
Children grow taller in rural households where their mothers are supported to grow their own food, according to new research from the University of East Anglia (UEA). The research, which looked at households in some developing countries, showed growing their own food helped mothers to prevent their children from being stunted( 发育不足的), wasting away and underweight. Their children's food was more varied, meaning these children had access to different classes of food nutrients.

The team from UEA analyzed studies that introduced women to home farming in some African and Asian countries. The home farming included growing brightly colored vitamin A-rich fruit and vegetables, and sometimes also included chicken farming. The health of these women s children was assessed over the next year or more, and they did better than children of other women. No studies, however, reported on children's eye health. The researchers concluded that high-quality trials are needed to assess the impact of home fo0a production on nutritional blindness in children, which is caused by an insufficient intake of vitamin A.

Around 250 million pre-school children are deficient in vitamin A, according to the World Health Organization. Vitamin A deficiency is the main global cause of childhood blindness, which also increases the risk of dying from other childhood diseases and vitamin A plays a significant role in normal immune function. It remains one of the most widespread micronutrient deficiencies globally.

Mrs Chizoba Bassey led the team conducting the systematic review. She said," Well-evidenced interventions such as vitamin A supplementation programs should be adopted and expanded to children at greatest risk to prevent nutritional blindness. "

Currently there is not enough evidence of the effects of home gardening on xerophthalmia(干眼症), night blindness or the death rate in children, but the evidence from the research shows that if women take up home gardening, the risk of being stunted, wasting away and underweight in their children will be reduced. Home farming may help to achieve sustainability in controlling vitamin A deficiency and can assist vitamin A supplementation programs where they are available.

(1) What does the new study focus on? A. Fruit and vegetables suitable for family gardening. B. The development of farming in Africa and Asia. C. Rural children's health problems. D. Benefits of home farming.
(2) What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 3? A. The importance of nutrients.  B. Causes of childhood blindness. C. Health risks of lack of vitamin A. D. Ways to improve kids'immune function.
(3) Which of the following may Mrs Bassey agree with? A. Nutritional blindness is preventable. B. Most of pre-school kids suffer from a nutrient deficiency. C. Home food production has proved good for children's eyes. D. Vegetables grown by housewives have higher nutritional value.
(4) What does the author want to express in the last paragraph? A. The urgency of doing further research. B. The necessity of encouraging home farming. C. The difficulty in controlling vitamin A deficiency. D. The relationship between home gardening and xerophthalmia.
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Jennifer Brophy, a professor of Stanford, is working on methods that she hopes will be used to improve commercial plant species so that they can survive harsh conditions. Initially, she studied green architecture in her undergraduate years. Once she started taking architecture classes, she realized it wasn't her passion—but when she encountered an article about a company that creates biofuels (生物燃料) from bacteria, something clicked. "I thought that was just the coolest thing. It got me really interested in pursuing bioengineering," she says.

Today, Brophy is developing new genetic engineering techniques that can help plants grow in various conditions. By changing the genome (基因组) of both commercial crops and soil bacteria, she thinks it's possible to help plants survive droughts.

Brophy is building what she calls "genetic circuits". Besides changing the genes within plant cells, this method also changes how and when those genes are triggered. If the plant senses a specific sugar, it can express one protein; if it senses another signal, it'll express a different protein. If both signals are there, the plant may be able to express something else entirely. "Using circuits to all these different inputs," she says.

"A plant doesn't necessarily know what's coming. It just knows whether it's hot or temperate (温和的) right now," says Brophy. This can lead to problems when weather becomes erratic. A plant that usually flowers in spring may flower in winter if there're a few unseasonably warm days. When temperatures fall again, the flowers die, which ruins a year of crops. "It'd be great to be able to communicate with plants to tell them, 'Hey, you should wait on that flowering, " she adds.

Brophy is still testing the concept in the lab using a small weedy plant called Arabidopsis. She notes engineering crops in the future may also involve genetically modifying soil bacteria. As the bacteria's surroundings change, they could potentially send out chemical signals that tell nearby plants to shift their growth accordingly. Brophy thinks engineering crops could benefit farmers and society at large.

(1) What made Brophy interested in bioengineering? A. Her undergraduate education. B. Her visit to a company. C. Her exposure to a related article. D. Her curiosity about biofuels.
(2) The method of "genetic circuits" is designed to _____________. A. create better biofuels from soil bacteria B. monitor the proteins within plant cells C. preserve species of commercial crops D. promote plants to respond to surroundings
(3) What does the underlined word "erratic" mean in Paragraph 4? A. Unpleasant. B. Unstable. C. Unbearable. D. Unaffected.
(4) What is the best title of the passage? A. Jennifer Brophy, a brilliant bioengineering scientist. B. Climate change, a tough problem around the world. C. Genetic circuits, a smart method to help crops survive. D. Genetic engineering, a new technique to produce crops.
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2.阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的 AB四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。

The CT COLT(康州语言教师协会)Poetry Competition Committee is happy to announce the opening of registration for the 2022 St. Louis COLT Poetry Competition, taking place on Friday, July 21, 2022, from 3:30 to5:30 PM. The Poetry Recitation Competition is an annul event open to students whose teachers are members of CT, COLT. As you know, last yea we sadly lost our long time board member and treasurer, Paul M. St Louis. In honor of his yeas of commitment to the COLT board and poetry competition, the competition is being renamed.


All registration materials are now online.

School Registration / Member Rate

Registration is free for members, and an additional $9 per student will be added.

School Registration/Non-Member Rate/Includes Membership-$30

This rate includes membership for the person in charge and an additional $9 per student will be added.

Please note registration closes on June 30, 2022.


CT COLT is pleased to recognize and reward the excellence and achievement of deserving students. Winners:

will receive a paper certificate.

will receive a collection of poems.

will have their names published on the CT COLT website.

will have a special letter of recognition sent to their headteacher.

will receive a well designed pen.

We hope that you and your students will be able to participate in the competition this year.

(1) Why is the competition being renamed? A. To honor a person. B. To focus on the topic better. C. To attract more participants. D. To serve a commercial purpose.
(2) How much is it for a non-member teacher bringing3 students to the competition? A. $9. B. $27. C. $30. D. $57.
(3) What will the headteacher of the winner receive? A. A recognition letter. B. A paper certificate. C. A collection of poems. D. A well designed pen.
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I have lived in rural America for nine years, first in Michigan, where I got my PhD; then in central Illinois and now in Indiana, where I am a professor. In a place where most people have lived the whole of their lives, I feel like a stranger. There are few things I enjoy more than complaining about my geographic isolation. I'm a vegetarian, so there's nowhere to go for a nice dinner that isn't 50 miles away. I'm black, so there's nowhere to get my hair done that doesn't involve another 50-miled drive. And the closest major airport is two hours away.

I recite these gripes(牢骚)to my friends. We all have grand ideas about what life would be like if only we did that, or lived there. And there's this; I really don't intend to change most of the things I complain about. Griping is seductiye on those days when happiness requires too much energy. Bur it also makes me lose sight of the fact that I was born and grew up in Nebraska and have lived most of my life in one of the plains states. When I go to the coasts, I am struck by how unappealing big-city living can be.

While I may not love where I live, there are plenty of people who are proud to call this place home. At a party with colleagues, I was going on about everything I couldn't stand in our town when I noticed that they were silent and shifting uncomfortably. That moment forced a change in me. Complaining may offer relief, but so does acceptance. There is no perfect life. By focusing on gripes, I risk missing out on precious moments of appreciation. When I get home, I stand on my balcony, look into the night sky and see the stars. I know that I have absolutely nothing to complain about.

(1) What causes the author's loneliness? A. Dietary habits. B. Racial prejudice. C. Educational differences. D. Identity confusion.
(2) What does the underlined word "seductive" mean in paragraph 3? A. Attractive. B. Temporary. C. Violent. D. Flexible.
(3) How might the author feel about himself when the atmosphere changed at party? A. Humbled. B. Angry. C. Touched. D. Calm.
(4) What does the author realize in the end? A. Every day is beautiful. B. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. C. Human must value lives themselves. D. Don't be penny wise and pound foolish.
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