
Ireland and Lithuania have much in common. Both are small, Catholic, Europhile, enjoy a tricky relationship with a larger neighbour and have cuisines heavy on potatoes. Both also left it late when it came to homosexual rights. Homosexual acts were decriminalised only in 1993 in both countries. But since then, things have diverged. Merely living without fear would be an improvement: 84% of LGBT people in Lithuania are not comfortable revealing their identity.

Where an iron curtain once split Europe, a rainbow curtain now divides the continent. In western Europe, homosexual people enjoy a quality of life better than anywhere on the planet. They are free to marry and adopt children, and are protected from discrimination in all walks of life. Things in eastern Europe are not so good. In seven EU countries, including Poland, Hungary and Romania, less than half the population agree that homosexual people should have the same rights as straight ones. civil partnerships are not offered in six EU countries, all in central and eastern Europe. Poland has introduced "LGBTz-free zones", a legally meaningless gimmick with the practical effect of declaring open season on gay people. Meanwhile, Hungary is working on a law that will ban gay couples from adopting. For gay people behind the Rainbow curtain—which covers about a quarter of the EU's population—life can be grim.

Since family law is mainly up to member states, there is little the EU can do if a member state wants to stop a lesbian marrying or a homosexual couple adopting. Where Brussels can muscle in is when the right to free movement collides with bigoted domestic law. What happens if a gay couple and their child move to a country where such relationships are not recognised? The European Commission wants to smooth out these bumps, ensuring that the link between children and their gay parents is not severed if they move to a country where gay adoption is banned. While few are affected directly, such a move has potent symbolic power. Definitions of online hate speech will be widened to include homophobic abuse, too. Towns that introduced LGBT-free zones in Poland had EU funds cut. But the main thing the EU can offer is a pulpit, hammering those leaders who refuse to treat citizens equally.

Such banging of the drum for gay rights by Brussels does come with a risk. It is a fight both sides want to have. Normally, populists rely on caricatures when taking aim at Brussels. In this case there is less need. Populist politicians will claim that the EU is doing all it can to force countries to treat gay people better. EU officials will happily plead guilty. A common complaint is that eastern Europe is expected to go through decades of social change in the space of a few years. Change can happen quickly, though. Ireland enjoyed a social revolution in less than a generation, and Malta passed a slew of legislation that helped it become the most gay-friendly country in the EU in just a few years. There are few complaints about the pace of transformation in central and eastern Europe when it comes to living standards.

With the EU cowering(退缩) beneath a second wave of covid-19 cases and in the middle of its biggest-ever recession(经济衰退), a fight over gay rights could easily fall down the pecking order. It should not. The EU has made much of promoting "European values". Usually, these tend to mean a respect for the rule of law, which is hardly inherently European. When it comes to gay rights, however, Europe has genuinely been a pioneer. Until a gay person in Vilnius or Budapest has the same rights as one in Dublin or Madrid, European values are no such thing at all.

(1) Which can best paraphrase the underlined part"LGBT people"? A. Less privileged people in terms of their identity or status B. Less mainstreamed people in terms of their sexual orientation C. Less persistent people who pursue castles built in the open air D. Less self-esteemed people who compromise to comfortable zones
(2) What can we learn from the Paragraph2&3? A. In contrast to Western Europe,Eastern Europe took loose measures with liberal minds B. The views of homosexual rights are controversial and distinct across the Europe. C. The EU Commission tend to carry homo-couple through obstacles but in vain. D. The EU Commission revised the institutions to guarantee the transcontinental events well tackled
(3) What is the realizing process of the mentioned "European values"according to the last paragraph? A. Convention → Liberation  →Approval B. Revolution  → Innovation → Pioneer C. Negotiation → Cooperation → Equality D. Discrimination → Struggle → Victory
(4) What is the best title of the passage? A. European Gap:How they Cooperate? B. Homosexual Openness: Prejudices Withdrawn C. Joint Continents: EU is on the way D. Rainbow Curtain: Peek at the current case.
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Swot satellite is scheduled to be launched Thursday morning to conduct a comprehensive survey of Earth's vital resource. By using advanced microwave radar technology it will collect height-surface measurements of oceans, lakes and rivers in high-definition detail over 90% of the globe. It's rally the first time to observe nearly all water on the planet's surface.

The major mission is to explore how oceans absorb atmospheric heat and carbon dioxide in a natural process that adjusts climate change. Oceans are estimated to have absorbed more than 90%, of the extra heat trapped in the Earth's atmosphere by human-caused greenhouse gases. Swot will scan, the seas and precisely measure fine differences in surface elevations (高度) around smaller currents and eddies (漩涡), where much of the oceans' decrease of heat and carbon is believed to occur. "Studying the mechanism will help climate scientists answer a key question: What is the turning point at which oceans start releasing, rather than absorbing, huge amounts of heat back into the atmosphere and speed up global warming, rather than limiting it," said NadyaShiffer, Swot's program scientist.

By comparison, earlier studies of water bodies relied on data of rivers or oceans taken at specific, points, or from satellites that can only track measurements along a one-dimensional line, requiring scientists to fill in data gaps through extrapolation (外推法). Thanks to the radar instrument, Swot can scan through cloud cover and darkness over wide ranges of the Earth. This enables scientists to accurately map their observations in two dimensions regardless of weather or time of day and to cover large geographic areas far more quickly than was previously possible.

"Rather than giving us a line of elevations, it's giving us a map of elevations, and that's just a total game changer," said Tamlin Pavelsky, Swot freshwater science leader.

(1) What do the underlined words "vital resource" in the first paragraph refer to? A. Technology. B. Climate. C. Oceans. D. Water.
(2) What is the major mission of Swot satellite? A. To explore where oceans absorb heat and CO2. B. To explain why greenhouse gas comes into being. C. To identify when global warming is worsened. D. To study how oceans influence climate change.
(3) What is an advantage Swot has over previous satellites? A. It fills in data gaps automatically by extrapolation. B. It contributes to mapping the observation accurately. C. It covers specific rivers and oceans in one dimension. D. It keeps track of the weather change at any time of day.
(4) Which is the most suitable title for the text? A. First Global Water Survey from Space B. Successful Launch of Swot Satellite C. A Breakthrough in Space Travel. D. A Solution to Climate Change
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With so many options for short, beautiful walks in Queenstown, you are truly spoiled for choice. Here's a list of local picks that will help you discover the best walks around Queenstown, a walkers' paradise, for every age and ability.

Tiki Trail

For one of the best views of Queenstown and a decent workout, climb the Tiki Trail up to the Skyline Gondola building. Starting at the base of the Gondola, the Tiki Trail winds its way steeply through trees towards the lookout at the top.

Choose to hike back to Queenstown. Or if the climb has gotten the better of you, sit back, relax and catch a ride in the Skyline Gondola.

Queenstown Gardens

The Queenstown Gardens Trail is a wheelchair-accessible trail just a few minutes from central Queenstown. The flat, easy track has spectacular views of Lake Whakatipu, Cecil Peak, and Walter Peak and the manicured gardens are beautiful year-round.

You could spend hours here exploring the rose gardens or playing disc golf. If you're tight on time, the loop around the shore of Lake Whakatipu takes less than an hour to complete.

Arrow River Trail

Starting in historic Arrowtown, a walk along the Arrow River Trail is a must-do for any visitor to Queenstown.

The track will have you filling your camera memory, especially in autumn due to the explosion of colours on the trees. From here, you can cross the bridge and walk back along the riverside or go back the way you came. Back in Arrowtown, it's lovely to walk along the river and amongst the trees before rejoining Arrowtown's quaint streets to admire the café culture, discover the region's history or grab a pint in the sunshine.

Ben Lomond Track

Ben Lomond will greet you from the moment you arrive in town. Not for the faint-hearted or inexperienced, this demanding climb is a full-day mission with a spectacular reward.

Walkers aiming for the summit should be fully equipped and allow six to eight hours, depending on the conditions. Be prepared for snow and ice above the bush line from April to November.

(1) Which place is a better choice for the disabled? A. Tiki Trail. B. Arrow River Trail. C. Queenstown Gardens. D. Ben Lomond Track.
(2) What can visitors do in Arrow River Trail? A. Appreciate the rose fragrance. B. Experience demanding climb. C. Have a bird-eye view of Queenstown. D. Learn about the local history.
(3) What is the purpose of the passage? A. To compare things. B. To inform readers. C. To uncover the unseen. D. To warn readers.
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A Pittsburgh-based robotics and engineering startup recently make Moonwalkers public, a pair of battery-powered shoes that it claims can boost walk speeds by up to 250%.

At first glance, Moonwalkers look like a pair of futuristic roller-skates, but there is actually a lot more to them than that. You're actually meant to walk with them the way you would with regular shoes or sneakers, letting the motorized wheels put a spring in your step. Powered by a state-of-the-art brushless DC motor(直流电机), this creative device is actually a platform that can be attached to a wide variety of footwear to significantly increase your walking speed up to a reported 7mph/11kph. For comparison, humans' average walking speed ranges from 2. 5 to 4 mph. The sensation of walking with the world's fastest shoes has been compared to that of walking on a 'moving walkway' in an airport.

Designed by Shift Robotics, an offshoot of Carnegie Mellon University, Moonwalkers consist of a 300W brushless motor in each 4. 2-lb (1. 9-kg) shoe that powers eight polyurethane wheels. There is also an AI-powered gearbox that increases or decreases speed according to data regarding the wearer's walk collected by a series of sensors. The shoes are also able to detect downhill movement to prevent accidents.

"Moonwalkers are not skates. They're shoes. The world's fastest shoes actually," Xunjie Zang, founder and CEO of Shift Robotics said. "You don't skate in them. You walk. You don't have to learn how to use them; the shoes learn from you." But do the world's fastest shoes work on uneven ground, or things like stairs? We all know how tricky those are for rollerskates. Well, apparently the designers took that into consideration and with a simple gesture, the wearer can lock the wheels so that they can walk up or down stairs as they would in regular footwear.

The first batch is expected to ship in March of 2023, at a retail price of $1,399. That's not cheap, but then again, this isn't your average pair of shoes; it's the world's fastest pair of shoes.

(1) Which of the following best explains "put a spring in your step" underlined in Paragraph 2? A. Cheer you up. B. Follow your step. C. Replace your shoes. D. Accelerate your pace.
(2) Which aspect of Moonwalkers does Paragraph 3 mainly focus on? A. The application. B. The operating principle. C. The development. D. The advantage.
(3) What is the most essential part to ensure Moonwalkers to change speed? A. The brushless DC motor. B. The gearbox. C. The wheels. D. The sensors.
(4) What can be inferred about Moonwalkers? A. They are environmentally-friendly. B. They are suitable for quick learners. C. They are adaptable to different road conditions. D. They are well–received by budget–conscious people.
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