
Desperate to help his 96-year-old mother to speak her mother tongue again, Keith McDermott made an appeal on social media and was met with a flood of kind responses. The old lady, Ray, was moved to tears after talking on the phone with one of the enthusiastic respondents in Welsh.

Ray moved to America after meeting her husband when she was only 18, hence waving goodbye to her life in Wales. She continued to speak Welsh with her mum- keeping a little bit of home. But she lost her beloved mum four decades ago and hadn't spoken Welsh since.

Despite suffering from short-term memory loss and sometimes not remembering what she has done recently, Ray's childhood memories in Wales remain crystal clear. "She wants to return but I know, given her age, such long-distance travel is out of the question." said Keith, "Once she mentioned ‘I wish I could speak Welsh again but l suppose I never will' It was then that I thought I should make her-wish happen."

So Keith, 70, posted on social media in the New York Welsh area asking for any Welsh speakers that could speak Welsh with his mum. And he was touched, as-well as-a little shocked, to receive over 30 responses within half an hour. Keith thanked everyone and eventually asked Melisa to give his mum a phone call. Speaking with Melisa, her (Ray's) Welsh was a little rusty. A few more Welsh conversations and I think she'd be fluent again," added Keith.

"When you have a parent in their nineties, you-will find you two have something in common: you're both old, So I am very sympathetic to my mother? feelings of loneliness and isolation (孤立). I'm feeling it myself." Keith hopes to set up more Welsh phone conversations for his-mum and Melisa has promised to send Ray some short stories in Welsh to remind her of her life in Wales.

(1) Why did Keith post a message on social media? A. To gather American Welsh speakers. B. To help his mum speak Welsh again. C. To slow down his mum's memory loss. D. To track down his family's Welsh origin.
(2) How did Keith feel after seeing the responses? A. Surprised and moved. B. Concerned and thankful. C. Sympathetic and excited. D. Astonished and isolated.
(3) What is conveyed in the story?  A. Social media contribute to closer family ties. B. Mother tongue means more than a language. C. Children experiences shape one's later life. D. One will be more sensitive when getting older.
(4) Where is the text probably taken from? A. A community noticeboard. B. A health magazine. C. A language-learning website. D. A local newspaper.
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My doctor took me for a walk around the farm where she lives. I was physically and emotionally exhausted and discouraged by anxiety and depression.

The place was full of life. There were insects, horses, rabbits and a cat. She told me to focus on my body in the environment.

When I was ill I tended to retreat into my mind and disconnect from here and now. So, when I met a horse named Fira, I expected nothing.

As I got closer to Fira, she nuzzled (用鼻子爱抚)her nose into my chest, putting a gentle pressure over my heart. Something happened inside me: I felt as if I had reached a wellspring (源泉)of past hurts, fears and failings. I began to melt emotionally.

I patted Fira's nose and breathed in her smell. I found I didn't have to concentrate on feeling better; Fira helped me feel loved and safe.

I worked with Fira often, learning basic communication and leading methods to work together with her. Initially, I wasn't sure exactly what one would do with a horse except riding it. But I knew that Fira had touched me in an uncommon way and had made me feel better. She connected with me by responding to my emotional state and reflecting it back to me in an open, affectionate way.

In my meetings with Fira, I found that I lost my usual self-consciousness and I would focus entirely on communicating.

I learned to live in the present, to focus on what was happening this day, in this moment, in this place. I learned to forget the past, with all its hurts. I learned to forget the future, which hasn't happened yet. When you stand beside a horse, you exist completely in the moment.

"With Fira by my side, I saw into a life in which trust comes first, and compassion follows.

I found a deep peace in leading her along a path, by using my own power of intention to indicate whether to start, stop, turn left or turn right. I felt an inner quiet and even joy. My work with this horse was part of a journey out of a very dark night in my soul.

(1) What do we know about the author from the first three paragraphs? A. She often lost consciousness. B. She loves animals very much. C. She suffered from mental illness. D. She went to a doctor with high hopes.
(2) When the author first met Fira, she              . A. was deeply touched by its reaction B. had already recovered from her pain C. was curious about what would happen D. didn't have any interest in keeping a pet
(3) What does the underlined phrase in paragraph 3 mean? A. Get out of trouble. B. Keep away from others. C. Lift up my spirits. D. Make up my mind.
(4) When the author and Fira worked together,. A. the author had to try hard to feel better B. Fira helped the author focus on her thoughts C. the author recalled her past hurts, fears and failings D. Fira understood the author's emotions and reacted positively
(5) What did the author learn during her time with Fira? A. It is important to make every day count. B. One shouldn't be affected by emotions. C. One should learn lessons from the past. D. It is essential to show sympathy for others.
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The following is part of an interview between Professor Bernard Feringa (a Nobel Price winner) and a CNN reporter. 

Q: You often say that universities should be playgrounds. How can we make sure that this is a case? 

A: I'm a strong believer in challenging students at all levels — to think, to discover and to go beyond the current knowledge. The universities have a special role here, because academic training and science should go beyond the current horizon. I think that we shouldn't forget that we shouldn't train our students for today or tomorrow; we should train them for 10 to 20 years from now. Because then they will be the innovators in our society, and they will be the persons that make a difference. Train our students for future means that they have to be able to surpass the border of our current knowledge. This is what I mean with playground. I mean that you have sufficient space to think, to discover and to be free to make mistakes, but in particular to make the next steps, be creative and not limited by what should be done. A lot of things happen by accident and suddenly you get a major breakthrough or new insight. Schools should encourage students to ask questions and be creative. 

Q: What is it that you like so much about teaching? 

A: I really enjoy the transfer of the beauty of knowledge: insights, questions, things that we don't know, or the limitations of what we know. I never get tired of my job. I think that you share with your students the opportunity to transfer some knowledge, but also get a lot of things back by asking questions and discussing. Across all fields, from natural sciences to humanities, you have knowledge and insights built upon generations and decades. At the universities we have to transfer a lot of knowledge and teach students the basic skills and techniques. But it's also our duty to go beyond that — to ask them questions about what we don't know and what improvements we can make for the future. Doing surgery in the hospital now might be taken over by robots in the future. How are we going to deal with that? Or will we be able to make fuel for airplanes? These are challenging and tough questions but to share those with the students is really nice. Most of all, I think the beauty of knowledge and the excitement of insights and discoveries is fantastic.

(1) What does the professor agree to? A. Students are bound to surpass their present teachers. B. Students are expected to be different future citizens. C. Students are supposed to have more academic training. D. Students should definitely be encouraged to be challenged.
(2)  What does "plavground" mean to Bernard Feringa? A. An area for physical activities. B. An area for extra-curricular experiments. C. An area for bold exploration. D. An area for academic improvements.
(3) Which saying can best describe the reason for the professor's devotion to teaching? A. He who teaches learns. B. Work makes a workman. C. Never too old to learn. D. Truth never fears investigation.
(4) How can you describe Professor Bernard Feringa? A. Respectable and reliable. B. Innovative and devoted. C. Generous and sharp-minded. D. Independent and professional.
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