
Stunning Hotels in Manila

The Henry Hotel Manila

With its garden pool and fence, "The Henry" is typical as a holiday resort — except it's in Pasay City. Grab a book from the library, relax outdoors on the chairs or try a classic Filipino (菲律宾的) breakfast: longganisa sausages or milkfish with fried eggs and garlic rice.

Price: from 7,500PHP (£99).

Admiral Hotel Manila-MGallery

The hotel is known for its art decoration style. The rooms are rich in hard lines and brass fixtures(黄铜夹具). For the best sight, head upstairs to Admiral Club. If you want to experience more, head downstairs to Ruby Wong's for some drinks and Filipino-Chinese food.

Price: from 7,600PHP (£137).

King's Hotel

Newly built in 2022, King's Hotel has all the features you'd expect from the Europe-based brand, including facilities from IKEA. In the hotel, guests can have an interesting outlook: the space is a glass-structured wonder, with stylish hanging lights and wooden art works.

Price: from 12,700PHP (£229).

Shangri-La at The Fort

It's all charm at the Shangri-La, lifts with hanging lights and in-room lights as bright as in a mall. Yet, it all fades in comparison to what's outside: the hotel's 576 guest rooms include floors 18-40 of a 755-foot-high building, giving visitors an unlimited view over the Bonifacio Global City district.

Price: from 15,500PHP (£270).

(1) In which hotel can you enjoy Filipino food combined with Chinese flavor? A. Admiral Hotel Manila-MGallery. B. The Henry Hotel Manila. C. King's Hotel. D. Shangri-La at The Fort.
(2) How much will you spend at least if you stay at King's Hotel for a night? A. £99. B. £137. C. £229. D. £270.
(3) What can guests do in Shangri-La at The Fort? A. Have a taste of a local classic breakfast. B. Get the best sight over the Bonifacio Global City district. C. Experience European style of facilities. D. Appreciate the glass-structured art works.
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Of the estimated 2, 224 passengers and crew aboard the Titanic when it struck an iceberg and sank on April 15, 1912, a mere 700 people lived on. Here is one story of the Titanic survivors whose stories are still haunting more than a century after the ship's sinking, revealing the true facts of the disaster.

A junior wireless officer aboard the Titanic, Harold Bride was one of the two people responsible for sending SOS messages to nearby ships, thus allowing the Carpathian to rescue the Titanic survivors.

He and another man on duty, Jack Phillips, raced to send SOS signals to nearby ships-but as the communications specialists, they knew that the closest, the Carpathian, would likely not arrive until alter the Titanic sank. They worked wildly until Captain Edward Smith came and told them they were relieved of duty;the ship had nearly lost power, and only two lifeboats remained.

They made a run for Collapsible B and were just getting it into the water when a wave swept across the deck (甲板), throwing both Harold Bride and the upturned boat into the ocean.

Bride and 15 others struggled onto the waterlogged, sinking Collapsible B and survived until other lifeboats collected them and conveyed them to the Carpathian.

Once aboard the Carpathian, Bride got back to work and began helping the ship's wireless officer send messages from the other Titanic survivors.

When the Carpathian made land, Bride had to be carried ashore: he had injured one foot in the plunge into the ocean, and the other was frostbitten after a night in the Atlantic's icy waters.

(1) Which can replace the underlined word "haunting" in paragraph 1 ? A. confusing B. unforgettable C. romantic D. contradictory
(2) What was Bride's job on the Titanic during the accident? A. Rescuing the Titanic survivors. B. Investigating the problems of the Titanic. C. Sending signals to ships around for help. D. Receiving SOS signals from nearby ships.
(3) What happened to Bride after he was dismissed from his duty? A. He stayed there to continue his work. B. He escaped in a lifeboat immediately. C. He turned off the power of the Titanic. D. He was washed into the sea by a wave.
(4) Which of the following best describes Bride? A. Responsible and helpful. B. Intelligent and brave. C. Tough and ambitious. D. Considerate and humble.
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Drew Lanham grew up on the farm his grandfather built in the 1920s. Lanham, now 54, says his father felt a responsibility to stay on the land and care for the animals and crops planted there. "I saw my father through the land, and I saw the land as my father's heart," he said.

As a kid, he remembers being attracted by the wildlife he would encounter on the short walk between his parents' farm and his grandparents' house. Even though the journey was less than a quarter-mile, he recalled, back then it "seemed like a thousand miles".

Above all, he was captivated(迷住) by the birds."From a very early age, I believed that I would be someone who studied birds-who somehow found a way to fly,"Lanham said. He said he lost track of that dream on the road to becoming an engineer. "Once I left for college, everybody said," You're good at math and science. Be an engineer, Drew,'" he said.

As a student studying engineering at Clemson University, it was a trip to the farm that helped him circle back to his love of birds. "I can remember coming back home, and all of these wonderful forests that I'd grown up in had been cleared away. And losing that land was like losing my father all over again," he said. Lanham's father had died years before.

Though much of their home had been destroyed, some wildlife remained. "I remember when I drove on the dirt road, I heard birds singing. It was the most hopeful thing for me," he said. The bird songs li t a fire under Lanham. After his visit back to the farm, he couldn't see himself returning to work as an engineer. At Clemson he got on track to study to become an ornithologist(鸟类学家).

"The long hours of work were often hot and hard. But when I looked up, there would be flocks(群) of birds. I realized I was doing what I had always dreamed of,"he said.

(1) Why did Lanham feel the journey to his grandparents' house like a thousand miles? A. He used to get lost during the journey. B. He was eager to go to his grandparents' house. C. He often stopped to care for the animals and crops. D. He spent much time exploring the wildlife along the way.
(2) What made Lanham decide to give up studying engineering? A. His weakness in math and science. B. His father's persuasion. C. His return trip to the farm. D. His vacation in the forests.
(3) What did Lanham think of the work as an ornithologist? A. Exciting but dangerous. B. Repetitive but rewarding. C. Creative but boring. D. Tough but meaningful.
(4) What can we learn from Lanham's experience? A. Even if the dream cannot come true, we should not give up. B. The happiest thing in the world is to pursue your dream. C. Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions. D. Dreams are always the opposite of reality.
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National Public Radio (NPR) Music's Tiny Desk Contest is back. Artists can submit an entry from this morning. This isn't just another regular year of the Contest — it's the 10th anniversary.

The panel (小组) of judges has doubled in size compared to previous years. The panel has a group of industry experts who are eager to see what this year's participants can share. And there's a great team of NPR's Music station hosts on the panel: Amelia Mason, Novena Carmel and Stas THEE Boss.

Also new this year: Not only will the 2024 winner play a Tiny Desk concert, be interviewed on All Things Considered and go on tour with NPR Music — they'll also be paired with a tutor in the industry who will help them navigate their music journey. Our judges are determined to give this year's winner the support they'll need to take their music to the next level. The winner will also be featured at two festivals this summer: Celebrate Brooklyn and the Millennium Park Summer Music series in Chicago.

And for the first time this year, the Contest is introducing a fan favorite vote. Later this spring, Contest judges will share their favorite entries as part of the annual Tiny Desk-Contest Top Shelf series on YouTube — and then artists and fans will be able to vote for their favorite among those selections. 

Here's how to enter: Record a video of you playing one original song — behind a desk, upload your video to YouTube, and submit the video on our Tiny Desk Contest website by Feb. 21 at 11: 59 p. m.

A final reminder: Entry videos don't need to be fancy. The Tiny Desk is where artists go to simplify their big productions. Contest judges are looking for artists to submit something that's true to them and brand new to the Tiny Desk.

(1) Who are most likely among the judges? A. News station hosts. B. Expert musicians. C. Contest participants. D. Famous industrialists.
(2) What will the winner get as an award? A. Sightseeing tours. B. Festival souvenirs. C. Unlimited support. D. Professional guidance.
(3) What is required of the contest entry? A. It has to be a masterpiece. B. It must convey positive feelings. C. It must be recorded behind a desk. D. It has to be submitted before Feb. 21.
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