
Teen Ink's Program and Camp Guide for Teens

Teen Ink's list of programs and camps has something for every teenager. If you have attended one of our listed programs, please take a second to write a comment about your experience. You can also write a longer review of any summer program, trip or activity.

Elite College Tour

Berkeley, CA

Education Unlimited offers two week-long college tours of 10 famous schools in California or along the East Coast with lots of fun and hiking along the way! Our California College Tour includes top schools throughout the state on this well-organized and fun-filled tour. Students arrive in San Francisco and make their way to San Diego. The tour includes housing at business class hotels, and enjoy walking along the way, including Disneyland! Along the way, students take college tours, meet with admission staff, and learn something about their future colleges. Besides, we can stay in a campus dorm so students can get a taste of college life.

The Oxbow School: Summer Art Camp & Semester Program

Napa, CA

The Oxbow School offers Art Camp programs for teens from schools across the nation and abroad. Oxbow's courses, centered on a self-reflective (反思的) way to art making, offer students rich chances to learn in a good learning environment.

St. Vincent College: Challenge Program

Latrobe, PA

This program offers teens the exciting Hunger Games and Elizabethan-era knowledge, in which teens will find fun events, courses, adventurous activities and campus housing for one or two weeks along the West Coast!

(1) Which of the following wants to collect comments from teens? A. The Oxbow School. B. Teen Ink. C. St. Vincent College. D. Education Unlimited.
(2) What can students get during the Elite College Tour? A. Art courses. B. Exciting adventures. C. A taste of college life. D. New teaching methods.
(3) What can students do in St. Vincent College's Challenge Program? A. Join in adventurous activities. B. Take a self-reflective course. C. Meet with admission staff. D. Know about the business class.
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Rates of anti-dining syndrome in newborns surged in recent years, but a newer approach to caring for newborn babies exposed to drugs during pregnancy gets them out of the hospital sooner and with less medication.Newborns in drug withdrawal may experience upset stomach, miserable crying and extreme discomfort. Researchers looked at the impacts of the ESC ( Eat, Sleep, Console care) approach on 1,300 infants at 26 US hospitals, and compared them with the current standard for caring for infants exposed to drugs.

ESC encourages involvement from parents, and prioritizes care that doesn't involve medication, breastfeeding,for example.The usual approach involves a nurse measuring a baby's withdrawal symptoms before providing treatment .

Compared to usual care, use of the ESC approach substantially decreased time until those infants were medically ready for discharge, without increasing specified harmful outcomes.

The infants assessed with the ESC method were discharged after eight days on average, compared with almost 15 days for the infants who were cared for by the standard approach.Additionally, infants in the ESC care group were 63% less likely to receive drug medication – 19.5% received medication compared with 52% in the group receiving usual care.

The current approach to usual care is a very comprehensive and nurse-led way of assessing the infant, whereas the ESC approach involves the mom in the way that you assess the infant, and allows the mom to try her best to comfort the infants and see if the infant is able to be consoled or is able to eat or is able to sleep.

"So, in that way, it's a little bit more functional, like looking at the abilities of the infants versus how severely the infant is affected.Assessment results determine whether a baby should receive medication to control withdrawal symptoms,''said Baker,the director of the NIH HEAL Initiative,which provides funds to researchers studying ways to relieve the country's drug health crisis.

(1) Which of the followings can't be listed as the difference between the current and ESC approach? A. The method in removing the drug withdrawal syndrome. B. The time when the newborns are discharged form treatment. C. The contribution the mom made in assessing how the syndrome progressed. D. The tough time the infants experienced in discharging the sufferings.
(2) What does the underlined word "them"in Paragraph One refer to? A. Impacts of ESC approach on the infants. B. Infants with drug withdrawal syndrome. C. Hospitals caring for those infants. D. Researchers who conducted the study.
(3) What does the author tend to focus on in caring the newborns with anti-dining syndrome? A. Figuring out how the infants can recover themselves. B. Looking at what is affecting the infants severely. C. The pace in which hospitals are implementing the care approach. D. The rules nurses and moms are playing in dealing with the emergency.
(4) How does the author show his support to the ESC approach? A. Parents should be convinced of the effective approach. B. All infants with the infectious syndrome will recover with its help. C. Maybe fewer of the severe infants should receive medication-based treatment. D. The current standard should be more comprehensive in practical treatment.
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After about two weeks of intense negotiations in Paris, delegates from around the world reached an international agreement on Dec. 12 to address climate change. For the first time in history, 195 countries have promised to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and to increase these reductions over time.

The agreement goes beyond requiring developed countries like the US to take actions to cut down emissions. It's a universal agreement requiring some form of action from every country, rich or poor.

The agreement sets the date for an emissions peak "as soon as possible". It would also limit warming worldwide to less than 2℃ above the levels in the 1800s. According to scientific studies 2℃ is the point at which climate change will bring destructive consequences to the planet, including rising sea levels, severe droughts, increased flooding, destructive storms, and widespread food and water shortages.

The deal also urges wealthy countries to set a non-binding (没有约束力的) goal of providing more than $100 billion (650 billion yuan) per year in public and private financing by 2020 for poorer countries to help them invest in clean energy and combat the impact of climate change.

The Paris deal asks countries to make voluntary promises based on an analysis of each country's economy, politics and technology. However, the deal also includes a series of legally binding requirements. It requires countries to reconvene every five years, starting in 2020, with updated plans that would cut their further emissions. Countries will also be legally required to reconvene every five years starting in 2023 to publicly report on their progress.

The Paris deal alone won't solve global warming. Its effectiveness will depend on whether each country enacts (立法) their promise. But the deal "could be viewed as a signal to global financial and energy markets, triggering a fundamental shift away from investment in coal, oil and gas as primary energy sources like wind, solar and nuclear power", according to The New York Times.

(1) Which of the following is true about the agreement? A. It can help slow down global warming to some extent. B. It requires only developed countries to cut down emissions. C. It requires some form of action from all the countries in the world. D. It would limit warming worldwide to 2℃ less than the levels in the 1800s.
(2) The 195 countries have to___________. A. do something to fight against climate change B. invest more in coal, oil and gas as primary energy sources C. report on their progress of reducing their emissions since 2020 D. provide more than $100 billion per year in public and private financing
(3) What does the underlined word "reconvene" in paragraph 5 mean? A. Return. B. Report. C. Meet. D. Promise.
(4) What is the author's purpose of writing this article? A. To praise the involvement of the 195 countries. B. To call on people to cut emissions of greenhouse gases. C. To warn the devastating consequences of climate change. D. To inform readers of an international agreement.
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New Zealand's amazing scenic beauty plays host to some amazing music, food, and cultural festivals throughout the year. Below are some best festivals in New Zealand to add to your wish list.

Wellington on a Plate

When: 20th—21st November, 2022

Where: Wellington

Entry Fee: Free of charge

Wellington on a Plate is an impressive food festival in New Zealand which is not limited to just one place. Wellington's restaurants, venues (会场), and even car parks become hosts to this wild celebration. Hamburgers are a popular food choice in Wellington. Besides them, creative cocktails, wines, and over 100 exciting events also wait for you.

Rhythm & Alps

When: 29th December, 2022

Where: Robrosa Station, Wanaka, South Island

Entry Fee: INR 5, 000—34, 000

Are you crazy about mountains and music?Rhythm & Alps is a festival that you can plan a road trip to. It is one of the camping festivals in New Zealand that could bring together world-class bands, DJs and festival-goers to welcome the coming year.

Rhythm and Vines

When: 28th—31st December, 2022

Where: Waiohika Estate, Gisborne

Entry Fee: INR 20, 500—34, 000

Gisborne is the first city in the world to see the New Year, as it is on New Zealand's East Cape. A 3-day-long international music festival, Rhythm and Vines, is held there to welcome the first sunrise of the New Year.

Victorian Fete

When: 21st November, 2022

Where: Victorian Precinct, Oamaru

Entry Fee: INR 700

Victorian Fete is a good occasion during which festival-goers take a step back in time to the Victorian era. Festival-goers show up in Victorian full dress during the celebration. Have yours pare time enjoying tasty food, wine, beer, and world-class whisky at one of the exciting New Zealand traditional festivals.

(1) What is special about Wellington on a Plate? A. It's known for its road trips. B. It's held at various locations. C. It's an excellent music festival. D. It's free to members only.
(2) What do Rhythm & Alps and Rhythm and Vines have in common? A. They offer amazing ways to celebrate the New Year. B. They're good choices for camping enthusiasts. C. They come in the first few days of the year. D. They require the same fee for admission.
(3) Which of the following may remind people of old fashion? A. Wellington on a Plate. B. Rhythm & Alps. C. Rhythm and Vines. D. Victorian Fete.
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