
From family-friendly beach holidays to city breaks, you won't need to break the bank on these trips this summer.

Tenerife, Canary Islands

What to do: You won't be stuck trying to find activities that the whole family can enjoy in Tenerife. Parents can enjoy themselves as kids make the most of the sandy beaches and blue waters—everybody is happy.

Where to stay: The four-star, all-inclusive Fanabe Costa Sur Hotel is a short walk from Playa del Duqe and Playa Fanabe. Its central location means it's conveniently right by the area's bars, shops and restaurants.


What to do: Whether you like to go out and explore local cultures or prefer to sit on a beach with a good book, Cyprus serves a wide range of holiday types. There are famous historic sites—such as UNESCO World hotels offering water sports and other fun activities.

Where to stay: The five-star Great Beach Hotel overlooks the Mediterranean sea, and is just a few minutes' walk from the town.

Goa, India

What to do: Looking to venture somewhere a bit different this summer? Goa has everything you could want for an unforgettable experience with foreign beache, spiritual retreats and a thriving nightlife.

Where to stay: The four-star Ronil Beach Resort is just a five-minute walk from the beach, making it the perfect location for those after some peach and quietness.

Barcelona, Spain

What to do : Spend the day exploring some of the city's most famous sights. In the evening visit one of the countless wonderful bars before you head out to discover Barcelona's world famous bars snd nightclubs.

Where to stay: Tucked away at the heart of the city, the Novotel Barcelona City Hotel is ideal for those wanting to pack in as much sightseeing as possible.

(1) What can visitors do when traveling in Tenerife, Canary Islands? A. Stay at a five-star hotel. B. Explore the local cultures. C. Discover the would-famous bars. D. Enjoy their family holiday.
(2) Where can you go if you want to experience the cultural holiday? A. Tenerife, Canary Islands. B. Cyprus. C. Goa, India. D. Barcelona, Spain.
(3) What can we infer about the above four resorts in the text? A. They are known for the clear blue waters. B. They're the proper retorts on a budget. C. They serve a wide range of holiday types. D. They're the best summer holiday destinations.
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Scientists are poor forecasters of the future. But two trends can be confidently predicted. First, the world will get more crowded. There will be more than 9 billion people by 2050. Second, the world will get warmer and some governments won't prioritize the long-term measures needed to deal with climate change, even though science offers us a road-map to a low-carbon future.

That's why we should be promoters of new technology—without it the world can't provide the food and sustainable energy needed for an expanding population. But we should also be cautious, as new technologies, such as AI, may be hard to control. AI will undoubtedly become more aggressive in the future. Records of our movements, health and financial transactions will be stored in the cloud. The data may be used for justifiable reasons, such as protein folding and drug development, or to warn us of initial health risks, but its availability to Internet companies is already shifting the balance of power from governments to global-scale corporations.

Actually, it's beyond Earth that AI has the most enormous potential. Humans may have established bases beyond Earth by the year 2100. But don't ever expect mass emigration(移民)from Earth. It's a false belief that space offers an escape from our problems. Dealing with climate change on Earth is a piece of cake compared to terraforming(地球化)Mars.

Nevertheless, we should cheer on these brave human space adventurers. They'll be ill-adapted to a Martian habitat, so they'll have a super motive to redesign themselves. It's they, not those of us adapted to life on Earth. who will pioneer the post-human era (时代).

If post-humans make the shift from flesh and blood to fully artificial intelligence, they won't need an atmosphere of even gravity, so it's in deep space —not even on Mars that non biological "brains" may develop powers that we can't imagine. They may end up being mentally different from us. AI could jump-start a huge emigration and thus even more complex intelligence spreads through the universe.

But let's refocus from the science fiction of the far future, closer to the here and now. This century is special. It's the first, in Earth's 4.5-billion-year history where one species-ours—holds the planet's future in its hands. Our intelligence could initiate billions of years of post-human evolution(演化), even more amazing than that which led to us. On the other hand, humans could cause biological, environmental or cyber catastrophes that foreclose all this potential. If science is to save us, we need to think globally, sensibly and long-term—empowered by science, but guided by values that science alone can't provide

(1) Why does the author mention the two trends in the first paragraph? A. To justify the governments' policies.                               B. To criticize scientists' poor prediction ability. C. To advocate for advancements in tech.                           D. To highlight the challenges faced by scientists.
(2) According to this passage, AI can               A. put an end to climate change B. facilitate mass human migration C. speedup the competition in medical fields                   D. bring about potential threats from big companies
(3) As for the future, which of the following will the author agree with? A. Post-humans will echo the history of humans. B. Complex intelligence will dominate the universe. C. Non-biological brains may invite unknown disasters. D. Fully artificial intelligence may inhabit outer space.
(4) Which would be the best title for the passage? A. Future of Humanity: Could AI Save Us?                   B. Change or Die: Will Science Lead Further Evolution? C. Towards a Sustainable Future: What Can We Do?    D. Unstoppable Trend: Is Complex Intelligence Coming?
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2.阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。

The Neurosurgical Simulation (神经外科模拟) and Artificial Intelligence Learning Centre hired 70 medical students to perform virtual brain tumor removals.

Researchers randomly assigned students to receive instruction and feedback by either an AI tutor or a remote expert instructor, with a third control group receiving no instruction. An AI-powered tutor called the Virtual Operative Assistant (VOA) used a machine learning algorithm to teach safe and efficient surgical technique and provided personalized feedback, while a deep learning system and a team of experts assessed student performance. In the other group, remote instructors watched a live feed of the surgical simulations and provided feedback based on the student's performance.

The researchers found that students who received VOA instruction and feedback learned surgical skills 2. 6 times faster and achieved 36% better performance compared to those who received instruction and feedback from remote instructors. Surgical skill plays an important role in patient outcomes both during and after brain surgery. VOA may be an effective way to increase neurosurgeon performance, improving patient safety while reducing the burden on human instructors. "Artificially intelligent tutors like the VOA may become a valuable tool in the training of the next generation of neurosurgeons, " says Rolando Del Maestro, senior author of the study in JAMA Network Open. "The VOA significantly improved expertise while fostering an excellent learning environment. Ongoing studies are assessing how in-person instructors and AI-powered intelligent tutors can most effectively be used together to improve the mastery of neurosurgical skills."

"Intelligent tutoring systems can use a variety of simulation platforms to provide almost unlimited chances for repetitive practice without the constraints imposed by the availability of supervision," says Ali Fazlollahi, the study's first author. "With continued research, increased development, and dissemination (宣传) of intelligent tutoring systems, we can be better prepared for ever-evolving future challenges."

(1) What can we learn about VOA? A. It is a kind of AI-powered tutor. B. It will gradually replace in-person instructors. C. It definitely improves patients' safety and reduces their burden. D. It has successfully helped students remove patients' brain tumor.
(2) What's the author's attitude towards VOA? A. Critical. B. Ambiguous. C. Supportive. D. Indifferent.
(3) What can be inferred from the last paragraph? A. Ali Fazlollahi is the only author of the study. B. Traditional tutoring systems need fewer observations. C. Intelligent tutoring systems have largely been used in medical education. D. Intelligent tutoring systems still need more time to develop and broadcast.
(4) What's the best title for the text? A. AI Helps Medical Education B. AI Develops Well in Medicine C. AI Replaces Human Instructors D. A New Study Improves People's Life
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Jim Curry lights a stove in the parking lot of Christ Episcopal Church in Guilford. It'll get up to 2,000 degrees, hot enough to soften the metal of shotgun parts so they can be reshaped.

A crowd is watching, and Curry picks out a 9-year-old named Oliver to help him. "This is really magic," Curry says. "Right before your very eyes, you're gonna see Oliver transform this gun, this instrument of potential harm, into something that could never be a gun ever again. It's gonna be a trowel (泥铲), which could be used to plant flowers in a garden."

"It is exciting," Oliver says. "I love the fact that you can take metal that's random and shape it into something useful."

Curry, a retired priest, is a co-founder of Swords to Plowshares (犁) Northeast, the organization putting on this event, which helps police departments manage their gun buyback programs and repurpose the weapons into gardening tools.

The finished tools are donated to community gardens and agricultural high schools and the harvested vegetables donated to soup kitchens and homeless shelters, according to the group's website.

Retired priest Mary Ann first volunteered with Swords to Plowshares when a family member fell victim to gun violence. She helps collect guns through police buybacks. "When there's such despair now in our country, people need to know that we can change. There is hope," she says.

Curry wears a constant reminder of that hope around his neck. It's two large pieces of metal molded into the shape of a cross. "It's made out of pieces of an AK-47 used for killing", he says. "But God's love breaks it apart, reshapes it, then transforms it into the sign of greatest hope — the cross. And that's why I wear it."

(1) What do Curry and Oliver do in the parking lot? A. They measure the temperature of a hot stove. B. They do magic tricks in front of many people. C. They turn what's threatening into what's useful. D. They do experiments on how to make useful tools.
(2) Where can you find the reshaped tools from the text? A. In homeless shelters. B. In some famous gardens. C. In agricultural high schools. D. In kitchens of the community.
(3) What can be inferred from Marry Ann's words? A. She feels desperate as she lost her beloved one. B. Her country may be under threat from gun violence. C. She will do something significant to rescue the world. D. Her family member was killed because of gun violence.
(4) What can you learn about Curry from the last paragraph? A. He made the cross all by himself. B. His cross is a weapon used to kill. C. The cross reminds him to reshape more tools. D. The cross represents his hope for a better life.
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