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Researchers based in the greater Yellowstone National Park area have found a new way to identify mountain lions-also referred as pumas- by using facial recognition. And it is proving to be effective to monitor these creatures that are highly elusive. "Mountain lions are really hard to directly observe." said Peter Alexander, a research biologist leading the research project. 

One tool they once used is a camera trap, which is attached to something along the animal's regular path. When motion is detected, the trap gets a shot of the mountain lion as it passes by. The cameras even have an infra-red (红外线的)flash for nighttime photos without disturbing the animal. 

Researchers around the world use this type of tool to estimate population numbers of species. But according to Alexander, there's a problem with this method when it comes to ID'ing mountain lions. 

All mountain lion around the world have light, sandy colored fur down their sides. The scientific name for a mountain lion, Puma concolor, literally translates to "one color". This lack of unique coloration (自然花纹)on the their body sides means researchers like Alexander can't usually tell if one puma crosses a camera trap five times, or if five individual animals pass by. 

However, it's a different story with their distinctive facial markings. Alexander and his team added some devices to their camera traps so that when motion was detected, a puma kitten call was played. This noise reliably attracted passerby pumas so that they looked up long enough for the camera trap to grab a shot for facial recognition. 

Compared to the traditional side angle camera trap, the new attention-getting device was about 92% more accurate. This work was recently published in the journal Ecology and Evolution. 

This study is an important step to being able to more confidently identify and track animals. Getting head images of mountain lions also opens up new opportunities to involve AI techniques. Alexander says that this new camera trap method could be used for tracking other wild animals that lack distinguishing side colors but have unique features elsewhere.

(1) What does the word "elusive" underlined in Paragraph 1 mean? A. Difficult to detect. B. Impossible to control. C. Reasonable to understand. D. Convenient to identify.
(2) What causes the traditional camera trap's problem in photographing mountain lions? A. Their unnoticeable body feature. B. Their large movement range. C. Their failure to set off the flash. D. Their lack of a long state of rest.
(3) What's the purpose of the new device attached to the camera trap? A. To identify each puma by tracking their movement. B. To help get head images of pumas for facial recognition. C. To attract more puma kitten to pass by and be photographed. D. To engage pumas' attention for highlighted body side photos.
(4) What does Alexander think of the new camera trap? A. It is a revolutionary invention. B. It will have promising applications. C. It helps greatly advance AI techniques. D. It is more convenient than traditional ones.
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Once you cross the over 50 mark, it's not a time to worry about getting older or put as much emphasis on career or how much you earn.

It's a golden moment in which we can pause to reflect and take stock of the most important things in life: family, friends, a more relaxed lifestyle and social connectivity. Many say it's the best time of our life. Our children probably have their own homes and families, in which you are undoubtedly an important part. You may feel a little lost with all this undiscovered freedom. But the truth is, it's almost like going back to those teen years, with limitless potential for fun and enjoyment! With the world at your fingertips once again, it's an opportunity to live your life the way you want. Find out what you love doing and take pride in new hobbies, new passions and try new things you may not have previously had the chance to do. They all say life begins at 50, I couldn't agree more. As an example, after I hit this milestone, I achieved some great things, including pioneering an innovative living, care and lifestyle solution with my latest venture(冒险事业)—Odyssey Lifestyle Care Communities.

Odyssey celebrates life's journey and aims to provide affordable high-end permanent living arrangements, within a community setting that delivers increasing levels of care. Built around a resort style environment, the Odyssey model has set an excellent example in the industry by demonstrating the power of putting people first.

As a passionate advocate for consumer-directed care models of service, I think the Government's recommendation of Australia adopting a rights-based system in their final report of the Royal Commission into Aged Care, is certainly a step in the right direction.

Odyssey's model is driven by a people-centred approach that places residents at the forefront of all our decisions, which is why we decided to incorporate and invest in technologies that ensure health and safety.

(1) What does the underlined phrase "take stock of" in paragraph 2 mean? A. Think of. B. Look for. C. Envy. D. Praise.
(2) Why do many people say over 50 is the best time of life? A. They are more familiar with their surroundings. B. They have less burden but more free time. C. They have stronger desire to do new things. D. They are paid much attention to.
(3) What do we know about Odyssey Lifestyle Care Communities? A. It is a research centre for the study of the old. B. It provides part-time jobs for a community. C. It is a department to adopt rights-based systems. D. It offers good service at reasonable prices for the old.
(4) Who is probably the author? A. A person less than 50. B. A person in the government. C. A staff member of Odyssey. D. A news reporter of a magazine.
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It's called the Bank of Happiness, but it has nothing to do with money. Founded a year ago in Estonia's capital Tallinn, it's a forum in which more than 2,000 members from Estonia and other countries connect to offer or receive services free of charge.

The site carries more than 500 ads in English, German and Estonian from people offering or seeking all kinds of things, including teaching and tips on cooking. The website is also translated into French and Spanish.

Founder Airi Kivi says the goal is to make people think and act with their hearts. "After the worldwide outbreak of the pandemic, I thought, ‘Wow, our bank is perfect for the crisis and a lot of people are unemployed and they can use it to harvest what they need.'"

So how does it work? It's simple: You sign up using your real name and post what you are offering or what your need is, as long as it doesn't involve money or products.

Masseuse Terge Reintem says she signed up when she was unemployed because she needed to improve her skills by learning from others. But she stayed on even after finding a new job because she says it feels good to volunteer. "If I discover a new technique, I want my bank customers to first experience it," Reintem says, adding they are often nicer than the paying ones.

Member Veronika Davel says she infringed the rules with her first request when she asked for a product: a computer. But she did it unknowingly. Later, she began offering services of her own on the bank's website. "The main thing I really could offer was English," Davel explains. "There was a young girl who needed to have better English for her job and I gave her a hand."

The site has many more offers of help than requests for it. That's as it should be, Kivi says, adding that the bigger reward comes from giving.

(1) How can the Bank of Happiness benefit its members? A. They can help each other at no cost. B. They can place ads for their products. C. They can travel to many countries for free. D. They can read much news about happiness.
(2) What does the underlined word mean in paragraph 6? A. Obeyed. B. Broke. C. Made. D. Bent.
(3) Why does Reintem keep serving the bank? A. To improve her skills. B. To win more customers. C. To enjoy the helpfulness. D. To learn new techniques.
(4) How does the writer introduce the bank? A. By using specific data. B. By giving examples. C. By referring to common knowledge. D. By using comparison and contrast.
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Recently I've been drawn to books which motivate me to look at myself, and hopefully make me a better "me". The Courage to Be Disliked, by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koya, has a title I just can't go past.

The book has taken Japan by storm, using the theories of philosopher Alfred Adler to create conversations between a fictional philosopher and a young man. The conversations cover many broad, interesting and sensitive topics. The philosopher character sticks by the theories of Adler, and explains how we are competent to determine our own lives, and be free of the influence of past experiences and others' expectations. It's a way of thinking that allows us to develop the courage to change and to ignore the limitations placed on us.

These often complex topics are played out in a conversational style between the two men. While it's easy to follow the conversations, the topics will knock around in your own head as you work out whether you sit on the side of the philosopher, the young man, or somewhere in between. The book is well-received by readers primarily owing to the fact that it presents two well-balanced viewpoints in the arguments. You'll find yourself doing household chores, or at your keyboard, unpacking all the information in your mind and coming to your own conclusions.

You will wholeheartedly agree on some points and want to throw the book at the wall at others. Its content is polarizing (两极分化) and I certainly don't agree with everything the philosopher or the young man says, but I think that's the point. The Courage to Be Disliked is there to start a conversation with yourself and do some slightly uncomfortable soul-searching.

(1) Which category does the book belong to? A. Self-improvement. B. Philosophy theory. C. Collection of experiences. D. Biography of Alfred Adler.
(2) Which statement might the fictional philosopher agree with? A. People are free of their past influence. B. People can take charge of their life course. C. People should live up to others' expectations. D. People ought to take their limitations seriously.
(3) How does the book develop? A. By listing sufficient data. B. By making comparisons. C. By following the time line. D. By presenting dialogues.
(4) Why is the book popular with readers? A. It shows ideas in plain language. B. It displays the scientific statistics. C. It offers balanced sides to the topics. D. It avoids the use of philosophic terms.
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