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When people think of farming today, they usually picture a tractor(拖拉机) rather than horses in the farmland. That's because tractors that relied on engines revolutionized farming in the late 1800 s. Now a new type of tractor can do the same in the 21st century.

Agriculture has been changing dramatically in the last few. decades. The push for innovation is fed by the need to produce larger amounts of food for a growing world population. Autonomous tractors may be the key to solving this challenge. They can be used to carry out labor-intensive (劳动密集型) farming while allowing farmers to do other work. A big plus is that it can increase crop output while reducing costs because the autonomous machines can work in all weather conditions without any rest.

Part of push for automation is a shortage of farm workers due to people's desire to have higher paying jobs with better work conditions. Farm owners are competing against companies like Amazon and restaurants that are raising wages to attract workers. "With labor shortages and the increase in the hourly wages that have to be paid in order to be competitive, all of a sudden automation seems like a more reasonable decision," said David Swartz, a professor at Penn State University.

Many believe the time is ripe for an autonomous revolution because robotics is already in use in agriculture. One. Company that is working to bring autonomous tractors. Into mainstream farming is Blue and White Robotics, an Israeli agricultural technology company, whose mission is to make a fully autonomous farm. The company released an autonomous tractor kit in February 2021 that can be fixed on any existing tractor. The kit includes camera detection, speed controls, as well as an anti-crash system. Blue and White's kit is being used by West Coast growers in the US. It may soon come to a farm near you.

(1) What contributes to the agricultural revolution according to Paragraph 2? A. The urge to feed more people. B. The extreme weather conditions. C. The need to reduce farming cost. D. The desire for automatic farming.
(2) What is Swartz's attitude to automation? A. Critical. B. Negative. C. Supportive. D. Tolerant.
(3) What can be inferred about Blue and White's kit? A. It has been widely used. B. It can be made in many firms. C. It can improve safety of tractors. D. It will detect the way of farming.
(4) What may be a suitable title for the text? A. Automation is transforming agriculture B. Big companies are making a difference C. Driverless tractors are worth investing D. Traditional farming is falling out of date
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According to the Solar Energy Industry Association, the number of solar panels installed(安装)has grown rapidly in the past decade, and it has to grow even faster to meet climate goals. But all of that growth will take up a lot of space, and though more and more people accept the concept of solar energy, few like large solar panels to be installed near them.

Solar developers want to put up panels as quickly and cheaply as possible, so they haven't given much thought to what they put under them. Often, they'll end up filling the area with small stones and using chemicals to control weeds. The result is that many communities, especially in farming regions, see solar farms as destroyers of the soil.

"Solar projects need to be good neighbors," says Jordan Macknick, the head of the Innovative Site Preparation and Impact Reductions on the Environment(InSPIRE)project. "They need to be protectors of the land and contribute to the agricultural economy." InSPIRE is investigating practical approaches to "low-impact" solar development, which focuses on establishing and operating solar farms in a way that is kinder to the land. One of the easiest low-impact solar strategies is providing habitat for pollinators(传粉昆虫).

Habitat loss, pesticide use, and climate change have caused dramatic declines in pollinator populations over the past couple of decades, which has damaged the U.S. agricultural economy. Over 28 states have passed laws related to pollinator habitat protection and pesticide use. Conservation organizations put out pollinator-friendliness guidelines for home gardens, businesses, schools, cities—and now there are guidelines for solar farms.

Over the past few years, many solar farm developers have transformed the space under their solar panels into a shelter for various kinds of pollinators, resulting in soil improvement and carbon reduction. "These pollinator-friendly solar farms can have a valuable impact on everything that's going on in the landscape," says Macknick.

(1) What do solar developers often ignore? A. The decline in the demand for solar energy. B. The negative impact of installing solar panels. C. The rising labor cost of building solar farms. D. The most recent advances in solar technology.
(2) What does InSPIRE aim to do? A. Improve the productivity of local farms. B. Invent new methods for controlling weeds. C. Make solar projects environmentally friendly. D. Promote the use of solar energy in rural areas.
(3) What is the purpose of the laws mentioned in paragraph 4? A. To conserve pollinators. B. To restrict solar development. C. To diversify the economy. D. To ensure the supply of energy.
(4) Which of the following is the best title for the text? A. Pollinators: To Leave or to Stay B. Solar Energy: Hope for the Future C. InSPIRE: A Leader in Agriculture D. Solar Farms: A New Development
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Can a small group of drones(无人机)guarantee the safety and reliability of railways and, at the same time, help railway operators save billions of euros each year? That is the very likely future of applying today's "eyes in the sky" technology to making sure that the millions of kilometres of rail tracks and infrastructure(基础设施)worldwide are safe for trains on a 24/7 basis.

Drones are already being used to examine high-tension electrical lines. They could do precisely the same thing to inspect railway lines and other vital aspects of rail infrastructure such as the correct position of railway tracks and switching points. The more regularly they can be inspected, the more railway safety, reliability and on-time performance will be improved. Costs would be cut and operations would be more efficient(高效)across the board.

That includes huge savings in maintenance costs and better protection of railway personnel safety. It is calculated that European railways alone spend approximately 20 billion euros a year on maintenance, including sending maintenance staff, often at night, to inspect and repair the rail infrastructure. That can be dangerous work that could be avoided with drones assisting the crews' efforts.

By using the latest technologies, drones could also start providing higher-value services for railways, detecting faults in the rail or switches, before they can cause any safety problems. To perform these tasks, drones for rail don't need to be flying overhead. Engineers are now working on a new concept: the rail drones of the future. They will be moving on the track ahead of the train, and programmed to run autonomously. Very small drones with advanced sensors and AI and travelling ahead of the train could guide it like a co-pilot. With their ability to see ahead, they could signal any problem, so that fast-moving trains would be able to react in time.

(1) What makes the application of drones to rail lines possible? A. The use of drones in checking on power lines. B. Drones' ability to work at high altitudes. C. The reduction of cost in designing drones. D. Drones' reliable performance in remote areas.
(2) What does "maintenance" underlined in paragraph 3 refer to? A. Personnel safety. B. Assistance from drones. C. Inspection and repair. D. Construction of infrastructure.
(3) What function is expected of the rail drones? A. To provide early warning. B. To make trains run automatically. C. To earn profits for the crews. D. To accelerate transportation.
(4) Which is the most suitable title for the text? A. What Faults Can Be Detected with Drones B. How Production of Drones Can Be Expanded C. What Difficulty Drone Development Will Face D. How Drones Will Change the Future of Railways
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Over the last seven years, most states have banned texting by drivers, and public service campaigns have tried a wide range of methods to persuade people to put down their phones when they are behind the wheel.

Yet the problem, by just about any measure, appears to be getting worse. Americans are still texting while driving, as well as using social networks and taking photos. Road accidents, which had fallen for years, are now rising sharply.

That is partly because people are driving more, but Mark Rosekind, the chief of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, said distracted (分心) driving was "only increasing, unfortunately."

"Big change requires big ideas." he said in a speech last month, referring broadly to the need to improve road safety. So to try to change a distinctly modern behavior, lawmakers and public health experts are reaching back to an old approach: They want to treat distracted driving like drunk driving.

An idea from lawmakers in New York is to give police officers a new device called the Textalyzer. It would work like this: An officer arriving at the scene of a crash could ask for the phones of the drivers and use the Textalyzer to check in the operating system for recent activity. The technology could determine whether a driver had just texted, emailed or done anything else that is not allowed under New York's hands-free driving laws.

"We need something on the books that can change people's behavior," said Félix W. Ortiz, who pushed for the state's 2001 ban on hand-held devices by drivers. If the Textalyzer bill becomes law, he said, "people are going to be more afraid to put their hands on the cell phone."

(1) Which of the following best describes the ban on drivers' texting in the US? A. Ineffective. B. Unnecessary. C. Inconsistent. D. Unfair.
(2) What can the Textalyzer help a police officer find out? A. Where a driver came from. B. Whether a driver used their phone. C. How fast a driver was going. D. When a driver arrived at the scene.
(3) What does the underlined word "something" in the last paragraph refer to? A. Advice. B. Data. C. Tests. D. Laws.
(4) What is a suitable title for the text? A. To Drive or Not to Drive? Think Before You Start B. Texting and Driving? Watch Out for the Textalyzer C. New York Banning Hand-Held Devices by Drivers D. The Next Generation Cell Phone: The Textalyzer
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