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Lying awake for hours before falling asleep is a common problem. Even if you can finally fall asleep, taking too long to fall asleep can lead to too few hours of sleep altogether.  So people having trouble falling asleep always wonder how they can sleep well. 

Parents know from experience that gentle music can help babies. fall asleep. Science supports this, showing that children of all ages, from babies to elementary school children, sleep better after listening to comfortable music. Fortunately, children aren't the only ones who can benefit from gentle music before bedtime. 

Listening to music likely improves sleep for more. than one reason. Music can promote sleep directly by affecting your physiology (生理机能).  Besides, it can also promote sleep by becoming a healthy bedtime habit. Many people can't fall asleep quickly because stressful and worrying thoughts keep them awake at night. By listening to music, the mind has something else to focus on. With time, the practice of listening to music at bedtime becomes more effective as the brain positively associates music with sleep. 

 Studies have looked at many types of music and playlists but there isn't a clear answer about the best music for sleep. What we do know is that researchers have typically used either a self-made playlist or one that has been designed especially with sleep in mind. One of the most important things on how music affects a person's body is their own musical preferences.  For those who don't want to design their own playlist, online music services have stepped in and usually offer playlists for sleep or relaxation. 

A. It can guarantee sufficient sleep. 

B. It's natural to wonder about the best type of music for sleep. 

C. The quality and quantity of our sleep become poor as we age. 

D. Listening to music can reduce your stress and inspire positive feelings. 

E. This can have a serious effect on a person's quality of life if it continues. 

F. People across age groups report better sleep quality after listening to soft music. 

G. Useful personal playlists may include relaxing songs that have helped with sleep in the past. 

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1. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

Negative people don't do as well in any area of life including school, work, family, or friendships as those who are more optimistic and pleasant. Nobody enjoys spending time with someone who complains or criticizes. Grateful people are happier, kinder, more helpful, and more popular. .

Catch your kid being wonderful

In everyday life, it is easy to focus on what is going wrong. Practice being aware of those moments your child is doing something good, kind, or brave. .

Start a bedtime gratitude practice

Think about one thing in your life for which you are grateful. It can be a person, an activity, a future plan or even a possession. Think about how you have been or will be important in making that a happy part of your life until you fall asleep. . It is particularly useful for a child or adult who has a hard time falling asleep.

Just like adults, kids are getting annoyed when they're hungry, tired, cold or otherwise uncomfortable. So do your best to give your child a predictable routine of meals, playtime, outdoor time and rest.

Celebrate being alive

. And they usually respond well when we encourage them to focus on the goodness, surprises, and amazing beauty we can always find here and now. Notice your child's hopeful smile, your neighbor's flower garden, and colors that surround you. Say thank you to those that brighten your day.

A.Avoid predictable negative experiences

B.Making this a habit leads to a deeper sleep

C.Be frequently, openly and intentionally grateful

D.Children are much better than adults at living in the moment

E.Fortunately, there are some simple ways to practice gratitude

F.Let your gratitude be the beginning of wonderful things to come

G.Show your child how much you appreciate their presence in your life

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How to Handle Bullying (霸凌)

Bullying is not a sign of strength; it's a sign of weakness.  People who bully may well have been bullied themselves or else they feel powerless in some other areas of their lives. They bully to give themselves power or control over something.

 But they all cause suffering and stress-related illnesses to their victims. Bullyi ng isn't just physical. Emotional bullying can be just as cruel. Bullying is being constantly criticized, threatened or verbally (语言地) abused. What should you do if you are being bullied?

Write a formal letter of complaint to the bully highlighting what they are doing to you and how it makes you feel. State that although you do not wis h to take further action, you would be forced to do so should the bullying continue.

 This may seem like a difficult option if you are essentially a passive person. However, having more trust in yourself will not only help you to cope with bullying behavior, it can assist you in all other areas of communication in your life and help to improve relationships and your self-confidence. When the bully realizes that he or she can't control you, you are one step closer to solving the problem.

Make the bully your friend.  However, when you make an attempt to understand their feelings and the reasons behind the bullying, you will no longer feel so threatened by their behavior.

A. Learn to be more confident in yourself.

B. Contact a bully support line or appropriate organizations.

C. To handle bullies, we have to understand why they harm others.

D. They generally pick on the weak, who they feel will not fight back.

E. Bullying takes on many forms and there are different types of bullying.

F. This is hard, especially when you are handling negative feelings like anger and mistrust.

G. Besides, copy the letter to your teacher, manager or lawyer, depending on who is bullying you.

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Wherever you live, you always look forward to a comfortable home. However, people don't often turn it into what they want because they worry about the costs. Actually, this is a common misconception—you don't need to spend a lot of money in order to make your home cozy.


The first thing you need to do before buying or rearranging anything is clear. There is no way to turn a messy space into an attractive one without organizing it. So, the first thing you do is clearing rooms. You don't have to throw out everything. Though clearing rooms can be an ongoing process that takes time, it's worth it.

Add Green Plants

Besides the eye-pleasing effect that plants and flowers have, they also remove toxins(毒素) from the air, making your environment healthier. If that isn't enough for you, they tend to help calm people down.

Try Darker Colors

Another thing you can do to make a room look warmer is use some darker shades in the decoration. Lighter colors are great for making a room feel bigger, but darker colors create a comfortable and attractive environment.

Adjust the Lighting

Last, but certainly not least, is lighting. The lighting in a room can make or break it, depending on how you go about it. Think of using the fireplace if you have one, lighting some candles and hanging up some string lights. Even a lamp can make all the difference to the environment of a room.

A. Warm lighting can make a room pleasant and sweet

B. Disorder is the exact opposite of warm and attractive

C. You shouldn't keep plants and flowers in your bedroom

D. Throwing in some darker colors will make the room look perfect

E. Besides making it keep warm, blankets add more color to a room

F. Here are some inexpensive ways to make your home comfortable

G. One way to make a room attractive is to add plants and fresh flowers

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