
Pasta and pizza were on everyone's lunch menu in my native land of Italy. Everyone who had such a lunch was fair-skinned and spoke Italian. A few years later, as I stood in the lunch line with my kindergarten class in a school in Brooklyn, I realized things were no longer that simple. My classmates ranged from those kids with pale skin and large blue eyes to those with rich brown skin and dark hair. The food choices were almost as diverse as the students. In front of me was an array of foods I couldn't even name in my native language. Fearing that I would pick out something awful, I desperately tried to ask the boy ahead of me for a recommendation. Unfortunately, between us stood the barrier of language.

Although my kindergarten experience feels like a century ago, the lessons I learned will stick in my mind forever. For the past three summers, I have worked in a government agency in New York. New immigrants much like the little girl in the lunch line flooded our office seeking help. I often had to be an interpreter for the Italian-speaking ones. As I served the role of vital communication link, I was reminded of my desperate struggle to converse before I learned English. I watched with great sympathy as elderly Italians tried to hold a conversation in Italian with people who did not speak the language. It suddenly became very clear to me how lucky I was to be fluent in two languages.

In New York, a multicultural city, students like me are blessed with a chance to work with a diverse population. In my English to Italian translations, I've learned about social programs that I didn't know existed. This work expanded my mind in ways that are impossible inside the four walls of a classroom. Walking through the streets of Brooklyn today, I am no longer confused by this city's sounds and smells. Instead, enjoy its diversity.

(1) What did the author realize after entering school in Brooklyn? A. Time passed quickly. B. English was hard to lean. C. People were very different. D. The food was terrible.   
(2) Who does "the little girl" in paragraph 2 refer to? A. An Italian teacher. B. The author herself. C. A government official. D. The author's classmate.
(3) In which phrase does the word "hold" have the same meaning as it does in the underlined phrase "hold a conversation"? A. Hold her throat B. Hold the baby C. Hold an interview D. Hold distinct opinions
(4) How did the summer job benefit the author? A. It opened her eyes to the real world. B. It helped sharpen her sense of direction. C. It strengthened her love for school. D. It made her childhood dream come true.
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Many of us are disgusted at spiders or afraid of them. We don't like to touch them or go near them, and if we see one in our house, we'd better watch out. But do you know that a spider's natural color may inspire a new shade of blue textiles and offer a solution to the glare on the screen of your phone when you're out in the sun?

This color is a shade of blue, inspired by the cobalt blue tarantula (钴蓝狼蛛) - a species of spider that is native to the rainforests of southeast Asia. What surprised scientists who observed the eight-legged furry spider was that its color did not change at all even when viewed from different angles.

A team of scientists, led by Bill Hsiung from the University of Akron in Ohio, have been studying tarantulas for some time. Blue is a rare color in the animal kingdom, so the researchers set out to find the exact nature of this blue. They found that the outer body of the tarantula is covered with tiny crystalline (晶体的) structures. These tiny structures act like a mirror and when light strikes them, they reflect only one particular wavelength of light - blue. This kind of natural color is referred to as the "structural color".

Usually, when colors are viewed from different angles, they appear different because of how light is reflected. This is because of a phenomenon known as iridescence (彩虹色). However, the blue color produced by tarantulas appears the same from all angles. Scientists find that it is the tiny crystal structures on the tarantula's body arranged in a flower-like shape that reduce iridescence.

Scientists have known about structural colors for a while, but they have not seen them used for dye.  With a clearer understanding of how "structural colors" work, scientists can now create a pigment (Ⅱ) similar to the tarantula blue to dye textiles and other products. Watch out for the tarantula blue-a color that may soon take the fashion industry by storm!

(1) What is special about the cobalt blue tarantula? A. Its body color is unchangeably blue. B. its legs look crystal clear in the sun. C. Its smell is naturally disgusting. D. Its fur can be made into textiles.
(2) What's the author's purpose in writing Paragraph 4? A. To introduce the tarantula's body structures. B. To show the phenomenon of color iridescence. C. To explain the principle of the structural color. D. To discuss the importance of reflection angles to colors.
(3) What can be a suitable title for the text? A. A color inspired by a spider B. The development of blue textiles C. A spider with structural colors discovered D. The cobalt blue tarantula-a rare species
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Attractions for Kids with Dinosaur Fever

While there are plenty of movies and books that can teach your little one all about dinosaurs, the following children's attractions will allow them to come face-to-face with their favorite dinosaurs and learn in an interactive, fun environment.

⒈ Dinosaurs Alive at Cedar Point

Sandusky, OH

See the "age of dinosaurs" come to life with interactive exhibits based on real fossil evidence. At the Dinosaurs Alive section of Cedar Point park, visitors can walk among more than 50 life-sized dinosaurs which move and roar. See these gigantic lizards up close and learn more about the most fearsome period of the earth's history.

⒉ The Chicago Children's Museum

Chicago, IL

The Chicago Children's Museum is filled with plenty of activities for kids of all ages, but one of the coolest has to be the Dinosaur Exhibition. At this exhibit, children can spend time digging for dinosaur bones at an excavation site, looking at dinosaur fossils, and learning what life is like for real archaeologists.

⒊ Carnegie Museum of Natural History

Pittsburgh, PA

In addition to plenty of exhibits about wildlife, the Carnegie Museum of Natural History has one of the finest dinosaur fossil collections in the world. Visitors can see experts work with real dinosaur fossils in the PaleoLab. Make sure to take a photo in front of Dippy, the scarf-loving dinosaur guarding the front of the museum!

⒋ The Children's Museum of Indianapolis

Indianapolis, IN

From the dinosaurs exploding out of the side of the building to the fossils within, the Children's Museum of Indianapolis is filled with fun things to do. Kids can touch a real T-rex bone and see reconstructed dinosaur skeletons up close.

(1) Who are the attractions mainly intended for? A. Archaeologists. B. Parents. C. Children. D. Volunteers.
(2) In which museum can visitors dig for dinosaur bones? A. Dinosaurs Alive at Cedar Point. B. The Chicago Children's Museum. C. Carnegie Museum of Natural History. D. The Children's Museum of Indianapolis.
(3) What are visitors advised to do in Pittsburgh, PA? A. Touch a real T-rex bone. B. Take a photo in front of Dippy. C. See reconstructed dinosaur skeletons. D. See experts work with real dinosaur fossils.
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Yesterday marked the official end of Promotion Day, but you can still find some pretty good deals now. These are items under $50 that you can still shop this week.

●NCH Cushioned Running Shoes

List Price: $ 75.99  Price: $ 47.75   You save: $ 28.24 (37%)

Made for Runners: With impressive softness for daily runs, these cushioned running shoes are designed specifically for those who love to run on a variety of surfaces.

Fierce Footwear: Cutting-edge design features light weight and 100% breathable top. Bold looks and comfy construction help them stand out on both the fashion and function fronts.

●GK Smart Watch Fitness Tracker

List Price: $ 55.99  Price: $ 43.99   You save: $ 12.00 (21%)

Accurate Overall Health Data: It tracks your heart rate and blood pressure in real time, meaning you can have a full overview of your heart health over time.

Fast Charging and Long Standby: Just needs 2.5 hours to fill power, 10 days of standby time. Goes well with IOS 9.0 or higher, Android 4.4 or higher.

●IUGA Pro Non Slip Yoga Mat

List Price: $ 69.95   Price: $ 41.95   You save: $ 28.00 (40%)

No Sliding Nor Slipping: Technologically designed to keep you with absolute safety and is always in place no matter what type of yoga you practice.

SGS Certified and Smell-less Material: Unlike other PVC mats, the material can keep smells at bay that your mat always as fresh as the day you bought it.

●LHS Pour-Over Coffee Maker

List Price: $ 30.99   Price: $ 23.99    You save: $ 7.00 (23%)

BPA-Free Glass: This coffee maker unlocks the full potential of coffee from the glass that's heat-resistant and perfect for modern kitchen.

Paperless, Stainless Steel Filter (过滤器): No paper filters needed! Filters are reusable, stainless steel which is not easy to get rust or blocked.

(1) As far as percentage is concerned, which item saves the most? A. NCH Cushioned Running Shoes. B. IUGA-Pro Non Slip Yoga Mat. C. GK Smart Watch Fitness Tracker. D. LHS Pour-Over Coffee Maker.
(2) What is the feature of GK Smart Watch Fitness Tracker? A. It features light weight and breathable top.  B. It always stays in place and keeps secure. C. It owns a reusable and stainless steel filter.                    D. It works when it comes to recording the user's health data.
(3) Where is this text probably from? A. A magazine. B. A book review.        C. A shopping guide. D. A tourist brochure.
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