1. 阅读下列短文,从每题给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。

It was hard not to notice the 8-year-old boy Brooke across the street who stormed in and out of his own house. He did it so often that a neighbor, Chris, wondered what was going on in his life. So Chris asked him. 

"He told me that he didn't have a father, "says Chris, now 58, "and I realized there might be something I could do for him. "

That something was fishing, and Chris's father taught him how to fish. "Fishing always brought me peace and it taught me how to be patient. When you're on the water, you can forget about your problems and just appreciate the moment, "Chris said. 

One Saturday afternoon on the water led to another, and soon he was teaching other kids in their neighborhood, Lakeland, Florida, how to fix a line, hold a pole, and roll in a big catch. That was 16 years ago. 

Since then, Chris has taken groups of kids out almost every weekend to fish. Then, in 2018 he started the nonprofit Take a Kid Fishing Inc. He and a small group of volunteers have introduced more than 2, 500 kids—most without fathers around—to the calming peace found on the water and the excitement of catching a fish

One of those kids was Jayden, who struggled emotionally when his father died in a car accident in January 2020. 

"He was really close to his dad, "says Jayden's mother, Terra." And with two younger sisters, he felt he needed to take over the man-of-the-house role. He was trying to be strong for everyone and didn't show his emotion. I was wondering what to do to help him, and then I learned about Take a Kid Fishing Inc."

Jayden, now 13, has become a devoted fisherman and credits Chris with helping him mature. 

"There's nothing like feeling that first tug(猛拉)on the line and seeing a kid light up with a smile, " Chris says. "I feel lucky to witness that every weekend. "

(1) What can we learm about Brooke from the first paragraph? A. He tended to be restless. B. He had an ambitious mind. C. He longed to have a father. D. He was interested in fishing.
(2) Why did Chris set up Take a Kid Fishing Inc? A. Because he enjoyed the company of children. B. Because he had to raise some volunteers to help kids. C. Because he wanted to light up fatherless children's life. D. Because he considered teaching children to catch fish fun.
(3) What's the purpose of the author mentioning Jayden? A. To present the benefits of Chris's act. B. To show Jayden's mother's appreciation. C. To promote the popularity of fishing together. D. To make readers donate money to Chris's organization.
(4) What conclusion can be made from Chris's work? A. Fishing can strengthen family connections. B. Fathers play an important role in kids'life. C. Family kids are the future of a strong nation. D. Proper and timely guidance makes a mature kid.
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When asked in 1993 to comment on accusations that the movie In the Name of the Father distorts (曲解) contemporary British and Irish history, female lead Emma Thompson responded that she couldn't care less. Even since the premiere (首映) in 1915 of The Birth of a Nation, filmmakers have rewritten history to create top-dollar entertainment. The films are very persuasive: well-made movies hold your interest continuously, drawing your attention to "what happens next," and pulling you forward with no time to reflect on individual scenes until the final credits roll. The result: you don't remember much about a movie after watching it for the first time. For this reason, movies have extraordinary power - unmatched by any other medium - to leave you with a strong sense of what is right and what is wrong, who is bad and who is good, even though critical details presented in the movies may be false.

Well, so what? They're just movies. In fact they're not just movies. Millions of Americans are devoted history lovers, and they pack theatres every time new movies about historical figures or events come to town. Saving private Ryan and Titanic drew viewers and cash for months. Many high school teachers screen movies in the classroom. Clearly countless Americans get most of their history from television and the big screen.

Some of the industry's finest historical and period films premiered during the past decades. But the 1960s also saw a number of politically charged history-based movies full of factual distortions and, occasionally, outright lies. Today the trend continues on a larger scale: many movies released in the 1990s and the first decade of the 21*t century reflect lack of respect for solid, reliable history.

History Goes to the Movies is a source of information and, it is hoped, entertainment for everyone interested in the actual history behind a wide selection of movies grouped into twelve sections--11 covering historical periods and events and twelfth containing biographies and period films. Each movie review includes an essay on the history covered in one or more movies, and a brief plot summary. Star ratings (five stars: don't miss it) reflect each movie's historical accuracy and - to a much lesser extent — its power to amuse.

Obviously, expecting textbook accuracy from movies would be ridiculous-and producers have delivered a remarkable number of historically faithful movies. But some of them get too much of their history wrong. History Goes to the Movies is a guide, however imperfect, for readers and viewers aiming to get it right.

(1) Emma Thompson said ________ that In the Name of the Father was historically inaccurate. A. it didn't matter. B. it was upsetting. C. It aroused her attention. D. it wasn't obvious.
(2) By "in fact they're not just movies" (in paragraph 2), the author means that________. A. some movies are much more profitable than others B. movies serve more purposes than entertaining views C. movies tend to provide viewers with false details D. the movies about historical figures attract history lovers
(3) Which of the following is true of History Goes to the Movies? A. It is aimed at those who take interest in biographies. B. It rates a movie mainly according to how amusing it is. C. It introduces a movie's story as well as its related history. D. It focuses on the movies that presented history in a funny way.
(4) The passage is mainly intended to ________. A. criticize the film industry's favoring entertainment over truth B. point out which films presented history in a wrong way. C. call on film directors to show respect for history D. introduce a book involving history-based films
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How to place an Order of Custom Jeans

Select the Fabric & Styles

Fabric (布料) —Select the Fabric from our large collection of Denim Fabric Samples.

Special Wash—Select your favorite special wash treatment to make your jeans look stylish.

Thread Color—Select the thread color you want. You can select secondary thread color also, which can be used at certain stitches. Also, you can specify where you want to use the secondary thread under special not at the end of measurements.

Pocket Style - Select the front pocket & back pocket style. If you want your own styled front & back pocket, select my own design & send us the photo of the pocket style you want. If you are going with our default (默认) pocket style, we will make your jeans with basic 5-pocket pattern, which is universal style for jeans in all countries in the world.

→Fly Style - Select the fly style you want, the Zip Fly or the Button Fly.


Select one option from "Make My Jeans" & "Copy A Jeans"

Make My Jeans - First Select ftting type according to what type of ftting you want for your jeans.

Give your exact body measurements as described & shown in the photos. We will leave extra loosing as described in "Fitting Guide Table". So refer to table first & then decide your fitting type.

Copy A Jeans - If you already have a perfect jeans and you like it the most, then you can send us all the measurements to us by following the instructions in "Copy A Jeans" section. We will make the perfect copy of your favorite jeans. Please note we can copy only the measurements, not the fabric and accessories.

The measurements written in the measurements box by you will be the final measurements for your order processing. To change or modify it, contact us by E- mail or by phone and we will inform you about your order status and we will tell you what modification we are able to do at that stage.

Confirm Your Order

By pressing PROCEED tab, you will be redirected to "Confirm Order" page. On this page, you will see all the details you selected during order, you can again modify order by clicking edit tab.

After confirming your order, press PROCEED tab.

Make Payment

You can make payments in different ways. We provide PayPal (direct pay by PayPal & by your credit card), net-banking, cheque or cash deposit and send a demand draft options.


After confirmation of your payment, we will start the jeans making process for you, and we will deliver your jeans within 30 days. After dispatching from here, it will take 3-5 days to deliver in India and 6-9 days to deliver out of India.

Enjoy Wearing SQ Jeans TM.

(1) In Fabric & Styles, which item leaves you with the least personal choice? A. Fabric. B. Fly Style. C. Pocket Style. D. Thread Color
(2) According to the passage, which of the following statements is True? A. The tailor will meet all the requirements on your jeans on condition that you state every detail clearly in your order. B. If the order with wrong measurements has already been processed, nothing can be done to fix the situation. C. Before payment, you can check your order in detail and feel free to make modifications multiple times. D. The tailor will make an identical copy of your favorite jeans if you follow the instructions in "Copy A Jeans" section.
(3) If you place an overseas order with full payments by PayPal on October 12, you will receive your jeans no later than________. A. Oct. 21 B. Nov. 11 C. Nov. 16 D. Nov. 20
阅读理解 常考题 普通
3. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。

Every year, as the surface water temperature off the United States' mid-Atlantic coast rises steadily from late spring through the summer, a pocket of uncharacteristically cool and crisp water gets trapped at the bottom of the ocean. Packed with nutrients, this thick band of cold water, known as the mid-Atlantic cold pool, is a vital home for shellfish species. Extending at its seasonal peak from Nantucket, Massachusetts, to Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, the cold pool creates a diverse ecosystem ranging from algae(海藻)to fish—and some of the most valuable shellfish fisheries in the United States. 

Now, however, two pressures have scientists worrying about whether the cold pool will last. The first is no surprise: climate change. Over the past five decades, climate change has destabilized the cold pool, causing it to warm and shrink. Compared with 1968, the cold pool is now 13°℃ warmer and has lost more than one-third of its area. 

The second concern is less certain. In 2023, the US federal government approved plans to install(安装)98wind turbines(涡轮机)off the New Jersey coast, covering an area of more than 300 square kilometers. Yet putting so many turbines to the seafloor could have unexpected consequences for the cold pool. That's why Travis Miles, are searcher at New Jersey's Rutgers University, and his colleagues are investigating. So far, Miles and his colleagues can't definitively say what will happen to the cold pool, saying more research is needed to assess how climate change and offshore wind, together, could affect the cold pool. However, their initial analyses suggest the cold pool should be fine—at least in normal conditions. 

New Jersey's offshore wind plans are strongly opposed mainly by fossil fuel-industry funded efforts. Miles worries that an overabundance of caution or fear of potential impacts, including on the cold pool, might slow down the development of renewable energy. " . …. it's quite clear that climate change is far more damaging than installing wind farms, " he says. " I don't think any scientist would argue with that. " 

(1) What do we know about the mid-Atlantic cold pool? A. It forms in early spring. B. It's a band of cold near-bottom water. C. It serves as a habitat of most sea species. D. It extends from Nantucket to New Jersey.
(2) What does the underlined word " shrink" in paragraph 2 mean? A. Break down. B. Get polluted. C. Dry up D. Become smaller.
(3) Miles' attitude toward installing wind farms can be described as__ A. supportive B. dismissive C. overcautious D. skeptical.
(4) What is the best title for the text? A. The Cold Pool Plays a Role on Species B. Opinions Divide on Offshore Wind Farms C. Scientists Eye Potential Risks to the Cold Pool D. Renewable Energy Helps to Race Against Climate Change
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