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A new study finds that less than seven percent of the adult population in the US have what health experts consider good cardiometabolic。^脏代谢)health.

Using information on roughly 55,000 people over the age of 20, the results show just 6. 8 percent of American adults reached optimal(最佳的)levels of health in 2018. Moreover, the study found American health has been in sharp decline over the last 20 years. In 1999, one in three adults had a healthy weight. By 2018, that number fell to just one in four Americans. At the same time? three in five people were free of diabetes in 1999. By 2018, however , more than six in ten adults had the condition!

"These numbers are striking. It's deeply problematic that in the United States , fewer than 1 in 15 adults have optimal cardiometabolic health , " says Meghan O'Hearn , one of the researchers from Tufts University. "We need a complete overhaul (革新)of our healthcare system , food system , and living conditions , because this is a crisis for everyone."

Instead of just looking for signs of disease the team focused their study on the signs of good , moderate , and poor cardiometabolic health. "Disease is not the only problem ," O'Hearn explains, "We don't just want to be free of disease. We want to achieve optimal health and well-being."

Researchers also found large health gaps between US adults of different genders , ages , and education levels. Specifically , the study found Americans with less education were half as likely to be in peak cardiometabolic health.

O'Hearn adds , "Identifying these individuals and addressing their health conditions and lifestyle early is critical to reducing growing healthcare burdens. Its impacts on national healthcare spending and the financial health of the entire economy are enormous. And these conditions are largely preventable. We have the public health and clinical interventions and policies to be able to address these problems."

(1) What percentage of American adults had optimal cardiometabolic health in 2018? A. Over 7 percent. B. Just 6. 8 percent. C. Around 33 percent. D. About 60 percent.
(2) What does O'Hearn think of the results of the study? A. They're unreal B. They're acceptable C. They're expected D. They're shocking
(3) What is the purpose of the team's research? A. To find the big age gap B. To help people keep fit C. To develop new drugs D. To earn lots of profits
(4) What can we infer from O'Hearn's words in the last paragraph? A. Joint effort is needed to improve public health B. Economic growth affects personal health condition . C. America saw a slow decrease in health care costs D. Rich people tend to suffer from health problems
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Recently I've been drawn to books which motivate me to look at myself, and hopefully make me a better "me". The Courage to Be Disliked, by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koya, has a title I just can't go past.

The book has taken Japan by storm, using the theories of philosopher Alfred Adler to create conversations between a fictional philosopher and a young man. The conversations cover many broad, interesting and sensitive topics. The philosopher character sticks by the theories of Adler, and explains how we are competent to determine our own lives, and be free of the influence of past experiences and others' expectations. It's a way of thinking that allows us to develop the courage to change and to ignore the limitations placed on us.

These often complex topics are played out in a conversational style between the two men. While it's easy to follow the conversations, the topics will knock around in your own head as you work out whether you sit on the side of the philosopher, the young man, or somewhere in between. The book is well-received by readers primarily owing to the fact that it presents two well-balanced viewpoints in the arguments. You'll find yourself doing household chores, or at your keyboard, unpacking all the information in your mind and coming to your own conclusions.

You will wholeheartedly agree on some points and want to throw the book at the wall at others. Its content is polarizing (两极分化) and I certainly don't agree with everything the philosopher or the young man says, but I think that's the point. The Courage to Be Disliked is there to start a conversation with yourself and do some slightly uncomfortable soul-searching.

(1) Which category does the book belong to? A. Self-improvement. B. Philosophy theory. C. Collection of experiences. D. Biography of Alfred Adler.
(2) Which statement might the fictional philosopher agree with? A. People are free of their past influence. B. People can take charge of their life course. C. People should live up to others' expectations. D. People ought to take their limitations seriously.
(3) How does the book develop? A. By listing sufficient data. B. By making comparisons. C. By following the time line. D. By presenting dialogues.
(4) Why is the book popular with readers? A. It shows ideas in plain language. B. It displays the scientific statistics. C. It offers balanced sides to the topics. D. It avoids the use of philosophic terms.
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2. Reading Comprehension

"Essential oils can have a major impact on your mood and health. When you apply an oil to your skin, it affects your physical state. When you inhale them, it affects your mental state," says the "grande dame" of aromatherapy Jeanne Rose, author of The Aromatherapy Book: Applications and


A few drops of eucalyptus on your skin will help heal a burn and smelling a pine tree might make you think of childhood Christmases. There are no rules for how to inhale oils. You can put a few drops on a tissue, or add some to water to spritz around the room or use in a diffuser(喷雾器)or vaporizer.

Be very careful, however, when applying oils to the skin. Always dilute them in another oil, like palm, coconut or olive to prevent burns or allergic reactions.

"A rule of thumb is 15 drops per one ounce of cream, oil or lotion," says Sylla Sheppard-Hanger, the founder and director of Atlantic institute of Aromatherapy in Tampa, Florida.


Digest a big meal: A few drops of diluted peppermint. "It calms down the digestive system," Rose says.

Forget it's freezing outside: "Conifer oils, like pine, black spruce, cedar and Christmas fir, can help combat seasonal affective disorder when inhaled," Rose says. Citrus oils like orange or tangerine, which are reminders of summertime, are also good.

Settle down after a big party: Sweet marjoram and lavender are sedatives. "They'll knock your kids right out," Sheppard-Hanger says.

Get out of bed on a dark, cold morning: Peppermint, or any mint really, can provide a morning jolt when inhaled.

Kill germs: Spray citrus oils tree oils like pine, to help clean the air during sickness.

Decongest a nose: Eucalyptus, spruce or rosemary work for this. Try inhaling a few drops on a tissue to help with clogged nasal passages.

(1) What kind of readers is likely to buy The Aromatherapy Book: Applications and Inhalations? A. Gardeners who provide raw materials for manufacturers of essential oils. B. Researchers dedicated to inventing new essential oils to keep people in good health. C. Common people hoping to improve health condition with essential oils. D. Psychotherapist seeking treatments for serious mental and physical disorders.
(2) What is the appropriate way of using essential oils? A. Spritz the oil directly around a room. B. Mix them with cream in proportion. C. Smell the fragrance from the bottle. D. Apply oils to treat skin allergy.
(3) The oils that can relieve your symptom of bad cold are ________. A. peppermint oils B. conifer oils C. citrus oils D. spruce oils
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3. 阅读理解

Some events have been added to the 2024 Olympias, with breakdancing, surfing, and sport climbing among the recent additions. A group of terms come with them that are foreign to the French language. Some French-language purists point out it's too much to bear to rely on English to praise surfers on their "nose riding"-standing on the front of the board. They've decided they need a French solution.

The French government has created a team of language experts devoted to promoting the national language. They will meet periodically over the next couple of years to identify and define new sports terms. The French battle against the influence of other languages isn't new. In 1994,the Toubon law was passed, forcing the use of French in all government publications,contracts and advertisements. Yet it contained several loopholes (漏洞), which allow brands and companies to extensively use English. As a result, anglicisms-words from the English language used in another language-are becoming more obvious.

Julie Neveux, linguistics professor at Sorbonne University in Paris, said anglicisms are "sometimes estimated at just under 5% of the present vocabulary, but they are disturbing because they show that we follow an economy and cultural model other than our own." They are particularly present in sports competitions and events, during which athletes from around the world are used to communicating in English. "Sport was one of the first areas to be globalized, "said sports historian Michael Attali.

Despite their best efforts, no committee has successfully prevented English from influencing everyday language. "Similar committees have been put in place in the past, but nothing has changed so far," said Attali.

"There are far fewer anglicisms in French than there are French words in English. " said Neveux, adding these exchanges should not be seen as a threat. "All living languages exist by borrowing from each other. Languages only exist thanks to their impurity. "

(1) What goal will the team of language experts try to achieve according to Paragraph 2? A. To speed up the spread of French in the world. B. To make French influence other languages. C. To promote national brands and companies. D. To decide on some new French sports terms.
(2) What does the underlined word "they" in Paragraph 3 refer to? A. English words. B. Anglicisms. C. French expressions. D. Newly created phrases.
(3) What's the result of the previous efforts to stop English from influencing other languages? A. Fruitless. B. Remarkable. C. Important. D. Unmentioned.
(4) What can be inferred from the last paragraph? A. English is the most popular of all. B. All languages should stay pure. C. Neveux welcomes the impurity of language. D. The exchanges between languages should be avoided.
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