
When the news came that my mother was hospitalized for a heart attack, I was in Peru on a hiking trip. That evening, before I could board the plane to Italy, I was informed that she had passed away. Sadness and the feeling of not being there for my mother when she needed me most broke all excuses I'd made up to stay away trying to make it as a "travel writer". There wasn't much I could do to stop that urge to denounce myself.

My mother Tundra stayed in her northern Italian world most of her life, where I always stood out as a freak and the one doing worthless silly things. But my stories from distant places aroused her curiosity and brought her comfort. To her, I was a courageous adventurer, and her words towards my achievements which are insignificant now pushed me forward on that unconventional path.

After handling my mother's affairs in Italy, I decided to leave for Penang Island, one of the most visited places in Penang, Malaysia. With all the international travel I'd done, in truth I'd always treated it more like a stop for necessary and urgent breaks, rather than a proper destination. Yet then, I missed its atmosphere that made me feel at home somehow.

Returning there, I reconnected with backwoods by going on hikes. It was hard to put my feelings into words, but the rainforest held something uniquely comforting. This experience was similar to stepping into an ancient, purer world that made one consider human nature and problems. Besides, the sound of strange insects was almost like a language, whispering to me that I should let go of the past, and only focus on current life. Like an oil leak, that suffering fell out of me and into every footprint left. 18 months passing, I look back on the time spent in the natural world and timeless environment, knowing I've pulled through.

(1) What does the underlined word "denounce" mean in the first paragraph? A. Worried. B. Favorable. C. Doubt. D. Encourage.
(2) What's the attitude of the author's mother to his travel? A. Blame. B. Support. C. Doubt. D. Excited.
(3) What did Penang Island mean to the author in the past? A. A special second home. B. A hard-to-reach destination. C. A distant tourist attraction. D. A much-needed resting place.
(4) What does the author intend to tell in the text? A. Hiking builds up his confidence. B. Penang is a good place to restart. C. Nature helps him overcome sorrow. D. It's important to live in the moment.
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I have worked as a keeper at the National Zoo, Paris for 11 years. Spot and Stripe are the first tiger cubs that have ever been born here. Globally, a third of Sumatran cubs in zoos don't make it to adulthood, so I decided to give them round-the-clock care at home.

I've got two children—the younger one, Kynan, was extremely happy about the tigers arriving - but all of us really looked forward to being part of their lives and watching them grow. I wasn't worried about bringing them into my home with my wife and kids. These were cubs. They weighed about 2.5 kg and were so small that there was absolutely no risk.

As they grew more mobile, we let them move freely around the house during the day, but when we were asleep we had to contain them in a large room, otherwise they'd get up to mischief. We'd come down in the morning to find they'd turned the room upside down, and left it looking like a zoo.

Things quickly got very intense due to the huge amount of energy required to look after them. There were some tough times and I just felt extremely tired. I was grateful that my family was there to help. We had to have a bit of a production line going, making up "tiger milk", washing baby bottles, and cleaning the floors.

When Spot and Stripe were four months old, they were learning how to open doors and jump fences, and we knew it really was time for them to go. It was hard for us to finally part with them. For the first few days, Kynan was always a bit disappointed that the cubs weren't there.

I'm not sad about it. I'm hands-on with them every day at the zoo, and I do look back very fondly on the time that we had them.

(1) Why did the author bring the tiger cubs home? A. To ensure their survival. B. To observe their differences. C. To teach them life skills. D. To let them play with his kids.
(2) What do the underlined words "get up to mischief" mean in paragraph 3? A. Behave badly. B. Lose their way. C. Sleep soundly. D. Miss their mom.
(3) What did the author think of raising the tiger cubs at home? A. Boring. B. Tiring. C. Costly. D. Risky.
(4) Why did the author decide to send Spot and Stripe back to the zoo? A. They frightened the children. B. They became difficult to contain. C. They annoyed the neighbours. D. They started fighting each other.
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2. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Rome can be pricey for travelers, which is why many choose to stay in a hostel (旅社). The hostels in Rome offer a bed in a dorm room for around $25 a night, and for that, you'll often get to stay in a central location (位置) with security and comfort.

Yellow Hostel

If I had to make just one recommendation for where to stay in Rome, it would be Yellow Hostel. It's one of the best-rated hostels in the city, and for good reason. It's affordable, and it's got a fun atmosphere without being too noisy. As an added bonus, it's close to the main train station.

Hostel Alessandro Palace

If you love social hostels, this is the best hostel for you in Rome. Hostel Alessandro Palace is fun. Staff members hold plenty of bar events for guests like free shots, bar crawls and karaoke. There's also an area on the rooftop for hanging out with other travelers during the summer.

Youth Station Hostel

If you're looking for cleanliness and a modern hostel, look no further than Youth Station. It offers beautiful furnishings and beds. There are plenty of other benefits, too; it doesn't charge city tax; it has both air conditioning and a heater for the rooms; it also has free Wi-Fi in every room.

Hotel and Hostel Des Artistes

Hotel and Hostel Des Artistes is located just a 10-minute walk from the central city station and it's close to all of the city's main attractions. The staff is friendly and helpful, providing you with a map of the city when you arrive, and offering advice if you require some. However, you need to pay 2 euros a day for Wi-Fi.

(1) What is probably the major concern of travelers who choose to stay in a hostel? A. Comfort. B. Security. C. Price. D. Location.
(2) Which hotel best suits people who enjoy an active social life? A. Yellow Hostel. B. Hostel Alessandro Palace. C. Youth Station Hostel. D. Hotel and Hostel Des Artistes.
(3) What is the disadvantage of Hotel and Hostel Des Artistes? A. It gets noisy at night. B. Its staff is too talkative. C. It charges for Wi-Fi. D. It's inconveniently located.
阅读理解 未知 普通
3. 阅读理解


People traveling long distances frequently have to decide whether they would prefer to go by land, sea, or air. Hardly can anyone positively enjoy sitting in a train for mort than a few hours. Train compartments soon get cramped and stuffy. Reading is only a partial solution for the monotonous rhythm of the wheels clicking on the rails soon lulls you to sleep. During the day, sleep comes in snatches. At night when you really wish to go to sleep you rarely manage to do so. Inevitably you arrive at your destination almost exhausted. 

Long car journey are even less pleasant for it is quite impossible even to read. On motorways you can at least, travel fairly safely at high speeds, but more often than not, the greater pan of the journey is spent on narrow bumpy roads which are crowded wich traffic. 

By comparison, trips by sea offer a great variety of civilized comforts. You can stretch your legs on the spacious decks, play games, swim, meet interesting people and enjoy good food-always assuming, of course, that the sea is calm. If it is not and you are likely to get seasick; no form of transport could be worse. Even if you travel in ideal weather, sea journeys take a long time. Relatively few people are prepared to sacrifice up to a third of their holidays for the pleasure of traveling on a ship.

Airplanes have the reputation of being dangerous and expensive. But nothing can match them for speed and comfort. Traveling at a height of 30,000 feet far above the clouds, and at over 500 miles an hour is an exhilarating experience. For a few hours, you settle back in a deep armchair to enjoy the flight. The real escapist can watch a free film show and sip champagne on some services. But even when such refinements are not available, there is plenty to keep you occupied. An airplane offers you an unusual and breathtaking view of the world. You soar effortlessly over high mountains and deep valleys. You really see the shape of the land. If the landscape is hidden from the view. you can enjoy the extraordinary sight of unbroken cloud plains that stretch om for miles before you, while the sun shines brilliantly in a clear sky. The journey is so smooth that there is nothing to prevent you from reading or sleeping. However you decide to spend your time, one thing is certain: you will arrive at your destination fresh and uncrumpled.

(1) According to the author, reading help lessen . A. The boredom of being in the train B. The tiresome clicking of the wheels C. The sleeplessness during the journey D. The poor ventilation of the compartment
(2) What can we learn about the long distance journey by car? A. It is safe because the car usually goes at high speeds. B. It is unpleasant because reading is quite impossible. C. It is exhausting because you seldom manage to sleep. D. It is dangerous because the traffic is always too dense.
(3) When is trips by sea regarded as the worst means of traveling? A. The weather is terrible B. The traveler has little time C. The traveler feels seasick D. The sea is not calm
(4) Why did the author write this passage? A. Introduce diverse ways of traveling. B. Points out the best mode of traveling. C. Emphasize the advantages of traveling by air. D. Compare the means of relaxing when traveling.
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