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At 18, 1 competed in my first marathon in Dublin, Ireland. At that time, I was an excellent 400-meter runner at high school, but got it into my head that I should try the longer distance to prove that I was really good at running-and what better than the marathon.

Back then, the running craze hadn't quite heated up to the point it has today and running a marathon was unknown to most people. Besides, I never knew anyone who had actually run a marathon.

On the way from England to Dublin, I was wondering what I was getting myself in two days later when the race would begin. I tried to get some sleep to ease my nerves, but I found it hard.

The race day was somewhat cloudy, but the warmth of the people forced away the clouds. My limited memories from that first race remain: the feeling of running through a tunnel (隧道) of people as the crowds lined beside the streets; the cheers from the crowds as the news came that an Irishman had won the race; what's important, the unbelievable kindness of the crowds cheering me on as I hit the wall and tried to struggle through. Eventually, I didn't get the prize, but I never gave up and regarded it as a success because I challenged myself

After my first marathon, I started a website based on my love for running. Whether you're an experienced marathoner or just an interested passer-by, I invite you to participate in the website and make it your home. Runners and particularly marathoners seem to share common ideals. They're part of a global team and a global community.

(1) Why did the author take part in his first marathon? A. To show his talent for running. B. To win a prize in a longer distance race. C. To attract the public's attention to running. D. To express his preference for 400-meter running.
(2) What impressed the author deeply during his first marathon? A. He hit the wall and tried to struggle through. B. He ran through a tunnel with other racers. C. He nearly got lost due to the cloudy weather. D. He received lots of encouragement from the crowds.
(3) What can we know about the author's website? A. It aims to help unite running lovers. B. It has attracted large numbers of participants. C. It attaches great importance to community spirit. D. It was set up mainly for experienced marathoners.
(4) Which of the following is a suitable title for the text? A. A Good Marathon Runner B. My Unforgettable First Marathon C. Starting a Website for Runners D. Being Brave to Challenge Ourselves
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