
Every person yawns. So do many other vertebrate (有脊椎的) animals. including snakes. Dogs, cats, sharks, and chimpanzees. While yawning is contagious (会传染的). not everyone catches a yawn. Around 60-70% of people yawn if they see another person yawn in real life or in a photo or even read about yawning. Contagious yawning also occurs in animals, but it doesn't necessarily work the same way as in people.

Scientists have proposed many theories for why we catch yawns. Probably the most popular theory is that yawning serves as a form of nonverbal communication. Catching a yawn shows you're accustomed to a person's emotions. Scientific evidence comes from a 2010 study at the University of Connecticut. which concluded yawning does not become contagious until a child is about four years old. when empathy (共情) skills develop. In the study, children with autism, who may have impaired empathy development, caught yawns less often than their peers.

Studying contagious yawning in other animals may provide clues to how people catch yawns. Contagious yawning in animals may serve as a means of communication. Siamese fighting fish yawn when they see their mirror image or another fighting fish, generally just prior to an attack.

Contagious yawning is linked to temperature, in both animals and people. Most scientists speculate it is a thermoregulatory behavior, while some researchers believe it is used to communicate a potential threat or stressful situation. A 2010 study of budgerigars (虎皮鹦鹉) found that yawning increased as temperature was raised near body temperature.

People commonly yawn when tired or bored. Similar behavior is seen in animals. One study found the brain temperature in sleep deprived rats was higher than their core temperature. Yawning reduced brain temperature, possibly improving brain function. Researchers will do further study on this.

(1) What can we learn about yawning from Paragraph 1? A. All animals yawn. B. Reading about yawning may make a person yawn. C. Only vertebrate animals yawn. D. Yawning works the same for human and animals.
(2) Why does the author mention children with autism in Paragraph 2? A. To prove a theory. B. To define a concept C. To develop the theme. D. To provide the background.
(3) Siamese fighting fish yawn to _____. A. show kindness. B. find a partner. C. give a threat. D. escape from danger.
(4) What can be inferred from the passage? A. More research in yawning will be carried out in the future. B. Temperature is not a factor concerning yawning. C. The secret to yawing has been worked out. D. Yawning can improve brain function greatly.
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When I was a boy,my first friend wasn't another little boy or girl but an 80-year-old man.It was the early 1970s.We lived 4 miles from town.My two brothers were much older than I was.And the television only got in one channel(频道) clearly.I spent most of my time then playing alone outside in the yard and woods near our home. 

It was only a matter of time then before my exploring led me to "Little Frankie's"house.Everyone called him Little Frankie because he was short and bent(驼背的) from a lifetime of hard work.Little Frankie's house had no electricity or running water.Although he had money from a lifetime of working and saving,he preferred to live there.He cooked his meals and heated his house with an old stove(炉子).He got his water from a mountain spring that ran next to his house.He still worked everyday gardening,cooking,and cleaning. 

For some reason,though,we became fast friends.He would fry(炸) potatoes on his stove and share them with me.Then he would talk and show me old photos from years and years gone by.He worked hard,worried little,gave freely,smiled easily,and loved kindly. 

I am still working today at living as beautifully as he did back then.

(1) Who did the writer see as his first friend? A. His older brother. B. His younger sister. C. An old man. D. A little boy.
(2) What can we say about Little Frankie's house? A. It was built in the 1970s. B. It was in a poor condition. C. It was 80 miles from town. D. It was sold for some reason.
(3) What would the writer do as a child? A. Get water from a mountain spring. B. Watch TV at Little Frankie's house. C. Play with other children in the yard. D. Listen to Little Frankie's life stories.
(4) What did the writer learn from Little Frankie? A. To talk openly and freely. B. To live simply and happily. C. To speaker less and act more. D. To aim higher and think bigger.
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Are you looking for teen volunteer opportunities for 2024 that provide a rewarding experience that will stay with you for life? Every year thousands of teens choose to volunteer abroad with International Volunteer HQ(IVHQ)-the world's most trusted provider of safe and affordable volunteer programs for teens. 

Service trips for teens are available in more than 50 destinations and there are 17 teen volunteer programs for 16 to 18 year-olds. Some of the best programs in 2024 include Turtle Conservation in Bali, Animal Care in Costa Rica and Childcare in Tanzania. Or, if you're wanting to volunteer with a group of students from your high school, IVHQ can tailor a program for your group too!

• Benefits for volunteers:

• There is no doubt that volunteering as a teenager is a meaningful way to broaden your education and add experiences that will stand out on your college application. 

• Crossing boundaries to work with partners from different parts of the world fosters global understanding. 

• Living in a country different to your own means that you will be involved in a new culture, cuisine, and way of thinking. 

• Guaranteed support:

Chances are your parents will also want to learn more about IVHQ, whether or not they will go abroad with you. Having placed more than 130, 000 volunteers abroad, we're always happy to speak with parents to ensure all their questions are fielded. Through our online safety training, comprehensive information brochures, on-going support from experienced program managers and round-the-clock support from our local teams, IVHQ volunteers are well supported to make the most of the time abroad. 

If you're ready to pack your bags and experience a completely different lifestyle and widen your global perspective, please contact us. IVHQ will be more than happy to offer a service. 

(1) What can IVHQ provide for a high school group? A. Rewards for volunteering. B. A free service trip. C. An opportunity to study abroad. D. A specialized program.
(2) What does IVHQ promise to volunteers? A. Local teams' assistance. B. Partners' support. C. College recommendation letters. D. Parents' company
(3)  The main purpose of the passage is to A. advocate volunteering B. introduce requirements C. advertise a service D. suggest a lifestyle
阅读理解 未知 普通

Invented in the Tang Dynasty and widely adopted after the Song Dynasty in Fujian, the watertight-bulkhead(水密舱壁) technology permits the construction of ocean-going ships with watertight compartments(隔层). If one or two cabins are accidentally damaged at sea, water will not flood the other cabins and the ships will remain afloat.

The experience and working methods of watertight-bulkhead technology are transmitted orally from master to apprentices. However, the need for Chinese junks(中国式帆船) has decreased sharply as wooden ships have been replaced by steel-hulled ships, and today only three masters can claim full command of this technology. Associated building costs have also increased owing to a shortage in raw materials. Therefore, the inheritance(继承) of this heritage is decreasing, and inheritors are forced to seek alternative employment.

Zhang Guohui, a 77-year-old inheritor of the watertight-bulkhead techniques used to make Chinese junks, has been making ships for more than six decades. Coming from a poor family in a fishing town in East China's Fujian Province, Zhang started to make a living at the age of 16fishing on the open seas, which is where he developed a keen interest in constructing boats. As a fast learner, Zhang was later sent to shipyards in the cities of Quanzhou and Xiamen in Fujian Province, where he received training and became a master of traditional Chinese junks and gained fame because of his extremely skilled craftsmanship in the construction of these junks.

In fear that the traditional skills would die someday, Zhang started to restore old ships and make model junks for the museum with his 20 years of shipbuilding skills. "The restored ancient ships are the historical witnesses of Quanzhou as a maritime center of the East and Southeast Asiatrade network," said Zhang, adding that he finds the work meaningful since younger generations can learn from exhibitions of ancient ships that their ancestors had advanced shipbuilding technology at an early stage of development. "As long as I'm alive, I'll keep passing on the heritage," he said.

(1) What function is expected of the watertight-bulkhead technology? A. To prevent ships from sinking. B. To reduce the weight of ships. C. To allow ships to sail faster. D. To help ships. resist strong winds.
(2) Which of the following is the purpose of paragraph 2? A. To prove the significance of steel-hulled ships. B. To stress the complex process of building wooden ships. C. To present people's efforts to pass down cultural heritages. D. To show difficulties of inheriting watertight-bulkhead technology.
(3) What can we learn about Zhang Guohui from paragraph 3? A. He supports his family by fishing. B. He was born with a talent for shipbuilding. C. He has devoted himself to constructing boats. D. He has won many awards for restoring ancient ships.
(4) What does Zhang Guohui convey in his words? A. Traditional culture should be innovated with the times. B. The ancient ship trade originated from Quanzhou in China. C. It is necessary for modern students to learn shipbuilding skills. D. It is worth passing on traditional skills from generation to generation.
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