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More plants are growing and expanding around Mount Everest (local name Mount Qomolangma) as the area continues to experience the consequences of global warming, researchers have found.

Scientists from the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom used satellite data to establish increases in subnival vegetation-plants that grow between the tree line and the snow line.

Using NASA Landsat satellite data from 1993 to 201& scientists measured "small but significant" increases in vegetation cover between 4, 150 and 6, 000 meters above sea level.

''There are now more areas that are covered in plants than there were in 1993, " said Karen Anderson, a remote sensing scientist who led the research.

"We don't know what the impact is. It may be that plants trap snow and might cause it to melt more slowly. It might be that the plants cause the snow to melt more quickly, " she added.

1.4 billion people depend on water collected in the region, and changes to water cycles and supplies could have far reaching impacts, their research, published in the Global Change journal, said.

"We know that plants and the water cycle are coupled?" Anderson explained. "Wherever you have plants growing, it changes the way the water cycle behaves in those areas. "

"This is particularly important in the Himalayas because glaciers are receding (后退), and we know from lots of scientific work that this is already affecting water supplies in this region, " she added.

Climate change is already having an impact on Himalayan communities. A 2019 study from Columbia University found that Himalayan glaciers have been losing almost half a meter of ice each year since the start of this century. This is already resulting in flooding for local communities, and could ultimately result in drought.

Last year, an assessment from the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development found that at least a third of the ice in the region could melt by the end of the century.

(1) What did Karen Anderson say about their finding? A. The increase in Himalayan vegetation is huge. B. The plants prevent snow from melting. C. Water supplies have been affected in the Himalayas. D. Loss of Himalayan glaciers is continuing each year.
(2) What does the underlined word "coupled" in Paragraph 7 probably mean? A. Contradicted. B. Balanced. C. Opposed. D. Linked.
(3) What can be inferred about the research of the Anderson team? A. It has not been published. B. It is based on remote sensing technology. C. It involves a great deal of field study. D. It is jointly conducted with Columbia University.
(4) What is the text mainly about? A. Climate change is making Mount Everest lower. B. Plant life is expanding around Mount Everest. C. Why this year has been so dangerous for Mount Everest D. Urgent research is needed to understand the increase in vegetation.
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