
Children may learn new words better when they learn them in the context of other words they are just learning - according to a new research from the University of East Anglia.

Researchers investigated how 18-24-month-olds learn new words - in the context of words they already know well and those they don't. The findings help explain how children learn new words and suggest a new way that parents and carers could help boost language development.

Previous research suggests that when children hear a word they do not know and see an object they have never seen in the context of some objects that they can already name, such as a toy or a ball, they guess that the new word refers to the new thing.

Dr. Larissa Samuelson from the university wanted to know if the strength of a child's knowledge of familiar things - how well they know what "cars" or "balls" are, for example - mattered for learning new words and remembering them. They asked 82 children to take part in the study and carry out two experiments among them. And then they got some really surprising findings.

"We had expected that a stronger knowledge of familiar words would be better for learning new words, but we found the opposite was true. " Dr Samuelson said. "This new study suggests another way we might be able to help boost children's ability to remember new word-object links - by teaching them in the context of other things that they are just learning. "

It seems counterintuitive, but it is perhaps because the less well-known items don't compete with the new words as much. If they learn new words in the context of playing with well-known items such as a ball or book, they don't process the new word as much.

(1) What is the purpose of the new research? A. To challenge the findings of previous studies. B. To observe the process of children's learning. C. To better understand children's word learning. D. To compare children's different learning styles.
(2) What can be inferred from Dr. Samuelson's words? A. Their findings are out of expectation. B. Their research should focus on children. C. We should be more patient with children. D. We need to provide guidance on learning.
(3) What does the underlined word "counterintuitive" mean in the last paragraph? A. Consistent. B. Encouraging. C. Impractical. D. Unreasonable.
(4) What does the text mainly tell us? A. Less familiar words help children learn better. B. Word-object links contribute to better learning. C. New research finds the secrets of raising children. D. Children learn better with the help of their parents.
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Italy in the spring is like something out of a magical storybook. Whether you're looking for a relaxing Italian holiday with the one you love or a feast of water fun, Italy in spring offers something for everyone. 


Situated in northern Italy, Lake Garda offers some of the most incredible scenery in Italy. Surrounded by amazing peaks and historic castles, your spring in Italy is sure to be packed with adventure. On the shores of Lake Garda, family-friendly fun and excitement await. The largest lake in Italy is full to the brim with exciting activities, in and out of the water. 

WHERE TO STAY: HOTEL CAESIUS THERMAE or GARDA SPA RESORT Hotel Caesius Thermae or Garda Spa Resort is a four-star hotel on the southern shore of Lake Garda. 


Holidays to the Tuscany Coast take you on a tranquil Italian getaway filled with golden sandy bays, romantic sunsets, and charming restaurants. If you're after sunbathing bliss, the Tuscan Coastline offers kilometres of gentle sand for you to enjoy a day of exploring the crystal waters with water sports or simply wallowing in the waves. 

WHERE TO STAY: GRAND HOTEL ROYAL Located on the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea, Grand Hotel Royal offers four-star luxury on the beach. 


Step into one of Sicily's most beautiful towns, rich in Greek Mythology. Perched on top of Monte Tauro on the foothills of the mammoth Mount Etna, Taormina is an ancient town that allows you to step back in time and discover the well-preserved history. The coastal setting is also the best place for a romantic sunset cruise or water sports adventure. 

WHERE TO STAY: HOTEL VILLA BELVEDERE Situated on the east coast of Sicily in Taormina, Hotel Villa Belvedere welcomes guests in traditional Italian style.

(1)  Which hotel are you to stay for a visit to an ancient town? A. Grand Hotel Royal. B. Hotel Villa Belvedere. C. Hotel Caesius Thermae. D. Garda Spa Resort.
(2)  What do the three destinations have in common? A. They all serve as water sports destinations. B. They all lie on tops of mountains. C. They are all getaways for honeymoons. D. They all offer family activities.
(3) The text can be ____. A. a travel journal B. an encyclopedia C. a tour brochure D. a self-driving guide
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From flowers and fresh produce to family-friendly entertainment-autumn is peak festival season in Victoria. Here are 4 autumn festivals that are well worth the drive. 

Bright Autumn Festival, April 28-May 7, 2024

Nothing says autumn like red and orange leaves and comfort food. For a dose of wholesome fun, plan a weekend getaway to the Bright Autumn Festival in Victoria's High Country. The tree-lined avenues, small-town charms and delicious fresh produce won't disappoint, with everything from open gardens, historical tours, live music, markets and a dedicated Nut Festival to enjoy. Plus, you'll be venturing somewhere new and supporting regional businesses. 

Kartini Waingi-Water Lights, May 4-7, 2024

Take a drive to Robinvale on the banks of the Murray River for the four-day Water Lights festival. Kids and adults alike will marvel at this unique laser show that showcases the vibrant, diverse and rich culture of the region. 

Grampians Grape Escape, May 5-7, 2024

Food and wine devotees, you're in luck. The Grampians Grape Escape is an unforgettable weekend-long experience that's all about top-quality wines, gourmet food and live music- the perfect trio. You may even learn a few skills from one of the cooking demonstrations and masterclasses. From bread-making classes to cooking presentations and cider tastings, no one will be bored. 

La Fiera Italian Festival, May 19-21, 2024

Every year in May, the Myrtleford community celebrates its Italian roots with a festival dedicated to all of the region's cultural and culinary delights. There are food stalls, wine tastings, a movie night, kids' activities and even a soccer tournament to look forward to, as well as markets, entertainment and a traditional grape stomp. 

(1)  Which festival lasts longest? A. La Fiera Italian Festival. B. Bright Autumn Festival. C. Grampians Grape Escape. D. Kartini Waingi-Water Lights.
(2)  What is special for Kartini Waingi? A. Fantastic light show. B. Small-town charms. C. Top-quality wine. D. Rich culture.
(3) What is available at Grampians Grape Escape and La Fiera Italian Festival? A. Celebrating history. B. Tasting fine food. C. Watching live music. D. Joining in sports activities.
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When it comes to travel, sometimes wandering is one of the most exciting things you can do. In a time when travellers are both more adventurous and eco-conscious than ever, it's no surprise that there's a wealth of new vocabulary to describe how we travel, when we travel and how the experience makes us feel. Here are eight of our favourite travel words that you may not have heard before.

We've kicked off a blog with the staycation, "a holiday in one's own country". The term first became popular in the mid-2000s, when the global financial crisis meant people had less income to spend on flash holidays and instead searched for cheaper local choices. Since 2020, the staycation is experiencing a revival (复兴). Benefits of staycations include cheaper travel costs, no spending hours in the airport and, of course, no need to worry about whether your passport expired (过期) last year.

Once upon a time, if you wanted to meet new people on your travels, you could stay at a hostel or with a host on Airbnb. Now, you can couch surf. And not just in "the staying at various friends' houses until you find a new place to rent" sense: couch surfing is quickly becoming a hot new travel trend. Travellers can now choose to couch surf all across the world via a website which treats travel as a cultural exchange, allowing people to connect with willing hosts and crash on their sofas.

Given that single-use and climate strike were selected as the Collins 2018 and 2019 Words of the Year respectively, it's clear that the climate crisis is very much on everybody's mind. This desire to make more sustainable choices is also affecting the way we spend our vacation days. Ecotourism is another popular travel trend, defined as tourism that is designed to contribute to the protection of the environment. Examples of ecotourism include ditching short-haul flights, staying at eco-friendly resorts, or booking a staycation.

(1) When did the staycation become popular firstly? A. About in 2018. B. About in 2019. C. About in 2005. D. About in 2010.
(2) How many new travel words are mentioned in the text? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Six.
(3) What does the text mainly focus on? A. The eco-friendly travel ways. B. The cheap ways to get around. C. The changing words of travel. D. The spread of history and culture.
(4)  What is probably continued with the text? A. The other new travel words. B. Ways to protect environment. C. Other examples of ecotourism. D. Experiences of reaching culture.
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