
Four Online Events

The handshake:an anthropologist's (人类学家) guide

What is its biological (生物学的) purpose? What are the best and worst handshakes? In this talk, scientist Ella Al-Shamahi examines the power of touch and argues the handshake is at least 7 million years old. This event will start at 18:00 pm on 25 March and will last one hour. Standard ticket price:£15( A 20% discount for those who buy the ticket before March 20. )

A rescue plan for nature

What do we need to do to restore the planet 's biodiversity (生物多样性) and prevent the next pandemic (疫情)? Join scientist Cristian Samper as he talks about how our ignoring nature caused the pandemic and how we can seize a unique opportunity to build back better. This free event will start at 18:00 pm on 15 April.

Origins of life

Why is the planet the way it is? How did we get here? Does everything happen for a reason or are some things left to chance? Research shows we live in a world driven by chance. In this talk, biologist Sean B Carroll will tell the stories of the mother of all accidents, and the surprising power of chance in our lives and the world. This event will start at 19:30 pm on 22 April and will last two hours. Standard ticket price:£18( A 10% discount for those who buy the ticket before April 17. )

The truth about exercise

Should we all be hitting the gym three times a week? Should we worry about sitting too much? If you are strong and fit, can you get away with being inactive? In this talk, specialist Jason Gill introduces what science can really tell us about how much we need to move to live a healthy life. This event will start at 19:00 pm on May 13 and will last one hour, Standard ticket price:£12( A 15% discount for those who buy the ticket before May 8. )

(1) How much should you at least spend on the event about the handshake? A. £10. 2. B. £13. C. £12. D. £16. 2.
(2) From whom can you learn about the origins of life? A. Sean B Carroll. B. Cristian Samper. C. Ella Al-Shamahi. D. Jason Gill.
(3) What does the four online talks have in common? A. They are about cultures. B. They are science-based. C. They are related to nature. D. They are intended for the young.
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The public nowadays has a misunderstanding of forest fires, believing that fires should be kept out of every type of forest. Many of us can recall Smoky the Bear's famous warning: "Remember, only YOU can prevent forest fires". However, that's not always the case. Under the right conditions, and when conducted safely, fire can create many environmental benefits as well as help prevent larger, uncontrollable wildfires.

After a forest fire, many wildlife species will move into recently burned areas to feed on these newly available foods. Some reptiles and amphibians such as the pine snake prefer forests frequently burned by fire. As Herbert Stoddard put it, "One of the most harmful things modern man has done to birds has been his attempt to exclude fire from fire-type pine (松树) forests. Within a few years most forests choke up with bushes, lose their prairie-like vegetation (草原般植被) and can no longer support birds dependent on periodic burning for their food supply and proper cover. "

If you are asked to picture the forest floor, what do you see? Pine needles, cones, leaves, branches might come to mind-all sources of fuel. If these fuel sources build up without any type of removal, the ‘fuel load' can lead to fires catastrophic to forests and people alike. In contrast, prescribed fire can be used by forest professionals every couple of years to keep forest fuels at an appropriate and manageable level. They can also minimize the spread of pest insects and disease and remove unwanted tree and plant species. Plus, they can create and maintain important wildlife habitats rich in grasses and promote the growth of trees, wildflowers and other various plants.

Many organizations and agencies work to promote fire on the landscape when and where appropriate. Smoky Bear even has an updated warning: "Only You can Prevent Wildfires," as the Forest Service has over the last few decades developed policies and procedures to include prescribed fire as a management tool, as well as continuing their work to prevent and fight wildfires.

(1) Why did the author mention Smoky the Bear's warning? A. To raise people's awareness of forest protection. B. To illustrate a conventional wisdom. C. To show the significance of fire prevention. D. To introduce the topic of the passage.
(2) What can benefit birds according to Herbert Stoddard? A. Forest bushes. B. Fuel sources. C. Periodic burning. D. Pine forests.
(3) What is the purpose of prescribed fire? A. To keep the forest balance. B. To keep the fuel rich in the forest. C. To put out wildfires. D. To remove tree and plant species.
(4) What might be the best title for the passage? A. Why Not Keep The Forest Fire Burning B. Not All Forest Fires Are Created Equal C. Where There Is Smoke There Is A Fire D. One Match Can Start A Forest Fire
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Films for you!

A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving (1973)

A true classic, this Peanuts cartoon gives many viewers a sense of nostalgia(怀旧). Return to the iconic moment when Lucy pulls the football away from Charlie Brown right as he's about to kick it. Life is hard, but in this animated film, sweetness wins when the Peanuts group prepares a Thanksgiving feast, complete with jelly beans.

Planes,Trains and Automobiles (1987)

This John Hughes comedy starring Steve Martin and John Candy is already a Thanksgiving classic for many. Neal ends up rerouting the plane because of a snowstorm. As he struggles to find a way home for Thanksgiving, he gets stuck with extremely positive Del. 

One True Thing (1998)

Meryl Streep was nominated for an Academy Award for her performance in this movie as a wife and mom who struggles with cancer. Renée Zellweger plays the grown daughter who has to come home to help with the holiday. The two try to hold the family together, especially during a tense Thanksgiving meal when guests get all the attention. 

The Gold Rush (1925)

Charlie Chaplin as the Little Tramp eats his shoe for Thanksgiving dinner while trapped in a snowstorm in this endearing silent film classic from1925. Watch this one if you're in the mood to see a leather shoe prepared and eaten as if it were a delicious turkey. It makes you grateful for what you have!

(1) What could A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving remind many viewers of? A. Birth of animated films. B. History of football games. C. Taste of jelly beans. D. Sweet memories of old days.
(2) Which film best suits people who want to see a leather shoe eaten? A. The Gold Rush. B. A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. C. One True Thing. D. Planes,Trains and Automobiles.
(3) What do these four films have in common? A. They are related to Thanksgiving. B. They tell interesting family stories. C. They describe the holiday activities. D. They are based on the authors' own life.
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The cost of living in countries like the U. S. , Britain, Australia or France has skyrocketed (飞涨) in recent years. However, if you are willing to leave your country and explore life in other areas, there are many countries boasting an extremely cheap and low cost of living. Check out the following countries when planning your next move.


Ecuador is similar to the United States in many ways, and as a result has become a popular American getaway. They even use the U. S. dollar for their currency. In this country, it is cheaper to eat out every day than cook for yourself on a budget in the U. S. You can even buy a property for around $50,000 and hire someone to tend to it while you are away.


Although the country is known for its poverty-ridden streets, there are many wealthier areas that provide every facility you might need. You can live off a mere $700 to $800 a month in Mexico, and this includes rent for a nice place, facilities, food, and any sightseeing.


Argentina has been a popular tourist destination for many years. It has great restaurants, a rich history, and many places to explore. Not to mention, it is not very expensive to live there. A decent sized home can cost around $139,000, which is relatively cheap in relation to homes in the United States.


Vietnam has also become a popular tourist destination in recent years. There are many million-dollar luxury homes by the beach, but you can find a modest flat or small home for around $25,000 to $50, 000 if you search in the right areas.

(1) How much does it take at least to live in Mexico for six months? A. About $ 4,200. B. About $ 8,000. C. About $ 8,400. D. About $ 9,800.
(2) What does Argentina and Vietnam have in common? A. They both have great restaurants. B. The cost of living in them is both expensive. C. People are all fond of travelling to the two countries. D. The middle-sized homes both cost around $139,000.
(3) In which country did the purchaser probably pay extra money after he left? A. Ecuador. B. Mexico. C. Argentina. D. Vietnam.
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