
Marathon is the supreme discipline of long-distance running. They are not only attractive for top athletes, but also for hobby runners. The choice of events is almost endless. Now we have put together some most breathtakingly beautiful ones that you'll be tempted to run holding a camera.

Ultra-trail Angkor, Cambodia

The newest of a series of Angkor marathons, this endurance (耐力) test offers 32-km, 64-km and 128-km routes around the famous temples, including Bayon and Angkor Wat. Watch out for monkeys, and the gigantic tree vines that memorably hug some of the great buildings.

Dodo Trail, Mauritius

Crossing rugged (崎岖的) coastline and tropical forests,the Dodo Trail is full of wildlife, although the famous dodo bird remains, sadly, extinct. While the demanding 50km Xtreme route covers 828m-high Black River Peak, a beginner-friendly Mini Dodo Trail (10 km) is easier.

Great Ocean Road marathon, Australia

Another well-known scenic coastal drive, southern Australia's Great Ocean Road stages a footrace every May. Neckache could be a problem: in one direction lies the scenic South Sea, and in another handsome forest and, if you're lucky, a koala or two. Be warned, however, that the series of steep slopes make this one of the toughest marathons.

Big Five marathon, South Africa

Marathon meets safari at the privately owned Entabeni Game Reserve every June. The start time is dependent on the race-day location of the Big Five members-African elephants, Cape buffalo, lions, leopards and rhinos-as organizers try to guarantee sightings.

(1) Which marathon is suitable for less experienced runners? A. Ultra-trail Angkor. B. Dodo Trail. C. Great Ocean Road marathon. D. Big Five marathon.
(2) Why does the writer mention "neckache" in Great Ocean Road marathon? A. To highlight the wonderful scenery. B. To present the difficulty of the event. C. To attract attention to physical health. D. To warn runners of dangerous animals.
(3) What do the four marathons have in common? A. Risky and tiring routes. B. Beautiful coastal views. C. Chances to see wild animals. D. Fixed time for annual events.
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The area of tropical forest destroyed in 2021 was enough to cover the entire island of Cuba, and sent more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere as India does in an entire year from burning fossil fuels, according to an analysis published on Thursday.

Some 11.1 million hectares(around 43,000 square miles)of forest was destroyed, mainly by logging(伐木)as well as fires, the analysis by the World Resources Institute's Global Forest Watch and the University of Maryland found. Some of those fires were deliberately lit to clear land and many were deteriorated by climate change.

The loss was less severe than that in 2020, but deforestation(毁林)is still occurring at an alarming rate in the tropics. Of the area lost, 3.75 million hectares were primary tropical forest at the equivalent of 10 soccer fields every minute, WRI reported.

Primary tropical forests in particular are crucial for the ecological balance of the planet, providing oxygen that supports life and as biodiversity hotspots. They are also rich in stored carbon, and when these forests are logged or burned, they release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, contributing to global warming.

"What's important to understand is that forests, especially tropical forests, are part of the global climate system," WRI senior fellow Frances Seymour told CNN. "So they're not mechanical carbon storage devices. They actually influence the energy transfer and the moisture content of the atmosphere in ways that affect rainfall and global circulation patterns."

"When deforestation happens, when forests are lost, it not only contributes carbon to the atmosphere, but also disrupts rainfall patterns and increases local temperatures in some ways. For example, it makes remaining forests more vulnerable to fire and the warmer, drier conditions that come with climate change," Seymour said.

(1) Which of the following can best replace the underlined word "deteriorated" in paragraph 2? A. strengthened B. worsened C. expanded D. extended
(2) In which aspect are primary tropical forests especially important? A. Promoting world economy. B. Predicting severe weather. C. Balancing the earth's ecology. D. Providing wood resources.
(3) What did Seymour talk about in the last paragraph? A. The consequence of deforestation. B. The cause of forests loss. C. The methods of protecting forests. D. The contributions of forests.
(4) What can be a suitable title for the text? A. Logging causes most forests loss B. Analysts are concerned about tropic forests loss C. Primary tropical forests are rich in stored carbon D. Tropical forests are being destroyed at an alarming rate
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2. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项。

Not everyone knows that Mogao Caves in China has a "little sister"—Yulin Caves, which is smaller but better preserved than Mogao Caves. This "little sister" has the most brilliant murals(壁画) which are large in scale(规模) and diverse in forms and skills, with much art value. Here is some information to refer to when planning your tour here.

Daily Itinerary(行程)

DAY 1: Visit Mingshashan in the middle afternoon when it is not very hot and sunburn is low.

DAY 2: Visit Yulin Caves. You can visit up to 6 caves. After that, drive about 30 minutes to Suoyangcheng.

DAY 3: Visit the newly opened Mogao Caves Digital Exhibition Center. You will watch two short but well-produced educational documentary movies about Mogao Caves. After the movies, take the interzonal bus to Mogao Caves.

Highlights of This Tour

●In-depth tour of Mogao Caves and Yulin Caves

●Visiting Suoyangcheng—an ancient ruined city 2,000 years ago

●Private tour package covering airport pick-up, accommodation, sightseeing and private tour guide

Basic Information about Price

●$ 380 per person

●This price is based on a group of 2 adults sharing one standard double-bed room in 4-star hotels and traveling with our private tour in low seasons.

●This price is subject to change according to your traveling season, group size, hotel, class, etc. If you want a lower price, you can get more people to join you, or use economy class hotels.

(1) When can tourists see the documentary movies? A. On Day 1. B. On Day 2. C. On Day 3. D. Any day.
(2) What is a most interesting part of the tour? A. An old living city. B. In-depth travel in private. C. Free accommodations. D. Two brilliant tour guides.
(3) Where can you find the text probably? A. In a history textbook. B. On a travel agency website. C. In an academic journal. D. On an exhibition of murals.
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A British family was on holiday in a rented motor home in the USA. Traveling through California, they visited the Magic Mountain-Amusement Park. In the mid-afternoon, halfway through what was turning out to be a most enjoyable day at the park, the family came upon a particularly steep ride. In the line, the ride attendants(服务员) strongly warned everyone about the risks of losing hats, glasses, coins and keys, etc. , and these warnings were repeated by large signs around the ride. During the ride, their keys' fate was just as the warnings repeated.

However, the fact was that there were no spare keys. One park attendant drove the family back to the motor home, suggesting the least damaging ways to break into it. Fortunately, a window had been left slightly open, enabling the middle son to be put in and to open the doors from the inside. What was even more fortunate was that the attendant made the engine fire without the key.

The next day the father called a local locksmith(锁匠) to see what could be done. "I might be able to make new keys from the locks if you bring the vehicle to me. " said the locksmith. So the family drove to the locksmith, whose business was in a small shopping centre in the countryside. The locksmith looked at the motor home, and said he would try. In fact, the job took the locksmith most of the day and he put away all his present work. The family hung around the locksmith's, visited the shops again, and generally spent a day at the little shopping centre.

In the late afternoon the locksmith said that he had nearly done. When the father entered the locksmith's shop, the locksmith was smiling. He put two new shining keys on the counter. Although the day was not included in their plan, the family really appreciated all the help and kindness they received from the people.

(1) What happened to the family in the amusement park? A. One of the kids fell from the ride. B. They were hit by a warning sign. C. Their rented vehicle broke down. D. They encountered the loss of keys.
(2) What did the park attendant do for the family? A. He started the vehicle. B. He found a spare key. C. He opened the car door. D. He contacted a locksmith.
(3) What can we know from Paragraph 3? A. It was difficult to make the new keys. B. The locksmith had a large workplace. C. The family was refused by the locksmith. D. The family had a happy day in the city.
(4) What did the family think of the people they met? A. Respectful. B. Humorous. C. Hard-working. D. Warm-hearted.
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