
As I work in the garden, I take my time and the garden is teaching me about working with the earth. I recognize that there will be both successes and failures and there are many variables that affect them both.

The quality of the seeds planted has a bearing on how well the plants will grow. But the weather affects that most. It can be too hot, too cold, or exactly right, and usually fluctuates (起伏) between all three. Weeds seem to grow well in the garden and need to be taken care of and pulled to ensure they do not destroy the fruits, vegetables, and flowers we have so lovingly planted.

I take time to stand back and rest, and to observe the plants and how they are growing. Each plant is unique and develops in the way that is best for them. Some have large broad leaves to protect their fruit from the harsh rays of the sun, while other plants are more open, their fruit needing the light to grow and ripen.

Getting my hands dirty, feeling the sweat on my brow, and the strength and flexibility of my body as I dig, bend and work under the warm summer sun, reminds me I am alive in ways I would not have remembered sitting on the couch.

It is very inspiring to move things around, to transplant, and to disturb the natural order of how plants grow. The garden teaches me that it is important to know when to disturb things and when to let them be. The garden's life cycle follows a pattern that is repeated according to laws of nature, birth, and growth, and then dies and it teaches us to accept this fact.

Perhaps life is like the garden, successes and failures, time to be active and time to rest, to let go of what is no longer needed, to cultivate (培养) what helps us to grow into our light and power, and to embrace life from beginning to end. 

(1) What affects how well plants grow most? A. The weather. B. The seeds. C. The soil. D. The weeds.
(2) What can be inferred from this text? A. Weeds grow better than fruits and vegetables. B. Gardening is rewarding to the author. C. All plants are unique, but grow in the same way. D. Gardening is quite time-consuming.
(3) Why is the author inspired to work in the garden? A. He can build up his body. B. He can get a good harvest by working. C. Gardening gives him an insight into life. D. There are successes and failures in gardening.
(4) Which of the following will the author probably agree with? A. No sweet without sweat. B. As a man sows, so he shall reap.  C. What has been done cannot be undone. D. Pursue the best, and accept the worst.
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I've been writing since before I could write. As a kid, I dictated stories to my parents. About 12 years ago, I was living in New York City and pursuing a master's degree in creative writing. For years I'd been suffering vision disorder, but in New York my symptoms worsened. I became unable to read or write for any considerable length of time. I tried vision therapy, an overhead projector, a special pair of glasses — all in vain.

Eventually, I discovered a computer program for the visually challenged. As I typed, my words were read aloud by an automated voice. With my screen dimmed (变模糊) to black, I relied entirely on the automated voice to know what I had written.

Facing the blank page is worrying, but facing the black page is worse. The dark screen is a sinkhole that swallows creative hope. Sentences disappear into it like an astronaut into a black hole. I managed to complete

my master's degree, but it took me years to adapt to my new reality. The greatest barrier seemed to be the automated voice, which was like a robot parrot on my shoulder, and I wanted nothing more than to drive it away. If a pianist were forced to practice on an untuned piano, would it corrupt his ear over time?

Of course, I could have quit writing and stopped making myself suffer. But it honestly never occurred to me—and I'm glad it didn't. Last year, after I told my story on the radio, I was contacted by VocaliD, a Massachusetts-based company that created a voice modeled on my own.

The first time I heard the voice they created, it is so close to my own that the two are nearly indistinguishable. I've only just begun using this new voice. My hope is that this will restore a sense of solitude (孤独) to my writing process, allowing me easier access to that inner space where the imagination can take over, and I can forget myself, and the real work can begin.

The black screen still exists — it always will — but the robot parrot has taken wing.

(1) A. What happened to the author when pursuing a master's degree in New York? B. His sight started to fail due to much reading. C. His eyes couldn't bear long hours of reading. D. He had to drop out due to his vision disorder.
(2) What still bothered the author after he got his master's degree? A. The untuned automated voice. B. The pet parrot on his shoulder. C. The computer with a dark screen. D. The noise from a neighboring pianist.
(3) How did the author feel when first hearing the voice created by VocaliD? A. Relaxed. B. Annoyed. C. Unmoved. D. Excited.
(4) What can we infer from the last paragraph? A. The automated voice is too annoying to bear. B. The author can restore his sight to normal. C. The author starts to enjoy his writing again. D. It is likely that the technology will improve.
阅读理解 常考题 普通

As to psychological well-being, the comfort zone is frequently perceived as a haven, a familiar location where individuals feel calm and peaceful. Pushing beyond this psychological state might have benefits. 

The comfort zone can be understood as a behavioral metaphor. Within a comfort zone, an individual takes on a state of minimal anxiety without a perception of risk, responding predictably to deliver a consistent level of performance. These include behaviors that people do commonly, find relaxing, or that take them away from high-stress situations. Engaging in the same manner over time leads to a predictable and familiar zone of comfort. As creatures of habit, we become dependent on these routines that we know we can complete well to feel secure. However, by stepping outside of our comfort zone, we learn about our ability to handle new situations and control risks, leading to greater self-confidence, and lower levels of anxiety. 

One study found that individuals who are more secure in stepping out of their comfort zone are more likely to be excited by and look forward to new experiences, feeling greater confidence in their ability to take them on. 

One behavior that demonstrates the benefits of stepping out of a comfort zone is learning to play a musical instrument. When we consider actions outside of our comfort zone, we must assess our desire to engage in that activity. By weighing the pros and cons, we evaluate how uncomfortable a situation may seem, and whether the danger of entering such an unknown situation will be worth the risk. 

Music offers a safe way to step out of your initial comfort zone because you can begin by practicing in an isolated setting, which offers a casual, safe way to build a new skill set. By picking up and practicing a new instrument, you have proven to yourself that you are capable of meeting an unfamiliar objective, thus decreasing anxiety.

(1) What does the underlined word "haven" in Paragraph 1 most probably mean? A. Habitat. B. Shelter. C. Community. D. Destination.
(2) Which will not be considered when we step out of our comfort zone? A. We recall the old experience. B. We think whether it is worth the risk. C. We evaluate our thirsty for the activity. D. We weigh the strengths and weaknesses.
(3) What will be probably discussed in the following paragraph? A. The definition of the comfort zone. B. The importance of psychological well-being. C. The process of learning a new musical instrument. D. The benefits of stepping out of one's comfort zone.
(4) Which of the following is the best title for the text? A. How to Identify Comfort Zone B. Staying Inside Comfort Zone is Important C. Stepping Outside Comfort Zone Promotes Learning D. How to Take Yourself Away from High-stress Situations
阅读理解 未知 困难

Plastic, a durable material, is probably the definitive 20th century "mod-con". It has proved attractive to consumers and manufacturers. But the tide, now packed with an additional 8 million tons of plastic entering the oceans annually, is slowly turning.

The scale of the environmental problem with plastic waste is astonishing More than 6. 3 billion tons of plastic waste has been produced since the 1950s, more than half of which was produced in the past 16 years, and plastic production is expected to double again in the next 20 years. Despite higher recycling rates, large amounts of plastic leak into the environment. Estimates suggest there will be more plastic than fish in the sea by 2050 and there is evidence that it is present throughout the human food chain. An ecologically and technologically superior replacement for many uses of plastic is long overdue.

Consumers have become keen recyclers. Yet this is not as good an outcome as it seems. Even when plastics are recyclable and put in a recycling bin, the majority still ends up in landfill, causing huge emission problems, or ends up in the sea.

Recycling is a complex, expensive, low-profit business. It is made harder because, although 95 per cent of people in the US and EU markets recycle, only about 30 per cent recycle carefully enough for it to be usable.

Nevertheless, growing demand for alternatives to plastic is running ahead of the scientific breakthroughs. These are needed to ensure the environmental impact of replacing it is a net positive. One popular proposal—using paper instead of plastic if possible—however could exacerbates global warming, a more pressing problem.

Having turned consumers into keen recyclers, governments must ensure recycling work. This will require an internationally joined-up regulatory, environment that ensures manufacturers bear the cost of using non-recyclable or uneconomical materials.

Equally, consumers should continue to demand a circular plastic economy. This would be a world in which unnecessary and eco-unfriendly plastic is completely removed, all plastic packaging is 100 per cent reusable or recyclable. The waste must end.

(1) What does the second paragraph mainly tell us about? A. Plastic production. B. Life chain. C. Material substitution. D. Plastic problem.
(2) What does the underlined word "exacerbate" in the fifth paragraph mean? A. Affect. B. Better C. Remove D. Worsen.
(3) What will manufactures have to do without using recyclable materials? A. Pay for the outcome. B. Refund the consumers. C. Abandon their products. D. Provide the recycling stuff.
(4) What is the author's purpose in writing the text? A. To inform us of the plastic problem. B. To praise consumers' sense of responsibility. C. To suggest there is a long way solving the plastic problem. D. To indicate manufacturers should create a safer environment
阅读理解 模拟题 普通