since 2022. This can to a large extent be explained by the development of a new generation of hyper-bouncy running shoes— "super-shoes"—that offer athletes greater assistance. Such has been the improvement that some have questioned whether the technology is now too dominant.

No doubt that athletes are breaking records because of their footwear. Both Nike and Adidas have persuaded World Athletics to permit shoes with chunky, foam soles(鞋底), which act as springs. When their feet compress the super-shoes into the ground, the runners receive more energy as they push off again. In 2017 Nike announced the new technology allowed athletes to use 4% less energy than they would if wearing a regular shoe.

Those who would like the shoes banned worry that the balance between the runners' ability and footwear has become twisted. Plainly, though, this is a long way from shoes that matter more than runners. A club runner may set a personal best in a pair of Nike Alphaflys, but she is not going to outrun Ms. Assefa(world champion) wearing regular shoes. World Athletics insists such super-shoes should be available to all athletes in order to be legal, so there is no risk of results being determined by a lack of access to the best equipment.

Part of the appeal of sports is that they show humans on an upward trajectory (轨迹), becoming stronger, faster and fitter. Technology has always contributed to this. But as the sports industry has more investment, the motivations to find an edge in performance have grown, whether in kit, diet or game strategy. Surely, advances have to be controlled. But banning super-shoes would be opposing progress and difficult to enforce. This is a genie (精灵)that cannot be returned to its shoebox.

(1) What has improved female marathon records since 2022? A. The changes of rules. B. The advance in sports kit. C. The assistance of coaches. D. The development of humans.
(2) What is centered on about super-shoes in paragraph 2? A. The principle. B. The history. C. The challenge. D. The drawback.
(3) Which of the following might the author agree with? A. Ms. Assefa runs slowly in regular shoes. B. Using super-shoes is regarded as dishonest. C. Nike Alphaflys better athletes' performance. D. Access to super shoes determines athletes' success.
(4) What does the last paragraph imply? A. Athletics should not embrace super-shoes. B. There is nothing to fear about technological advances. C. Not all investments have led to advances in technology. D. It is impossible for sports industry to control super-shoes.
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